Paul Dannenberg

참여 작품

Mother Song
Makeup Artist
A romance between two temperamental singing stars. Highlights include a lengthy selection from Faust, with Gigli making a most impressive Mephistopheles. The plot takes a melodramatic turn towards the climax, with the lives of the characters mirrored in their on-stage behavior. Director Carmine Gallone was something of an expert in the field of filmed opera, as witness his Tosca, Rigoletto and Il Trovatore.
The Dreamy Mouth
Makeup Artist
The story begins at a concert during which Beethoven's Concerto in D major for violin and orchestra is performed. Romaine, a mysterious woman, is in the concert hall. Pierre, her husband, is first violin of the Orchester Colonne. That evening, she discovers Marcel, a brilliant concerto soloist, and falls in love with him. Pierre and Marcel are friends, which complicates the situation. Pierre invites his friend to the house, without suspecting what will happen. The young woman, trying to find a clever pretext for a one-on-one meeting, quickly reveals her feelings to Marcel.
Dreaming Lips
Makeup Artist
The young Gaby is happily married to the musician Peter but cannot ignore the impression that his friend Michael, a violin virtuoso, makes on her. Even when Peter falls seriously ill, she cannot forget her love for Michael. Torn between the two men, Gaby sees only one way out...
One Hour of Happiness
Makeup Artist
The two happy fitters Eddy and Tommy are doing overtime to ensure the great travel-exhibition of the department store they work in is ready for display. Outside, they see a poor newspaper seller, who looks longingly at the beautiful things in the display window. So they simply decide to smuggle the unfortunate inside and compete to win her favor by giving her gifts from the shelves of the department store. In their frenzy of happiness, they don’t notice that the girl is taking the fun little game for the truth. When she realizes that she has to give back the alleged gifts, she runs away.
서푼짜리 오페라
Makeup Artist
독일이 자랑하는 20세기 서양연극사의 거장 <베르톨트 브레히트>의 대표작! 도덕적으로 사는 것이 아니라 도덕을 수단으로 팔며 살아가는 자본주의시대의 뒷면을 신랄한 풍자와 비판적 웃음으로 풀어낸 브레히트 연극의 결정판 1900년 무렵 런던을 무대로 도적단 수령 메키는 거지짓을 기업화한 사업가 피첨의 딸 폴리와 결혼하지만 매춘부 제니를 배신함으로써 투옥된다. 총감의 딸 루시의 도움으로 탈옥한 메키는 다시 잡혀 교수대에 오르는데..
Ludwig II, King of Bavaria
Makeup Artist
In the last years of his life, Bavarian king Ludwig II (1845 – 1886) devotes himself to ambitious architectural projects, which strain the state coffers to the extreme. The monarch, who is afraid of people, also withdraws more and more into a dream world at his various castles. His brother is already in a psychiatric institute and Ludwig is also eventually put under the care of psychiatrist Bernhard von Gudden. The king attempts to get out from under this guardianship at Starnberg lake…
Sex in Chains
Makeup Artist
A young man is convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to a term in prison. There he forms a close relationship with his cellmate. Upon his release his wife is concerned as to how prison has changed the man she married.
밀랍인형 전시실
독일 표현주의 영화의 대표작 중 한 작품으로 세 밀랍인형- 칼리프(에밀 야닝스), 이반 대제(콘라트 파이트), 잭 더 리퍼(베르너 크라우스)-의 이야기로 구성되었다. 볼로냐 아카이브에서 복원한 프린트로 요하임 베렌즈의 피아노 연주로 상영된다. (한국영상자료원 2010 - 영화적 체험 Cinematic Experience 2)