Joseph Dougherty

참여 작품

실리콘 밸리의 신화
Executive Producer
1971년 버클리 대학에 재학 중이던 스티브 잡스(Steve Jobs: 노아 와일 분)와 그의 친구 와즈(Steve Wozniak: 조이 스롤트닉 분)는 창고에서 컴퓨터를 제작하는 사업을 시작한다. '애플'이라고 회사 이름을 정한 두 사람은 벤처 자금을 확보해 컴퓨터를 제작하고, 박람회에서 크나큰 호응으로 회사를 점점 키워나가게 된다. 같은 시기 하버드 대학에 재학 중이던 빌 게이츠(Bill Gates: 안소니 마이클 홀 분)는 당시 발매되기 시작한 컴퓨터 '알스테어'에 쓸 언어를 개발하면서 컴퓨터 사업에 뛰어들어 '마이크로소프트'를 설립한다. 소프트웨어는 돈이 안된다고 생각한 IBM의 실수로 인해 IBM의 모든 컴퓨터에 자신의 프로그램을 제공하게 된 빌 게이츠는 갑부가 되기 시작한다. 한편 제록스의 응용 프로그램을 공짜로 가져다 쓰게 된 애플사는 그 덕에 회사의 규모를 점점 더 키우게 되고 애플 II에 이어 매킨토시를 출시할 단계에 이르게 된다. 애플의 비약적인 성공에 위기감을 느낀 빌은 스티브를 찾아가 매킨토시의 모델을 보고 윈도우즈의 개발을 준비하게 되고, 스티브는 독단적인 성격에 의해 동료들의 신임을 잃게 되는데.
Co-Executive Producer
An unlikely hero, Elwood P. Dowd. This mild-mannered-but-eccentric bachelor has, for several years, happily kept company with Harvey, a six-foot-tall rabbit that only he can see. All's well until Elwood's social-climbing sister, Veta, and her teenage daughter, Myrtle Mae, come to live with him and fear his odd behavior will undermine their ambitions. When Elwood disrupts the ladies' first afternoon tea party by introducing wealthy Aunt Ethel Chauvenet to Harvey, Veta sees that something must be done right away. She takes compliant Elwood to the Chumley Rest Home, leaving him in the car while she tells a Dr. Sanderson all about Elwood and Harvey. Sanderson concludes that Veta is the psychotic one and has her carted off to be committed. Meanwhile Elwood is treated with respect and dignity in light of his sister's mental state. When Dr. Chumley, head of the rest home, returns and hears of the case, he draws the opposite conclusion-that Elwood in fact hallucinates.
An unlikely hero, Elwood P. Dowd. This mild-mannered-but-eccentric bachelor has, for several years, happily kept company with Harvey, a six-foot-tall rabbit that only he can see. All's well until Elwood's social-climbing sister, Veta, and her teenage daughter, Myrtle Mae, come to live with him and fear his odd behavior will undermine their ambitions. When Elwood disrupts the ladies' first afternoon tea party by introducing wealthy Aunt Ethel Chauvenet to Harvey, Veta sees that something must be done right away. She takes compliant Elwood to the Chumley Rest Home, leaving him in the car while she tells a Dr. Sanderson all about Elwood and Harvey. Sanderson concludes that Veta is the psychotic one and has her carted off to be committed. Meanwhile Elwood is treated with respect and dignity in light of his sister's mental state. When Dr. Chumley, head of the rest home, returns and hears of the case, he draws the opposite conclusion-that Elwood in fact hallucinates.
Abandoned and Deceived
The film is the story of woman who is denied the pensions for her children by her ex-husband. Therefore she has to fight for her rights by appealing the courts of justice and the bureaucracy of the state.
Abandoned and Deceived
The film is the story of woman who is denied the pensions for her children by her ex-husband. Therefore she has to fight for her rights by appealing the courts of justice and the bureaucracy of the state.
Witch Hunt
Co-Executive Producer
Magic and murder connect an actress, a private eye, a senator and a witch in 1950s Hollywood.
Witch Hunt
Magic and murder connect an actress, a private eye, a senator and a witch in 1950s Hollywood.
Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman
Executive Producer
When an abused heiress grows to giant size because of her encounter with aliens, she decides to get revenge on her cheating husband and those who looked down on her.
Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman
When an abused heiress grows to giant size because of her encounter with aliens, she decides to get revenge on her cheating husband and those who looked down on her.
레이디 사이보그
Associate Producer
Daniel Emerson is acquited of the rape of classical pianist Gaily Morton, and part of the blame for the acquittal lies with the testimony of Daniel's friends Norman, Oscar, Toby, and Craig, who all helped Daniel rape Gaily. Still devastated by the rape and unable to deal with the acquittal, Gaily commits suicide by jumping off of the top of the court building as soon as the trial ends, much to the horror of her brother Albert, who is a scientist. Five years later, Daniel has made Norman, Oscar, Toby, and Craig partners in his business, which forces homeowners and their homes out of the way to make way for bigger developments. By this time, after five years of working with Gaily's body, Albert has turned Gaily into a cyborg that is programmed to get bloody revenge on Daniel, Norman, Oscar, Toby, and Craig.
레이디 사이보그
Daniel Emerson is acquited of the rape of classical pianist Gaily Morton, and part of the blame for the acquittal lies with the testimony of Daniel's friends Norman, Oscar, Toby, and Craig, who all helped Daniel rape Gaily. Still devastated by the rape and unable to deal with the acquittal, Gaily commits suicide by jumping off of the top of the court building as soon as the trial ends, much to the horror of her brother Albert, who is a scientist. Five years later, Daniel has made Norman, Oscar, Toby, and Craig partners in his business, which forces homeowners and their homes out of the way to make way for bigger developments. By this time, after five years of working with Gaily's body, Albert has turned Gaily into a cyborg that is programmed to get bloody revenge on Daniel, Norman, Oscar, Toby, and Craig.
살인 주문
In a fantastical 1940s where magic is used by everyone, a hard-boiled detective investigates the theft of a mystical tome.