Zion Battles

참여 작품

It's 1960. Young activist, Nelson Mandela, rallies the people of South Africa to protest against the racial segregation of apartheid. In 1962 he is arrested and sentenced to life in prison, where he will spend the next 27 years, taken from his wife and children, as the fight for freedom sweeps his country. Infused with the rhythms of South Africa, this soaring new musical tells the extraordinary story of a man who changed the course of modern history—the sacrifices he made as a husband and father, and the global movement that inspired him and his comrades to keep fighting.
에브리바디스 토킹 어바웃 제이미
Levi Brookes
16살 소년 제이미는 어려움에도 굴하지 않고 용감하고 화려하게 평범하지 않은 꿈을 좇는다. 센세이셔널한 뮤지컬로 각색된 감동 실화.