100 Stories is literally that: one hundred quick back to back stories that jump between the lives of three main characters. We have Helen, who works at a Biotech company and who has recently discovered fine cooking. We have her boss, Marshall, an over-focused executive who is slowly losing grasp on reality and his life. And we have Brian, a socially engaged bike messenger whose thoughts are blurring the line between activism and terrorism. All three are desperately trying to give some sort of shape to their lives, they are all, in essence, trying to write their story, and in this striving are actually dramatically altering the lives of those who come into contact with them.
Hugo Borvis (uncredited)
이듬해 봄에 열릴 만국박람회로 떠들썩한 세인트 루이스의 여름. 네 명의 딸과 아름다운 아내를 둔 스미스 씨는 부유한 비즈니스맨이다. 그의 승진과 함께 온 가족이 뉴욕으로 이사를 가야만 하는데, 가족들은 이 소식이 그다지 반갑지 않다. 더구나 몇 달만 지나면 그들이 고대하던 만국박람회가 드디어 열리는데, 이를 놓칠 수는 없지 않은가. 과연 스미스 씨 가족은 뉴욕으로 가게 될까?