Self (archive footage)
The portrait of a woman who remembers. Sheila tells the story of Sheila, without concessions or evasions. Her childhood, her parents, her beginnings, the rumors, her love affairs, her marriage, her son, her successes, her farewells, her return, her mourning. The journey of an extraordinary popular icon who never stopped fighting. The courage of an artist who never gives up. "Sheila, toutes ces vies-là" is also a journey through time. 60 years of pop music, punctuated by numerous archives, personal films, timeless hits and illustrations by Marc-Antoine Coulon. But also 60 years of fashion, through a legendary wardrobe (her TV show outfits) that Sheila invites us to rediscover.
Self (archive footage)
In May 1974, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing became President of the Republic and wanted to bring about a new era of modernity. One of his first decisions was to break up the ORTF with the creation of three new television channels: TF1, Antenne 2 and FR3. Three new public channels but autonomous and competing. It is a race for the audience which is engaged then, and from now on the channels will make the war! This competition will give birth to a real golden age for television programs, with variety shows in the forefront. The stars of the song are going to invade the living rooms of the French for their biggest pleasure. This unedited documentary tells the story of the metamorphosis of this television of the early 1970s, between freedom of tone, scandals, political intrigues and programs that have become mythical.
Self (archive footage)
Sequel to 2002's "Summer Things" (Embrassez qui vous voudrez). This French comedy follows various people in two families. Bertrand and his wife, Elizabeth, are a wealthy couple who plan to vacation near the same coastal town as their friends, Jerome and Veronique, who are secretly struggling with financial problems. Meanwhile, Bertrand and his daughter, Emilie, have each been hiding a secret, and these deceptions are bound to have repercussions.
Les Vieilles Canailles is the name of the trio bringing together singers Jacques Dutronc , Eddy Mitchell and Johnny Hallyday . Les Vieilles Canailles performed for the first time on the Bercy stage , where they gave six performances, from November 5 to 10, 2014 . In June and July 2017 , the trio reform during a tour in France , Belgium and Switzerland .
Comical trip to Corse reminiscent of A very bad trip.
Joseph has just spent 20 years in prison. After being released, he has only one obsession: to make one last heist. To perform this masterpiece, he needs an accomplice. He cannot trust anyone, so decides to prepare Julie, 20 years old. The confusion and uncertainty, however, stand between these two beings so opposite ...
Gu, a famous gangster, has just escaped from jail. All french police is after him. Before leaving the country with Manouche, the woman he loves, Gu needs a final job to get some money. The job works, but a police's scheming makes Gu appear as a traitor to his own accomplices. Gu will do whatever it takes to clean his honor...
During the absence of Philipp, in his house appears the stranger, who calls himself Boris. He says that he was the school comrade of Philipp and it arrived to visit old friend. Boris charms all households and remains to await Philipp. Only one Andre- Pierre distrustful relates to the stranger.
Three couples and a single guy, from different social and career backgrounds, and of various ages, struggle with finding happiness in their lives.
Loic and Seb are a couple living in Paris's gay district, the Marais. Seb is the owner of the district's most trendy, chic and camp nightclub. It's a world devoid of judging eyes where the clientele can be themselves. Things are just terrific. What's more, Loic's dream of transmitting his heart and soul to another human being is about to come true: he's going to be a father. He gave his sperm. Things are just terrific. Marie Haguette, their accomplice, is offering them this gift, the most beautiful gift that two gay guys could receive: a baby! She's three-months pregnant, that dicey moment when things could go wrong... Maybe this is why Loic has morning sickness, contractions and cravings. Things are just terrific. Except for love, Love with a capital L of course, upsets the pie-cart. Marie falls madly in love with Charles, a wonderful stranger, but at least he's straight. What's more, he's coming to dinner tomorrow night. What should Loic and Seb do?
Bertrand Lannier
Two couple of friends, one very rich, the other almost homeless, decide to go on Holiday. Julie, a single mother, joins them too. Once at seaside, it starts a complicate love cross among them that will involve also a transsexual, a jealous brother, a Latin Lover and another nervous stressed couple. Not to mention about the daughter of one of them that is secretly in Chicago with one of her father's employees... At the end of the summer, all of them will join the same party...
Dimitri joins La Maison, a place where people are welcomed for whom medicine can not do anything anymore. There he meets Suzanne, a volunteer who is dedicated to supporting people at the end of their lives.
André Polonski
Mika is the wife of celebrated pianist Andre Polonski and stepmother to his son, Guillaume, whose mother died in a car wreck on his sixth birthday. Their lives are interrupted by the unexpected arrival of Jeanne, a young woman who has learned that she was almost switched at birth with Guillaume whilst in hospital. Also a pianist, Jeanne harbors a suspicion that she may be Andre's daughter. Andre undertakes to continue her piano tuition, but, on entering the Polonski family, Jeanne begins to notice the icily controlled Mika behaving strangely. Her suspicions aroused, Jeanne begins the dangerous task of unraveling Mika's dark past of secrets and lies...
The story of a woman that remained distracted for a long time from her life, from the passions that made her feel alive. The importance of true love is compared with the material value of diamonds. Only one truly lasts forever. She's got to find the thing that values most for her, the thing that gives psychical stability and real happiness again to her life.
Bernard Jaillac
Paris, 1996. Parisian editor Pierre Duval has an affair with Claire, wife of wealthy architect Bernard Jaillac. The latter has to supervise a large-scale operation in Morocco, he asks Pierre to join them in the desert. Bernard is obssessed by another woman, but who is she really?
After the death of his mother, twelve-year-old Martin joins his unknown father in Africa. Newly conceived by this father, who is more worried about the reserve he manages than about his 'new' son, thanks to the friendship between Fofana and Victor, Martin discovers this completely new country and its contradictions. The disappearance of the elephants brings father and son closer together.
Antoine Gardella
A young French police inspector, Christophe Vade, is assigned to investigate some mysterious murders in a village in the Swiss Alps. His superior is a man named Thurston, who uses some unorthodox methods to fight crime. Vade’s investigations lead him to a wealthy industrialist, Gardella, a dangerous and powerful man.
영화는 1890년 5월 빈센트 반 고흐가 휴양을 위해 오베르에 도착하면서 시작된다. 빈센트는 동생 테오가 매달 대주는 적은 생활비로 하루에 방세가 3프랑 50 밖에 안 되는 초라한 카페 이층의 다락방에서 지내는 동안 오베르의 아름다운 자연과 그곳 사람들의 모습을 미친 듯이 그려나간다. 오베르에서 가깝게 지내던 의사 가셰 씨의 어린 딸 마그리트는 소녀적인 순수함과 맹목적인 사랑으로 그를 열렬히 사모한다. 그녀와의 밀회를 하는 중에도 그녀의 건강하고 티없는 세계는 빈센트의 바닥을 모르는 깊은 영혼의 갈증과 허무를 채워주기에는 미흡했다. 한편으로 그는 창녀 캐티와의 관능적인 관계를 통해 소외된 사람들의 고독과 좌절을 나눔으로 해서 위안을 찾으려 한다. 또한 그를 끊임없이 따라다니던 가난은 불편함 외에도 자신이 동생에게 경제적인 부담을 주고 있다는 자책감을 준다. 동시에 동생에게 구걸해야만 하는 자신의 처지에 대한 굴욕감 등 이중으로 그를 괴롭히고 서서히 파괴해간다. 고흐의 그림이 평론가들의 주목을 받기 시작할 즈음 그의 영혼은 이미 너무도 고갈되고 황폐해져서, 그는 자신이 더 이상 그림을 그릴 수 없을 한계점에 이른 듯 느낀다. 게다가 자신을 유일하게 이해한다고 믿었던 동생이 다른 모든 화상들처럼 자신을 착취하고 있는 듯한 배신감은 정신적으로 그는 더욱더 막다른 골목으로 몰린다. 그에게 구원의 여신상처럼 비췄던 아름답고 열정적인 제수 조안나 역시 남편 테오에게 갈등을 불러일으키고, 경제적인 부담을 주는 빈센트를 자신의 가정에 위협적인 존재로 생각해 그에게 등을 돌린다. 그에게 무조건적인 사랑을 쏟아왔던 마그리트도 시간이 감에 따라 빈센트의 광기와 정신의 황폐함에 절망한다.
Van Gogh
영화는 1890년 5월 빈센트 반 고흐가 휴양을 위해 오베르에 도착하면서 시작된다. 빈센트는 동생 테오가 매달 대주는 적은 생활비로 하루에 방세가 3프랑 50 밖에 안 되는 초라한 카페 이층의 다락방에서 지내는 동안 오베르의 아름다운 자연과 그곳 사람들의 모습을 미친 듯이 그려나간다. 오베르에서 가깝게 지내던 의사 가셰 씨의 어린 딸 마그리트는 소녀적인 순수함과 맹목적인 사랑으로 그를 열렬히 사모한다. 그녀와의 밀회를 하는 중에도 그녀의 건강하고 티없는 세계는 빈센트의 바닥을 모르는 깊은 영혼의 갈증과 허무를 채워주기에는 미흡했다. 한편으로 그는 창녀 캐티와의 관능적인 관계를 통해 소외된 사람들의 고독과 좌절을 나눔으로 해서 위안을 찾으려 한다. 또한 그를 끊임없이 따라다니던 가난은 불편함 외에도 자신이 동생에게 경제적인 부담을 주고 있다는 자책감을 준다. 동시에 동생에게 구걸해야만 하는 자신의 처지에 대한 굴욕감 등 이중으로 그를 괴롭히고 서서히 파괴해간다. 고흐의 그림이 평론가들의 주목을 받기 시작할 즈음 그의 영혼은 이미 너무도 고갈되고 황폐해져서, 그는 자신이 더 이상 그림을 그릴 수 없을 한계점에 이른 듯 느낀다. 게다가 자신을 유일하게 이해한다고 믿었던 동생이 다른 모든 화상들처럼 자신을 착취하고 있는 듯한 배신감은 정신적으로 그는 더욱더 막다른 골목으로 몰린다. 그에게 구원의 여신상처럼 비췄던 아름답고 열정적인 제수 조안나 역시 남편 테오에게 갈등을 불러일으키고, 경제적인 부담을 주는 빈센트를 자신의 가정에 위협적인 존재로 생각해 그에게 등을 돌린다. 그에게 무조건적인 사랑을 쏟아왔던 마그리트도 시간이 감에 따라 빈센트의 광기와 정신의 황폐함에 절망한다.
Martin and Gert lead a very quiet life, until the day when their path crosses that of Marie and Francis. Martin, the shy one, lets himself be seduced by Marie. Gert wasted no time in understanding and dropped into Francis' arms.
루카스(Lucas: 쟉크 뒤트롱 분)와 블랑쉬(Blanche: 소피 마르소 분)는 파리 몽파르나스 역 근처의 한 카페 테라스에서 처음 만난다. 루카스는 첫눈에 블랑쉬에게 사랑을 느끼고 블랑쉬 또한 호기심에서 루카스에게 접근하려 한다. 그러나 동료들의 방해로 블랑쉬는 그날 새벽 파리를 떠난다. 블랑쉬가 떠나자 자신의 감정을 억제 할 수 없게 된 루카스는 짐을 챙겨 대서양 연안의 끝없는 해안선이 펼쳐지는 휴양지 비아리츠로 떠난다. 그곳 호텔에 여장을 푼 루카스는 습성인 혼자 지껄이기를 멈추지 않으면서 밤이 오길 기다려 호텔 나이트 클럽을 찾는다. 뜻하지 않게 그곳에서 블랑쉬와 다시 마주친 루카스는 우연한 운명속에 사랑을 고백하고 두 사람은 사흘 밤낮을 함께 지낸다. 그리고 루카스와 블랑쉬는 운명의 만남을 끝까지 지속하자며 입맞춤과 함께 바닷속으로 천천히 들어간다.
Swaying between pleasure and despair, Elric throws himself into his pathological passion for the casino. Meeting Suzie could have saved him, but the young woman also sinks into gambling hell. The couple then start getting involved in the fearsome world of professional cheaters.
After the birthday party of his wife Odile, Louis accompanies a friend to the station. When the train leaves he starts reminiscing about his youth.
Arnold Samson
An insurance investigator meets an attractive woman in a hotel on his way to check out the causes of a fire that destroyed a movie set.
Pierre Valois
Doctor Valois has invented the "flashage", a cure for depressed people. After having tested it on monkeys, he tries with a first human patient, Alain Durieux. This is great success, everybody's happy except may be Alain's wife, Jeanne, who's worrying about the changes in Alain's personality. Other patients use the treatment with similar successes, and Valois's happy about it. But the monkeys are changing: non-cured ones are made mad by the over-stability and stereotyped behaviour of the cured ones. So are the humans. When Valois realises he can't stop the process, he decides to "flash" himself.
Eric Plante
An official's earlier rise to power had some sordid aspects that are about to be uncovered by the death of his uncle. While he is trying to contain any potential scandal, the man becomes enamored of the daughter of his uncle's maid. This new romance inspires him to forget worries about a public image and focus on a new life -- not any easy objective when unsavory friends and foes have their own agendas in mind.
The time is the 1930s and two Soviet spies (both Frenchmen by nationality) have been helping Communist factions during the Civil War in Spain. It is the time of Stalin's iron rule in the USSR, and the two agents are suddenly called to Moscow by the KGB. Knowing that they are in trouble for no fault of their own, fear drives one of them to suicide while the other gets his lover and her child and begins a run for his life, knowing that the KGB will never let him go free.
In southern France, in a quiet little town, the mayor, who also owns a castle with some cattle, is in the wine cellar with some other people: the pharmacist, the veterinary, and some of his employees. As they are drinking wine, they hear a terrible noise and the heat's getting higher and higher. They don't realize what's happening: when they come out of the cellar, they realize that everything has burned, and all the buildings are destroyed...
A televisual journey guided by Jean-Luc Godard inside his film Sauve qui peut (la vie), incorporating filmed conversations between him and Isabelle Huppert and the film critic Christian Defaye.
Paul Godard
고다르가 정치적 비디오 작업에 열을 올렸던 70년대를 마치고 극영화로 되돌아와 만든 첫 번째 작품으로 영화 감독과 애인, 창녀라는 세 인물을 통해 사랑과 성, 삶, 그리고 영화란 무엇인지에 대해 묻고 있다. 제작자인 폴 고다르는 편집일을 하는 드니즈 랭보와 연인 사이이다. 한편 폴은 창녀 이자벨의 단골 손님이기도 하다. 폴이 드니즈와 함께 시골 별장에 간 어느날, 때마침 이자벨 또한 그곳을 찾는다. ‘상상’, ‘상업’, ‘삶’, ‘음악’ 이라는 네 개의 파트로 이루어진 옴니버스 영화로 고다르 특유의 슬로우모션과 실험적인 기법, 매혹적인 이미지와 사운드들이 묘하게 어울린다.
Two little criminals without major, dream of adventure and easy life. They agree to go to work in the Poitou as representatives of musical encyclopedias luxury. But their friend Valerie arrive from Paris and just changes their life.
A very Parisian night. Paul plays at strangling Colette because she doesn't inspire him a single, damn camera shot. Early in the morning, he takes flight because the future is for those who get up early. Was it too late? It's too early to say.
Vincent Messonier
Loïc Le Guenn
Three men with a penchant for gambling on the horses soon find themselves in trouble because of their addiction. Pierre (Michel Piccoli) is the math whiz who uses his talent for picking the winners. Charles (Michel Galabru) is the wealthy scrap-iron magnate who has embarrassing evidence on many prominent political figures. Loic (Jacques Dutronc) is the aspiring politico who seeks to further his career by any means possible. Charles approaches Loic and asks his political party for a loan in hopes of fixing an upcoming race....
Simon Lacassaigne
Françoise has gone into business seducing men whose wives want to divorce them, and who need incriminating evidence against them. In addition, she has a little blackmail operation going on on the side with politicians who can't afford a scandal. She got started on this business after she was raped, and hasn't looked back since. Now the police are on her trail, and she avails herself of the services of a couple who make a profession of hiding wanted criminals. At the hideout, she meets Simon, a second-generation mobster. As the police close in, Françoise and Simon go on the run together, pulling off occasional heists for operating money. Before long, they have also fallen in love.
Julien seeks to reconquer Jeanne, his ex-wife, of whom he is separated and who lives with another man. He is prepared to go far to make it happen.
Self (archive footage)
Jean-Luc Godard proposes a diary of his creative process. Looking at photos of three actors, Jacques Dutronc, Isabelle Huppert, and Miou-Miou, who were previously cast to play in "Sauve qui peut (la vie)," Godard speaks about great image makers: Dreyer and Wim Wenders, the painters Edward Hopper and Pierre Bonnard.
Pierrot, a short-sighted, indolent and distracted young boy gets involved in a carnival at the Palais de la Rigolade whose main attraction is to place the women in an ascending current of air which makes their skirts fly. A fight in this Palace makes him lose his job. Then he meets Yvonne, the daughter of Pradonet, the owner of the funfair. He falls in love with Yvonne who hardly seems to share his feelings.
L'Etat Sauvage is based on the novel by Georges Conchon which won the highly esteemed Prix de Goncourt. The story chronicles the mindless racism of both the departing French colonial overlords and the emergent black Africans in a newly emerging African state. Laurence (Marie-Christine Barrault) suffers the outrage of her white acquaintances, including her former lover Gravenoir (Claude Brasseur) and her ex-husband Avit (Jacques Dutronc), for her affair with Patrice Doumbe (Doura Mane), an official in the new government. He in turn is ridiculed by his fellow cabinet ministers for stepping out with a white woman. The vilification escalates to such a point that Patrice is brutally murdered, and Laurence barely escapes the country alive, with the help of her ex-husband Avit.
Reporter renowned photographer, Danièle Gaur is conducting an investigation into the alleged accident of her husband Michel. Her research is gradually leading her to discover the workings of a plot to assassinate US Foreign Secretary John W. Maxwell.
François Leuwen
Violette and François are a couple with a child.As they cannot lead a good life with odd jobs,François starts to steal.
Middle-aged businessman, Simon Léotard finds his future in jeopardy when his partner Julien commits suicide after having accumulated a mass of debts. Simon's unscrupulous business rival Lépidon offers to save him from bankruptcy by buying his company, at a discount rate. Reluctant to fall into Lépidon's trap, Simon decides to resolve the crisis himself. A prostitute, Mado, provides him with the solution to his problems...
The film follows the exploits of Jacques, a car-mechanic turned pro-thief, and his Jewish co-conspirator Simon as their robberies, beginning well before the Second World War, take on a political coloration under the occupation.
Jacques Chevalier
별 볼일 없는 프리랜서 사진작가 세르베(파비오 테스티 분)은 영화계의 스타를 꿈꾸지만 싸구려 에로영화에 출연하며 돈을 버는 불운한 여배우 나딘 슈발리에(로미 슈나이더 분)을 보고는 사랑에 빠져든다. 그녀의 애정을 얻고 싶었던 세르베는 나딘에게 여주인공의 역을 주기 위해 연극 "리처드 3세"를 제작하기로 하고 암흑가의 고리대금업자에게 돈을 빌린다. 처음에는 그에게 차가운 반응을 보이던 나딘은 세르베의 적극적인 노력에 점차 마음을 열어가고, 결국 나딘은 남편인 작크(작크 뒤트롱 분)과 세르베 사이에서 갈등하고 있는 자신의 모습을 발견하게 된다.
Léon Bonnet
A film by Jean-Marie Périer.
A film by Jean-Marie Périer.
Original Music Composer
Pierre is a middle-aged factory worker with plenty of unresolved anger. After his father's death, his mother feels compelled to move in with him. Having just moved there with his beautiful girlfriend, he begins to feel the pressure. When the May Day revolt begins, he goes crazy.
Homage to the novelist Delly, to celebrate her centenary, a mini-soap opera (silent photo-novel style with bubbles) with Françoise Dorléac in the role of the orphan Garlonne and Jacques Dutronc in that of the young director Alban.