Carolyn Scott

참여 작품

아이 인사이드
Art Direction
사고 후 죽음 직전까지 갔던 사이먼은 어느 병원에서 의식을 되찾는다. 하지만 지난 2년간의 기억은 사라진 채다. 담당 의사는 단기간 기억 상실증이라며 위로를 하지만 그는 현재가 몇 년 인지도 인식하지 못하며 혼란스러워 하며 잃어버린 기억을 되찾기 위해 노력한다. 그 때 미스터리의 여인 클레어가 찾아와 그의 품안에 안겨 눈물을 흘리지만 그런 그녀조차도 알아보지 못한다. 그 후 사이먼에겐 이상한 일이 반복된다. 마지막 기억을 갖고 있는 2000년과 새로운 기억이 시작되는 2002년을 넘나들며 그의 기억을 밟기 시작한 것. 한편 기억해내지 못하는 지난 과거 속에서 형의 죽음을 알아버린 순간, 큰 충격을 받는데...
죠지 왕의 광기
Set Decoration
18세기 영국 왕실. 영국 역사상 최장기 집권(60년)한 왕 중 왕 죠지 3세(George III: 니젤 호슨 분)는 재위한지 30년이 가까워 지는데도 일선에서 은퇴할 기미를 보이지 않는다. 놀라운 것은 무려 열 다섯명이나 되는 왕자와 공주를 뒀는데도 후궁은 한명도 두지 않았다는 사실이다. 정력과 권위는 정력과 비례하는 것일까?
The Corvini Inheritance
Art Direction
The unstable security chief of an auction house becomes increasingly obsessed with his female neighbor, who's being stalked, and a supposedly cursed jewel that's being auctioned. Is he losing his mind or is the curse real?
Paint Me a Murder
Art Direction
Luke Lorenz is an artist whose paintings don't sell. His imaginative wife Sandra reasons that sales of his works would increase tenfold if he were to die, so they fake his death.
Czech Mate
Art Direction
Vicky's ex-husband, John, invites her on a trip to communist Prague. First John disappears, then her passport. Vicky finds herself alone and penniless in Prague and becomes a tragic pawn caught in a web of espionage and murder.
The Late Nancy Irving
Art Direction
A famous US golfer with an extremely rare blood type is taken to a private hospital after falling ill. Her recovery prolongs and she befriends the people there. One day, she sees a TV news report on her death and realizes she's trapped.
The Sweet Scent of Death
Art Direction
An overworked American ambassador working in the UK attempts to spend more time with his wife by visiting a countryside mansion, but soon the trip turns into a nightmare with his wife haunted by a stalker seemingly from her past.
Black Carrion
Art Direction
Two journalists search for a rock band that was popular 20 years ago but just seemed to have vanished and was never heard from again. Their investigation leads them to discover more about the band than they bargained for.
A Distant Scream
Art Direction
Lying on his deathbed, an elderly man who has spent most of his life in prison for the murder of the woman he loved is granted a supernatural chance to go back to that fateful weekend and attempt to discover what really happened...
Last Video and Testament
Art Direction
Rich old businessman suspects his much younger wife of cheating on him. When his weak heart forces him to have a risky surgery he leaves a videotaped last will and testament - with a sadistic twist.
Girl Stroke Boy
Assistant Art Director
Middle-class parents are confounded when their son brings home his new partner: an elegant, confusingly androgynous West Indian.