Enrique Luis Veguilla

참여 작품

Honest to God
When a family man finds out he was misdiagnosed with a terminal illness, he must now make good on the promises he made to God if he were to be healed.
Honest to God
When a family man finds out he was misdiagnosed with a terminal illness, he must now make good on the promises he made to God if he were to be healed.
어셉터블 로스
테러와의 전쟁을 완전히 끝낸다는 명분으로 시리아에 핵폭탄 투하를 조언한 국가 안보 보좌관 '엘리자베스 램'. 당시의 핵 공격은 15만 명을 죽음으로 이끌며 논란의 대상이 된다. 그로 인해 '램'은 보직에서 사임하고, 고통 속에 몸부림치는데... 세상에 알려진 이야기만이 진실은 아님을 밝히기 위해 당시 핵 공격의 비밀에 대한 회고록 작성을 시작한 '램'. 이를 눈치챈 정부 요원들은 회고록 출판을 막으려 하고, 정체불명의 인물까지 나서서 '램'을 집요하게 스토킹하는데... 단 한 권의 회고록을 둘러싼 치밀한 두뇌게임이 시작된다!
Summer of '67
Based on real life events, Summer of '67 brings to life the turbulent times of the sixties and the struggles faced by the men and women impacted by the Vietnam War. Young wife and mother Milly (Rachel Schrey) is forced to live with her mother-in-law while her husband Gerald (Cameron Gilliam) is away on the USS Forrestal. Kate (Bethany Davenport) must choose between Peter (Christopher Dalton) her high school sweetheart and Van (Sam Brooks) her new hippie boyfriend. Ruby Mae (Sharonne Lanier) finally finds true love with Reggie (Jerrold Edwards) only to have him whisked away by the draft. Each woman faces the question of whether or not their man will return, and even if he does, will life as they know it ever be the same?