Daria Drykina

참여 작품

Unwanted People
By night, Liudmyla works as a toilet cleaner in a fashionable music club where she meets obnoxious and spoiled people who disrespect her because of her job. During the day time she looks after her husband, who is sick with Alzheimer disease. The contrast between her professional life, in close proximity to the very rich and their over the top surroundings, and the modest manner in which she lives her life slowly leads Liudmyla to a mental break-down. The only amusement or release that she has - is her platonic attraction towards an angelic and sexy women singer - who herself has no interest towards Liudmyla whatsoever. When Liudmyla can't bare this dull routine any longer, she begins to fantasize that she can run away from her responsibilities toward her husband, to leave him in the "swarm" of other "unwanted people".
다크 월드: 이퀄리브리엄
원래 다크 월드에서만 볼 수 있는 어둠의 존재 ‘섀도우’는 사람들의 에너지와 감정을 빨아먹으며 기생하는 생물이다. ‘레베데바’는 이 ‘섀도우’를 잡아 다시 다크 월드로 반송하는 임무를 맡는다. 그러나 다크 월드의 포털을 열어 전 인류를 지배하려는 악의 세력들이 점점 더 커져간다. 어둠의 힘으로 인류를 지배하려는 악의 세력에 맞서기 위해 놀라운 힘을 가진 초강력 능력자들이 이제 전쟁을 시작한다.