Maren Kroymann
출생 : 1949-07-19, Walsrode, Germany
17-year-old Vera divides her days between volleyball and school and has a good time with friends like an average teenager. She appears to be a perfect daughter who never gets into trouble. But she has a secret hobby: she anonymously rents out an empty apartment to teenagers looking for a place to have sex. She steals the keys from her distracted mother (who manages different properties) and organizes everything. The teenagers come and go, using the apartment for a few uninterrupted hours making Vera the saviour of all their needs. With that she unlocks a new world for herself – playing invisible, Vera stays behind the closed door; her own sexual desires unfolding as she listens to other people’s pleasure.
행복해지면 나쁜 일이 일어난다고 믿는 사기꾼 남자. 불행한 삶을 유지해야 하건만, 자신을 조종하는 형과 함께 마피아 조직에 들어가면서 행복과 불행의 균형을 맞추는 데 어려움을 겪는다.
Red carpet, spotlights, screaming fans, photo- graphers chasing for the best photo, camera teams waiting for interviews - a premiere is about to take place and everyone’s eagerly awaiting to see Germany‘s biggest film star, Marvin Bosch. But Marvin’s nowhere to be seen after his interview with the bitchy tabloid journalist Bettina Bamberger ended in disaster. On the run from the media, the star lands in a small, independent feminist LGBT+ theater called “3000” of all places, which is on the verge of going out of business.
Wunderkind, scandalous author, traitor to the fatherland, fury of the theater, feminist, fashion-lover, communist, pessimist, language terrorist, rebel, enfant terrible, nest fouler, brilliant, vulnerable artist, Nobel laureate. This film about Elfriede Jelinek, who in 2004 became the first Austrian author to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature, focuses on her artistic approach to language. The montage of archive material with voiceovers and interviews, some of them recently recorded, is told from Jelinek’s point of view.
Mona Berthold
Carla Michelsen
Carla Michelsen has had enough. Each of her three children will get 250,000 euros if they sign a contract she’s drawn up to disown them. Will they go for it? Philipp, the youngest, desperately needs the money, as he’s lost a fortune through speculation. Rita takes a while to decide, but eventually also accepts this sudden break. The only one who vehemently resists it is Doro, the middle child; she values the family unit. While the siblings can’t handle staying with their mother and prefer to stay in a hotel, Doro’s daughter, Joe, stays with her grandmother. The two get along well. When Joe confesses to being pregnant, however, Carla straightforwardly advises the granddaughter to have an abortion. Joe is horrified. In a rash move, she takes off with some of the money — with unforeseen consequences.
은퇴 후 자유로운 생활을 꿈꾸던 세 황혼들! 노년의 현실이 이상과 다르다는 것을 깨닫고 조부모 대행 서비스에 등록해 새로운 '유모'로서의 삶을 시작하게 되는데…
Frau Höttermann
다른 사람을 웃게 만드는 특별한 재능을 가진 9살 한스 페테르는 이웃과 가족과 행복하게 산다. 어느날 어머니가 수술을 받게 되는데... 독일 유명 코미디언의 감동적인 어린 시절을 다룬 영화
Oma Herta
It is the year 2060 and AIDS has been eradicated. However, in some, the HIV virus has now mutated into a gene from which a drug can be produced that has become the white powder of the twenty-first century. With a virtually supported scanning system, secret police are trying to identify anyone who carries this gene. Filmed in Berlin, Taiwan-born multimedia artist and filmmaker Shu Lea Cheang’s science fiction dystopia revolves around a struggle to gain control over the production and exploitation of bodily fluids. Her film is like an orgiastic opera; a breathless round of bodies, secretions, performances and sexual acts often performed in the service of an overriding economy. An unusual, largely experimental and deliberately parapornographic drama in which the borders between the sexes as well as homo-, hetero-, bi-, trans- or intersexual are constantly blurred.
Oma Herta
Philipp and Anna live in the Berlin Babyboom-Kiez Kreuzberg. They also like to go to the playground, but with their little niece Nele. Anna does not want to know anything about Philipp's sudden desire to have a baby. She is on the verge of a professorship and insists on the old agreement: kK - no children! The more intently he makes his baby application to his wife, the more obvious is her rebuff.
Jella and her husband, Klaus, have moved to the other side of Germany to be close to their three grown children. Jella longs for the rich family life she once had; the children, however, have other priorities.
Ursula Marcipane
It's no surprise when Karo is fired. She is loud, over-emotional and egocentric, more so than the average Berliner wise-ass, says her best friend Anna. Karo is not one to give up easily, though: she opts for radical change and goes into therapy. Although her therapist advises her to keep calm, Karo throws herself into it.
The happy gay couple David and Khaled would love to marry publicly - if there weren't Khaled's homophobic father Faisal, David's pseudo orthodox Jewish acting mother Lea and a possible paternity and gallery insolvency.
Heidi Dreyer
Franziska Dreyer and Sebastian Pauli are a happy couple. When one day the police arrest her boyfriend on suspicion of murder, Franziska assumes it's a mistake. But in a trial marked by circumstantial evidence, Sebastian is tried, convicted and sentenced to life. Franziska believes he's innocent and fights to get him released. This puzzles her parents and friends who advise her to cut all ties to him. Her reaction is to marry Sebastian in prison. Then Franziska discovers completely unknown sides to her husband and now doesn't know who or what to believe any more.
Several short films about troubled gay youngsters who attempt to resolve their psychological issues through bizarre fetish play or sinister self expression.
She is the godmother of performance art. With her shocking public actions she created in the late 60s images that have burned into the general visual memory until today. The life and work of the Austrian artist Valie Export exemplify a development in art history in which women sought and found new ways and means of expression. Her work provides a feminist counterpart to the Viennese actionism of her time, which has influenced numerous artists of subsequent generations. The innovative diversity of her artistic approaches makes Valie Export an icon of 20th century art history.
Elisabeth zu Hallbach-Süren
Christiane Bauer
Christiane runs a Engineering office, is 60, in top shape and single. When her assistant Iris hooks up with a 30-year-old millionaire, Christiane makes him bad and hisses at him - but Iris has hardly left for a job in Dubai when Christiane realizes that Christoph is not too bad ...
At the beginning of 2000, the young commissioner Yvonne Weber moved from Frankfurt am Main to Eisenach. Together with the local colleague Frank Wolf, she is to review an unresolved murder case from the GDR era. The investigation team encounters inconsistencies in the file and it becomes clear that there is no interest in truth-clarifying the Eisenach department and the prosecutor's office in Gotha.
One could almost believe, two fresh lovers would kiss here tenderly. In fact, Jan and Katja come straight from the divorce judge who finished what had started promisingly - a harmonious, fulfilled marriage and family life. The common house building was too much for their relationship. While a dream came true for Katja, the building was a pure torture for Jan. He escaped more and more and started an affair. When Katja comes after the infidelity, there is only one consequence for her: Divorce.
Karla Hünsgen
Merle follows the invitation of her lover to spend the summer in the South of France. She is surprised to find only his children in the summer house. Did she expect more than she should have? An ambiguous summer full of silent desire.
Inge Borgmann
얼마 후면 곧 아빠가 될 한 경찰관이 게이인 동료에게 끌리게 되면서 삶이 흔들리기 시작한다.
고국에서의 내전으로 인한 충격과 상처에 시달리던 ‘이리나’는 베를린으로 떠나오지만, 그녀를 기다리고 있는 것은 불법체류자의 삶이다. 매춘으로 생계를 이어가던 ‘이리나’는 베를린 시내를 떠도는 펑크족 ‘칼리’를 만나게 되고, 비슷한 처지의 두 사람은 곧 사랑에 빠진다. 그러던 어느 날, ‘이리나’의 개인 매춘 업소로 찾아온 한 남성이 그녀의 침대에서 갑자기 죽게 되면서, ‘이리나’와 ‘칼리’의 짧았던 행복은 다시 한 번 파국으로 치닫게 되는데…
Dr. Carla Kreisler
A social satire in which a chauffeur accidentally becomes the editor of an online newspaper.
Sabine Schröder
Mrs. Krieger
베를린 장벽이 무너지고 새로운 역사가 시작될 무렵, 베를린의 저소득 지역 마르찬에 살고 있는 싱글맘 카티는 전화 인터뷰로 동네 미용실의 새 매니저이자 스타일리스트 일을 얻게 된다. 하지만 미용실에 도착한 그녀를 본 미용실 원장은 고용하지 않으려 한다. 원장에게 하소연하려던 카티는 길 건너편에 미용실을 낼만한 자리가 있다는 것을 발견하고는 자신의 미용실을 열어 미용실의 주인이 되리라 다짐한다.하지만 경험도 연줄도 돈도 없이 꿈을 이루기란 정말 쉽지 않다.
Renate Hammelböck
So far he has earned his living as deputy editor-in-chief at the Grevenbroicher Tagblatt, but actually Horst Schlämmer had always guessed: he was destined for something bigger - too much bigger. Without further ado, he therefore quits his old job, founds his very own party and thus starts his rush to the chancellor's office. While the election machinery is quickly started and soon picks up speed, only two questions remain unanswered: Is Horst Schlämmer ready for Germany? And is Germany ready for him?
Ursula Marcipane
When Jan decides to marry his girl-friend Sara, he is not aware of his opponent: her father, who is an Italian.
Faria Kühne
Lore - Rebecca's mother
A young couple in love: Rebecca (32) and her boyfriend Julian (34) are expecting their first child and are full of pleasant expectation. As Rebecca gives birth to a healthy boy their luck seems to be perfect. But instead of the unconditional motherly love she was expecting she is thrown into an emotional turmoil. Helplessness and desperation reign and her own baby is a stranger to her. With every day that passes her inability to meet the demands of motherhood become more and more apparent. Unable to admit this to anyone, not even Julian, she falls into a deep darkness - to the point that she realises she is becoming a threat to her child. Now only unconditional love can bring her back on track…
Dr. Kohlhage
줄거리고교 교사인 벵어는 자신이 원하던 무정부주의 수업 대신 프로젝트 수업으로 전체주의 수업을 맡게 된다. 전체주의의 여러 모습을 수업시간에 적용하는 것을 통해 그 허구와 부정적 부분을 드러내려 한 벵어의 시도는 점차 그의 의도를 넘어서 파국으로 치닫는다.
Documentary on the history of gay and lesbian film.
Bibiana Weiß
Elsa Seifert
Angelina Maccarone's intense drama deals with the obsessive relationship between a confused teenager and an elder woman. Elsa Seifert successfully works as probation officer, but the relationship to her longtime companion is in trouble since their common daughter moved out. Then she gets to know Jan, a 16-years-old offender, who frankly offers to submit himself sexually to her. Although being shocked in the beginning, Elsa gets more and more attracted by the young man...
Rent-a-baby Traffic policeman Leo Fink has two passions: Firstly the revolutionary programme he invented and developed which shall avoid any kind of traffic jam and secondly Vera Becker, head of the traffic guidance department. She, however, ignores him - at least until she sees him carrying a baby. Suddenly, the single woman, otherwise so cool, gets interested in Leo who, in turn, scents that this is his big chance. He is rather sure that he will be able to win her over to his side with the help of the baby and his pioneering plan against traffic jams which he wants to introduce to her in a presentation. But there is a small problem: Little Felix is not his son.
Maria Hanser
Uschi Krause
This documentary contains dramatized episodes about the lives of Erika and Klaus Mann, the brilliant children of German writer Thomas Mann.
TV drama about a young girl who is sexually abused inside her own family
Brigitte Schell
Tootsie Schäufele
Paula Zingg
Since childhood Peter Schlönzke dreams of a career as a TV presenter. His great role model is Heinz Wäscher, who is always looking for talented young entertainers for his popular show. Peters mother announces her shy boy for an audition, which, although mercilessly goes wrong, but brings him a job as a cable helper. He meets the popular entertainer from the unlikely side: as a bus scrapper who despises his audience. When Peter stumbles into the limelight by chance, he has a unique chance - as successor to scrubber.
Frau von dem Knesebeck