Jill Pack

참여 작품

Came Out, It Rained, Went Back In Again
Executive Producer
A short film in which an innocent northern girl discovers her sexual identity on a trip to London, where she goes into a lesbian bar/club, and considers revealing her gayness to her mother.
Executive In Charge Of Production
늙은 화가 카라바조는 죽음의 침상에서 과거를 회상한다. 이단적이고 불손한 태도에도 불구하고 독특한 화풍으로 귀족들과 주교의 후원을 받던 카라바조는 모델 라누치오와 그의 연인 레나 사이에서 삼각관계에 빠지게 된다. 현대와 르네상스를 가로지르는 실험적인 형식 속에서 강렬한 명암대비와 빛으로 특징지어지는 16세기의 천재 화가 카라바조의 대표적인 그림들을 탁월하게 재현한 작품으로, 데릭 저먼의 영상미가 정점에 도달한 영화.
Fords on Water
Influential, cult classic, UK buddy road movie about two friends, one white and one black, who bond over their desire to escape from boredom and unemployment in Thatcher's Britain.
At the Fountainhead (Of German Strength)
Production Assistant
A rich and challenging account of the experiences of a German Jewish musician who settled in Britain to escape Nazi persecution. Two of his friends are being sued by a former SS Kommandant, who denies their accusation that he was responsible for the genocide of 300 Belgians. Documentary interviews and archive footage merge with dramatised scenes to create a new way of representing history and memory.