Tulsi Behl

참여 작품

I Am The Impossible
A woman reclaims an offensive song and joyfully dances through London as she frees herself of the shackles of prejudice.
I Am The Impossible
A woman reclaims an offensive song and joyfully dances through London as she frees herself of the shackles of prejudice.
Left to pack up her childhood home during a national lockdown, Paloma must confront the memories of a mother she has worked hard to forget.
Left to pack up her childhood home during a national lockdown, Paloma must confront the memories of a mother she has worked hard to forget.
Actor's Assistant
인류를 위협하는 사상 초유의 위기 발생! 글로벌 범죄조직에 의해 전 세계 국가 시스템을 초토화시킬 일급 기밀 무기를 도난당하는 사건이 발생하고 CIA 요원 '메이슨'(제시카 차스테인)은 전 세계 최정예 블랙 에이전트를 모아 TEAM'355'를 결성한다. 하나의 목표를 위해 원팀이 된 TEAM'355'는 역대급 미션을 수행하기 위한 비공식 합동작전에 돌입하는데... 월드클래스 블랙 에이전트 TEAM'355' 드디어 그들이 움직인다!
Sanjay Saves the World
Sanjay, a biliouse, elderly man blind to his own loneliness finds comfort in living a humdrum, unvaried life.
Sanjay Saves the World
Sanjay, a biliouse, elderly man blind to his own loneliness finds comfort in living a humdrum, unvaried life.
Sanjay Saves the World
Sanjay, a biliouse, elderly man blind to his own loneliness finds comfort in living a humdrum, unvaried life.