Kip Gowans

출생 : 1930-03-28, Cumberland, England, UK

사망 : 2011-03-11


William Rory "Kip" Gowans (March 28, 1930 – March 11, 2011) was a British assistant director and producer.

참여 작품

Of Pure Blood
Executive Producer
A mother investigating her son's mysterious death finds much more than she bargained for. Casting director Alicia Browning (Remick) takes leave of her job in NYC to investigate what happened to her son Mark (Browning) in Germany. Her persistence uncovers perplexing details that lead to the discovery of some very unsettling, and dark personal memories!
Rearview Mirror
When the psychopathic jailbreaker Hopps and his cousin steal a camper to continue their flight, they notice too late that there's a baby on the back seat. At first they want to kill it, but...
The Letter
The wife of a Malaysian planter kills an employee of her husband one night, but her motive begins to appear not entirely truthful.
The Women's Room
A wife is sick and tired of her husband's infidelities, so she leaves home and goes back to grad-school. There she meets many self-confident women who help her find her own voice.
휴먼 팩터
Assistant Director
A low-ranking Secret Service agent is conned into supplying information to Eastern Bloc countries. Although he is not a suspect due to his unimportant position, when his office partner is hauled in as a suspect he realises he has got himself into very deep water.
Assistant Director
바스크족 양치기 안소니 퀸은 미국태생 과학자 존 버그슨을 나치 점령하의 프랑스에서 페레네 산맥을 넘어 스페인으로 탈출시키는 작전을 맡게 된다. 그러나 막상 프랑스에 들어가 보니 교수뿐 아니라 병든 아내와 두 자녀가 있음을 알고 놀랜다. 이들 뒤를 냉혹한 친위대 대위 폰 베르코브가 지휘하는 게슈타포가 습격해왔다. 비밀통로로 탈출한 교수일행은 탈출 도중 레지스탕스의 습격을 받으나 위기를 모면해 짚시 캬라반의 도움으로 싼리무로 가게되나 대위에게 발각되는데...
First Assistant Director
데번에 사는 부부 안소니와 레이첼은 클로슬리라는 이상한 여행객을 만난다. 크로슬리는 사람을 죽일 수 있는‘치명적인 외침’인 호주 원주민들의 샤머니즘을 알려주고, 이로 인해 평범했던 부부의 삶은 끔찍한 방향으로 흘러간다. 로버트 그레이브의 짧은 소설을 기반으로 한 이 영화는 70년대 만들어진 초현실주의 스릴러 '위커맨'이나 '지금 뒤돌아 보지 마라'와 같은 영화들과 맥을 같이한다. 독특한 내러티브와 전례 없는 사운드 효과로 1970년대 후반 영국 공포영화의 초석이 된 작품.
A Little Night Music
Assistant Director
Fredrik Egerman is very happy in his marriage to a seventeen-year-old virgin, Anne. Only she's been a virgin for the whole eleven months of the marriage, and being a bit restless, Fredrik goes to see an old flame, the famous actress Desiree Armfeldt. Desiree is getting tired of her life, and is thinkin of settling down, and sets her sights on Fredrik, despite his marriage, and her own married lover Count Carl-Magnus. She gets her mother to invite the Egermans to her country estate for the weekend. But when Carl-Magnus and his wife Charlotte appear, too, things begin to get farcical (Send in the Clowns), and the night must smile for the third time before all the lovers are united.
The Next Man
Assistant Director
Khalil is an Arab diplomat who wants to not only make peace with Israel, but admit the Jewish state as a member of OPEC. This instantly makes him a target for a series of ingeniously conceived assassination attempts, most of which he foils with the aid of his friend Hamid and his girlfriend Nicole. But can he trust even them?
지구에 떨어진 사나이
Assistant Director
가뭄에 허덕이는 머나먼 별에 아내와 두 아이를 남겨 놓은 채 지구에 떨어진 뉴턴. 자신이 알고 있던 앞선 기술의 특허권으로 벌어들인 돈으로 물을 실어나를 우주선을 만들고자 하지만 지구인들, 특히 호텔에서 일하는 처녀를 알게 되면서 파멸의 길로 들어선다. 마음싸는 착하지만 쓰레기 문화의 소산 그 자체인 그녀가 연약한 외계인에게 가르펴준 것은 섹스와 술의 즐거움이었는데...
The Likely Lads
Assistant Director
With the destruction of their previous neighbourhood has inevitably come the destruction of the lads’ favoured watering hole The Fat Ox. Again, it’s Bob rather than Terry who is visibly distressed by this. Upset and much the worse for free alcohol, Bob then storms into the library to seek sympathy from Thelma - who is, predictably, unimpressed. So when Thelma finds out that Terry has been getting semi-serious with glamorous Finnish shop assistant Chris, she takes it upon herself to try and pair them off for good via planning first a dinner party and then that mainstay of 70s comedy, a camping expedition. Of course, things don’t go quite according to plan and before you can say ‘I can see the way this is going’ we are set up for japes, larks and embarrassing incidents aplenty, which culminate in the lads getting rather fed up with their partners’ attempts to inflict the rugged outdoor lifestyle upon them and trying to hitch up and drive off with the girls still asleep in the caravan.
The Old Curiosity Shop
Assistant Director
A kindly shop owner whose overwhelming gambling debts allow a greedy landlord to seize his shop of dusty treasures. Evicted and with no way to pay his debts, he and his granddaughter flee.
First Assistant Director
21세기의 세계는 에너지, 수송, 식량, 통신 등이 대기업에 의해 관리, 통제되고 있었다. 그것으로부테 기업전쟁도 국제 전쟁도 없고 기아 환경 오염, 인구 증가의 걱정도 없는 생활이지만 인간이 가진 잠재적 투쟁심은 격한 충동적인 모든 폭력 행위가 허용되는 '롤러볼'이라고 하는 잔인한 게임을 탄생시킨다. 이 게임의 슈퍼 히어로 죠나단(Jonathan E.: 제임스 칸 분)은 에너지 부문의 휴스톤 팀의 소속팀을 연전연승으로 이끄 기업으로부터 은퇴를 권유받는다. 그의 독립심에서 오는 개인 플레이나 압도적 투쟁력은 개인의 의지에 어긋난다고 하는 것이다. 이에 조나단은 반항심으로 기업에 대한 보복을 시작한다.
Touch Me Not
Assistant Director
A psychopathic industrial spy terrorizes a secretary late at night in a darkened high-rise office building.
Little Malcolm and His Struggle Against the Eunuchs
Assistant Director
An art student is thrown out of college. Depressed, he comes up with the Party of Dynamic Erection, a near fascist "party" that promotes male sexual dominance and which attracts a couple of other unsavoury confused characters.
검은 풍차
Assistant Director
A British agent's son is kidnapped and held for a ransom of diamonds. The agent finds out that he can't even count on the people he thought were on his side to help him, so he decides to track down the kidnappers himself.
First Assistant Director
One sixteenth-century clergyman's view breaks the Catholic Church apart.
First Assistant Director
A young boy struggles to overcome his speech problem and strained relationship with his parents.
Assistant Director
추리 소설가가 아내의 애인과 보험사기를 꾸민다. 하지만, 사건은 겉으로 보는 것과 다르게 흘러간다.
Catch Me a Spy
First Assistant Director
While on vacation, a woman's husband is taken by the Russian government. After one attempt fails, she begins looking for a suitable spy to capture and trade in exchange for her husband, but she develops an attraction to the one she thinks is a good candidate.
Assistant Director
In 1970s London, Scotland Yard orchestrates the downfall of mob boss Vic Dakin after he crosses the line by blackmailing Members of Parliament.
Assistant Director
The outbreak of World War I places Scots officer Geoffrey Richter-Douglas in an uncomfortable position. Although his allegiance is to Britain, his mother was from an aristocratic Bavarian family, and he spent his summers in Germany as a child. When Geoffrey is approached by a German spy who offers him a chance to defect, he reports the incident to his superiors, but instead of arresting the spy they suggest that he accept her offer--and become an Allied agent. In Germany, among old friends, Geoffrey discovers that loyalty is more complicated than he expected, especially when he finds himself aboard the maiden voyage of a powerful new prototype Zeppelin, headed for Scotland on a secret mission that could decide the outcome of the war.
The Ballad of Tam Lin
Assistant Director
Based upon the Celtic legend Tam Lin, a young man is bewitched by a beautiful, heartless, aging sorceress to become her lover. When his attention wanders to a lovely girl, he is doomed to ritual sacrifice by the sorceress.
다운힐 레이서
Assistant Director
An ambitious young skier, determined to break all existing records, is contemptuous of the teamwork advocated by the US coach when they go to Europe for the Olympics.
Hard Contract
Assistant Director
A cold hearted American hit man goes to Europe for "one last score". His encounter with a beautiful young woman casts self doubt on his lifeblood, and influences him to resist carrying out the contract.
겨울의 라이온
Assistant Director
전 유럽이 영토를 노린 정략결혼과 정치적 음모로 이합집산을 거듭한 1183년, 스코틀랜드에서 피레네에 이르는 방대한 영토의 주인으로 군림하고 있던 잉글랜드 왕 헨리 2세는 말년에 접어들자 크리스마스를 앞두고 왕위 계승자를 정하기 위해 모든 관계자들을 궁정으로 불러들인다. 두 왕자를 앞세워 아버지에 대한 반역을 주도한 죄로 10년째 성에 갇혀 지내던 그의 아내 엘리노 왕비와 호시탐탐 영토의 반환을 노리는 프랑스 왕 필리프 2세, 프랑스 왕의 여동생이며 헨리 2세의 정부가 되어버린 알레 공주, 정치적 야망이 가장 크고 용감한 셋째 리처드 왕자, 권력욕에 눈이 어두워 천박하기만 한 둘째 제프리 왕자, 아버지의 사랑을 받지만 무기력하고 불운한 막내 존 왕자가 모여든 궁정에서 또 한 번 왕권을 노린 음모가 싹튼다. 후대인들로부터 12세기 유럽에서 가장 강력한 여성으로 손꼽히는 엘리노 왕비의 탁월한 계략으로 반목을 거듭하던 왕자들이 드디어 본심을 드러내고 아버지 왕을 처단할 계획을 세우면서 잉글랜드 왕가와 나라는 파멸 위기에 놓인다. 헨리 2세는 그들에 맞서기 위해 냉혹한 결정을 내리고 피비린내 나는 가족 간의 왕권 다툼은 골이 깊어진다.
형사 클루조
Assistant Director
Detective Inspector Jacques Clouseau is borrowed from the Surete on special assignment for Scotland Yard in hopes that a fresh outlook will help the government recover the loot from the Great Train Robbery, which is being used to underwrite a new crime wave. What they don't count on, however, is having more than one Clouseau on the job.
더 화이트 버스
Assistant Director
A despondent young woman travels home to the North of England.
성난 군중으로부터 멀리
Assistant Director
19세기 영국 웨섹스 지방, 배스시버 에버딘(줄리 크리스티)은 넓은 토지를 물려받는다. 거기에서 그녀는 그 시대에는 거의 어떤 여자도 엄두를 내지 않을 일을 시작한다. 당시 영국 웨섹스 지방에서 그 어떤 여자들도 배스시버처럼 독립적이지 못했다. 그녀는 신이 주신 자신의 재능에 의지해, 토지를 스스로 관리하기를 고집한다. 똑똑하고 성실하며 의지가 강한 그녀는 세 명의 구혼자 후보의 관심을 받는다. 축산업과 농업에 관심이 많고 잘생기고 덩치가 큰 양치기 가브리엘 오크(앨런 베이츠)가 가장 그녀에게 알맞은 상대다. 연상이면서 무척이나 부유한, 이웃하는 땅의 주인인 윌리엄 볼드우드(피터 핀치)도 그녀를 무척이나 좋아하여 자신의 부인으로 만들고자 집착한다. 그는 다소 신경과민이고 무언가에 억압된 듯한 전통적인 신사다. 허우대 멀쩡하고, 다소 뺀질하게도 보이는 군인인 프랭크 트로이 상사(테렌스 스탬프) 역시 마음은 딴 여자에게 있음에도 불구하고, 그에게 기회가 있음을 알아보고, 배스시버를 유혹할 계획에 착수한다. 그는 여자 마음에 상처주기가 취미인 불량배에 가깝다. 하지만 고집스러운 그녀의 행동은 그녀를 사랑하는 세 남자의 삶에 예기치 않은 결과를 낳게 한다. 어느 날, 가브리엘은 양치기 개가 잘못해 모든 양들이 바닷가 절벽 아래로 떨어지는 사건을 겪고 심각한 곤란에 빠지게 되고, 프랭크 역시 시작과는 달리 점점 배스시버에게 집착하게 된다.
Assistant Director
Barney Lincoln is a rambling gambling man who scores sensational wins at poker and chemin de fer because he has succeeded in marking the original plates for the backs of all the playing cards manufactured in a plant in Geneva and used in all the gambling joints in Europe. In his gambling depredation, Barney is spotted by Angel McGinnis, the daughter of a Scotland Yard Inspector 'Manny' McGinnis on the lookout for a man to do a job. The inspector enlists Barney's help in playing poker with a shady London character whom Scotland Yard wants to force to financial ruin.
Life at the Top
Assistant Director
Successful businessman Joe Lampton is married to the wealthy Susan, has two children, and lives in the mill town of Warley in northern England. But his career seems to have plateaued, leaving him disillusioned. This feeling is only exacerbated when he discovers his wife's infidelity with local man Mark. So he takes up with attractive TV host Norah and moves with her to London, aiming to reignite the fire that drove him to the top.
잿더미에서 돌아온 아내
Assistant Director
A Jewish woman, Dr. Michele Wolf, interred in a Nazi concentration camp during WWII returns to her Paris home after the war's end. She's unaware that her husband, the handsome gigolo and chess master Stanislaw Pilgrin, has been having an affair with her stepdaughter Fabi in her absence.
Assistant Director
10대 때 결혼한 다이아나는 결혼 생활이 흔들리자 모델과 연기의 세계에 빠져든다. TV 리포터인 로버트는 다이아나 고 권력과 부를 가진 사람들을 소개한다.에게 애정을 쏟지만 다이아나는 홍보계 거물인 마일즈를 만나자 로버트의 곁을 떠난다. 하지만 다이아나에게는 마일즈 역시 더 높이 올라가기 위한 디딤돌에 불과하다
노란 롤스로이스
Assistant Director
명차 노란 롤스로이스(The Yellow Rolls-Royce) 자동차가 여러 주인의 손을 거치면서 유럽을 전전하는 과정을 그린 영화.
Boy With a Flute
Assistant Director
An advertisement in the personal column brings elderly Mrs Winters to town with her Salviani painting and leads her to an adventure she could never have imagined.
예기치 못한 일
Assistant Director
이륙 예정이던 비행기가 예기치 못한 안개로 인해 지연되면서 계획이 꼬인 사람들이 하룻밤 동안 여러 가지 일을 겪는 이야기
The Inspector
Assistant Director
At the end of WW2, a compassionate Dutch policeman helps smuggle a Jewish woman into British Palestine.
Two Way Stretch
Assistant Director
Three criminals plan to break out of prison the day before their release in order to carry out a daring jewel robbery, intending to establish the perfect alibi by returning to jail afterwards. First however they must get out, a task made more difficult by a new, stricter prison officer.
The Full Treatment
Assistant Director
Race car driver Alan Colby and his new wife Denise are involved in a car crash where he sustains a serious head injury, causing him to have murderous feelings toward Denise. After Denise persuades him to honeymoon with her on the Cote D'Azur in France, they enlist the aid of a French psychiatrist who offers to regress Alan back to the time of the accident and cure him.
Life In Emergency Ward 10
Assistant Director
Life in Emergency Ward 10 is a 1959 film directed by Robert Day. It stars Michael Craig and Wilfrid Hyde-White. It was based on the television series Emergency – Ward 10