Akira (Mako Komaki) was helped by Tetsuko (Moe Amatsuka), a user of "Hadakaken", who was attacked by the vigilantism. She tries to learn "Hadaka Fist" to help her captive boyfriend, but it is a fist method that causes the other party to die by sexual intercourse. Using "Hadakaken" means losing her virginity. Should I protect my boyfriend (loved one) or virgin (virgin)? What is the too sad conclusion of the maiden who is shaken by the conflict?
영화감독이 꿈인 청년 ′신고′ 앞에 대학 시절 영화 동아리 선배이자 1년 전 자살한 ′카와시모′가 유령이 되어 나타난다. 못 다한 한을 풀고자 돌아왔다는 ′카와시모′의 소원은 다름 아닌 대학 후배 ′아오이′와의 하룻밤. 그 웃픈 마지막 소원을 이뤄주고자, ′신고′는 ′카와시모′와 함께 과거로 타임 슬립을 감행한다. 어쩌면 ′카와시모′가 ′아오이′와 맺어질 수도 있을 지도 몰랐던, 그 시절 어느 하루로.
Having failed with his business and gone absolutely penniless, Masao (45) divorced with his wife, and is currently leading a hopeless life in Ibaraki. One day, a mysterious high school girl, going by the name Emiko, showed up before Masao. Every now and then, Masao would be toyed around by Emiko, but little by little he started taking a liking to her loveliness. As days went by, Masao started opening up to Emiko – something that he rarely did to others. However, there was just something about Emiko – something that bothered Masao - that wouldn’t go away.