Masayuki Kunioka, who had been living in Tokyo for a while, was in a hurry. To his surprise, his mother found out his occupation because of his previous "Kunioka" work. Kunioka originally worked as a company employee after graduating from high school, but resigned because he did not fit in. He worked as a hitman without telling his mother about it. However, his mother found out about it. Kunioka came to Osaka to explain and greet his mother at home, but his colleague Manaka and cameraman HANAMOTO also came along to join him for an Osaka travel location show. Kenta Osaka joins him on what is supposed to be a fun trip, but Saito, the Naniwa Assassin, catches his eye. Will Kunioka be able to enjoy his trip to Osaka to the end, and will he be able to convince his mother of his profession? The first installment of the Kunioka Gaiden series! Translated with (free version)
In the first half of the Naruse part, a man who has become a bra because he loves bras has withdrawal symptoms from his sister's big breasts, and is treated with his sister's small breasts. And in the second half of the Kondo part, a man who likes panties so much that he ends up in panties is severely punished by an S beautiful girl.
In 2018, director Sakamoto was working on a script for his new movie "Baby Assassins." He learns of a hitman business network called "Kansai Hitman Association" and applies for interviews as a reference for writing scripts. He is introduced to Masayuki Kunioka, a freelancer who is known as the strongest hitman in Kyoto. Sakamoto decides to follow Kunioka in his day-to-day life. One day, Kunioka kills the wrong person due to miscommunication with the client and is targeted by both the hitmen sent from the furious client and those who are aiming for revenge on behalf of the victim.
Ordinary college students dropped by a strange village on the way to their camp. Persuaded by a seemingly friendly villager to stay over, but brutal killings start to occur in the following morning.
후카미 아키라는 어린 시절 아버지 미쓰오가 누군가에 의해 살해된 이후 일본 지하 세계를 지배하고 있는 마지마 그룹의 요시키 회장에 의해 길러졌다. 그는 조직의 특급 암살자로 활동하면서 평소에는 회장의 딸 유이가 다니는 고등학교의 청소부로 일하며 비밀리에 그녀를 경호하고 있다. 어느날 조직 내 반란이 일어나고 회장은 후카미에게 숨겼던 과거를 알려준다. 그리고 유이를 지켜달라는 최후의 업무를 맡긴다.
중학교 1학년생 키라와 4인조 패거리는 막 나가는 아이들이다. 어느 날 키라는 이츠키라는 소년을 괴롭히다가 죽음에 이르게 하지만, 형사재판에서 증거 불충분으로 불처분 결정을 받고 풀려난다. 집단 괴롭힘 문제를 정면으로 다루는 의 본격적인 이야기는 이제 시작된다. 키라는 소셜미디어와 유튜버의 표적이 되고 학교는 전학을 권하며 키라의 아버지는 해고까지 당한다. 그리고 6개월이 흘러 키라는 다른 곳에 살게 됐지만 그의 삶은 평정을 찾지 못한다. 키라도 초등학교 때 집단 괴롭힘 피해자였다는 사실이 알려주듯, 이 영화는 끊어지지 않는 집단 괴롭힘의 순환 구조를 보여주는 지옥도에 가깝다.
The Fukushima family is driven to collapse after the eldest, who has dementia arrives home with the corpse of a child.
A creepy loner college student faces off against thug siblings.
In this deranged and unpredictable comedy, a passionate aficionado of bread stages a revolution against a tyrannical baker.