Rong Weifeng

프로필 사진

Rong Weifeng

참여 작품

마고의 무덤
Adjutant Yang
Zhang Sanye, the descendant of Guanshan Taibao, went to Longtang Township with his apprentice at the invitation of his junior brother He Laodao. In order to avoid the loss of life in Ezhou, Zhang Sanye and others are determined to find the legendary tomb of Magu before the warlord Luo Manzi. A group of people went through all kinds of dangers and finally found the tomb, but Mr. Zhang discovered that the tomb robbery was actually a trap carefully arranged by He Laodao and Luo Manzi. There was a bigger conspiracy behind the treasure in Magu's tomb...
Grandpa Tea
Li Jinlong
Yang Yi
요괴 소용과 백면서생 왕회경과 그의 아내 아약의 얽히 고 설킨 치정(사랑)을 그렸고 인간과 요괴의 겉모습보다 중요한 내면,삶과 죽음 사이에서 배회하는 욕망의 여정 을 그려낸 작품입니다.
The Story Of The Night Watcher
Zhuang Han
물괴: 검은숲의 비밀
실종된 동생을 찾기 위해 검은 숲속 외딴 마을로 간 두자자. 도착했을 때부터 오싹한 기분이 드는 마을에선 물괴를 신처럼 떠받들고 있다. 그곳에서 동생의 실종이 물괴와 연관됐다는 충격적인 사실을 알게 되는데...
이 영화는 멸종의 위기에 처한 아나콘다를 보호하기 위해 진정 등이 이익만을 추구하는 뱀잡이 집단과 싸우는 이야기를 다루었다. 특수부대원을 퇴역한 국가 뱀 데이터 수집원인 진정과 저우샤오샤오, 마분 세 사람은 킹뱀섬에 데이터를 수집하러 갔다가, 뜻밖에 김넷째를 우두머리로 한 흉악한 뱀잡이 집단을 만나게 된다. 아나콘다가 알을 낳을 때 두 팀은 필사적으로 싸우기 시작했으며 결국 진정 일행은 무사히 킹뱀섬을 떠났고 사리사욕에 눈이 먼 김넷째는 아나콘다에게 한입에 먹혀버렸다. 이야기의 끝에 킹뱀섬는 뱀보호구로 지정되였고 진정 세사람도 생태평화를 수호하고 자연환경을 보호했다.
Rabbit Hole
Seventh Brother
During the WWII Japanese invaders carried out a "sweep" on the Jizhong Plain. Progressive young man Ye Cheng returned from studying in Peiping and joined the tunnel construction in the native village. Faced with incomprehension and doubt, under the leadership of Political Commissar Ma, Ye Cheng became the new leader for villagers
Jia Ming
요괴에게 아버지를 잃은 주인공이 우연히 기문둔갑의 정수를 얻게되고, 무은문파의 4대 고수를 사부로 삼아 아버지의 복수를 위해 법술을 수련하게 되는데...
The Water Monster
Hai Tiao
Shui Sheng witnessed his father being killed by the "water monkey" monster when he was young. Ten years later, the water monster reappeared and killed the younger brother and father of the heroine Xiang Lan. In order to save her, Shui Sheng launched a fierce battle to break feudal superstitions and to catch the water monster.
Search for Dragons in the Three Realms
The Emperor's son-in-law
Schoolboy Cui Lin, the president of the university's voice club, was captured by the Cosmic Correctional Facility for being overly narcissistic, arrogant and toxic, causing a lot of negative energy to those around him. He was sentenced to turn into an umbrella for the rest of his life to serve humanity. To escape the tragic fate of being turned into an umbrella, Trey Rin sets off to another land on another planet and sets out to find the dragon's soul left behind there. He meets the powerful martial artist Jin Haitang, who is able to recharge his batteries, and the crown prince, who is forced to be in trouble in the palace. In order to break the master's plot, they set up a trap to lure him into a trap, but unexpectedly the master releases negative energy that is strong enough to destroy the planet.
The Secret Service
Zhuge Shuaishuai