Sebastian Levy Polat

참여 작품

By Deception
Sound Mixer
A promising novelist finds himself trapped in a terrifying reality as he reckons with the notion that a murderer is in his midst.
터보 콜라
With all of his friends headed to a party on the last night of 1999, Austin takes an extra shift at the Quality Mart gas station and is forced to look down the barrel of what it means to graduate high school and face a future stuck in his middle of nowhere hometown. He's got one night to make his dreams come true, legal or not, and he's taking it.
터보 콜라
Sound Mixer
With all of his friends headed to a party on the last night of 1999, Austin takes an extra shift at the Quality Mart gas station and is forced to look down the barrel of what it means to graduate high school and face a future stuck in his middle of nowhere hometown. He's got one night to make his dreams come true, legal or not, and he's taking it.
목격자를 남기지 마라
Sound Designer
한 마약 중독자들이 빈 집을 털기 위한 절도 계획을 세우던 중, 홀로 살고 있는 `딕선` 부인의 집을 표적으로 삼게 된다. 한편, `딕선`의 딸 `에나벨`은 어머니를 만나기 위해 남편과 함께 서프라이즈 방문을 계획하는데... 그 사이 `딕선`이 잠시 집을 비운 동안 마약중독자들과 `에나벨` 부부가 마주치고, 당황한 마약중독자들이 `에나벨`의 남편을 죽이게 된다. 계획에 없던 살인까지 저지르게 된 마약중독자들은 복잡해진 상황 속에서 어려운 결정을 내려야만 하는데... 과연 살아남은 `에나벨`과 마약 중독자들의 운명은 어떻게 될 것인가?