Egor Popov

참여 작품

After experiencing a terrible tragedy, the hero leaves his former life. Everything that seemed important goes into the past — work, success, the usual rhythms of a big city. But the world of people refuses to let him go, bursts into his chosen solitude, beckons with new opportunities. Unexpectedly for himself, the hero finds a new home, where he seems to find peace, love and answers to his painful questions. But are these the right answers? And what price will you have to pay to survive and remain yourself?
블레이징 썬
쿠데타로 정부가 전복되고 대혼란의 내전으로 치닫는다. 신정부는 무력으로 군인과 민간인을 무차별 학살하고 저항군은 치열하게 반격하지만 매번 역부족이다, 마침내 비밀 특수부대가 참전하고 전면전이 시작되는데...