Sergi Belbel

참여 작품

Love Me Not
A powerful international army assigns a regiment the task of guarding a mysterious man, held in a maximum security prison in the middle of the desert. Soldier Salome, daughter of Commander Antipas, becomes obsessed with him... Eros and Thanatos together reminding us that truth is based on beauty and love.
Inverosímil Jardiel Poncela
The Spanish author Enrique Jardiel Poncela (1901-1952) was one of the best comedy writers of all time, a novelist and newspaper columnist, misunderstood, even censored, both by the Second Republic government and Francoism, an outsider ahead of his time; also a filmmaker and screenwriter in Hollywood, architect of a revolutionary theatrical building and scenographer, cartoonist and illustrator. An implausible genius.
폴링 스타
During a brief rule towards the end of the 19th century, the Italian duke Amadeo of Savoy occupied the Spanish throne. However, confined to the safety of life within the palace walls, the lonely, frustrated king and his servants succumb to playful adventures focused more on pleasure than his duties.
차일디쉬 게임즈
아이가 생기지 않는 것 빼고는 부러울 것 하나 없는 커플 다니엘과 라우라. 어느 날 다니엘에게 무서운 기억을 공유하고 있는 친구 마리오가 찾아 온다. 마리오는 자기 딸을 한번만 만져달라고 하지만 다니엘은 거절한다. 며칠 뒤, 마리오의 죽음이 전해지고 장례식에 참석한 다니엘과 라우라. 라우라는 마리오의 딸 줄리아에게 흠뻑 빠져서 임시 보호자를 자처한다. 함께 지내는 동안 줄리아는 다니엘에게 자신을 클라라라고 말하면 숨통을 죄어온다. 다니엘의 묻혀있던 과거가 조금씩 드러나며 다니엘은 줄리아를 두려워하고, 라우라는 그를 이해하지 못하는데...
에바 : 위험한 관계
로봇 개발자인 ‘알렉스’는 외국 유학생활을 마치고10년 만에 고향으로 돌아온다. 그를 처음 맞이한 사람은 대학에서 교수로 지내고 있는 그의 동생 ‘데이비드’였다. 데이비드의 마중을 받은 알렉스가 처음으로 간 곳은 그의 대학 시절 은사 ‘줄리아’가 있는 대학교였다. 알렉스가 10년 만에 고향으로 돌아온 것도 사실 줄리아의 요청 때문이었다. 줄리아는 알렉스에게 ‘SI-9’이라는 로봇을 보여주었다.
A family seen at two different periods, some 40 years having passed between the two. A dysfunctional family marked by what used to be called an ugly illness, cancer and death. The characters quarrel, hate each other, and refuse to accept in their predecessors what they will eventually, inevitably repeat in themselves. A family marked by relations of rejection, love and hate of the other, the upstairs neighbors, those strangers from a far-off land, Andalusia in the 1960s, Morocco at present, who will also form part of this repetitive game that is life. To what point is everything a metaphor or symbol of our society? Are we really strangers to ourselves?
Després de la pluja
To Die (Or Not)
If one person's destiny were altered (in this case, not dying), how might that event change the lives of numerous other people, or in this case, prevent seven others from dying.
The eroticism exudes in the eleven interconnected stories that recount difficult relationships and violent sexuality