눈처럼 새하얀
In the Chatterley’s country estate, monotonous days follow one after the other for Constance, trapped by her marriage and her sense of duty. During spring, deep in the heart of Wragby forest, she encounters Parkin, the estate’s gamekeeper. A tale of an encounter, a difficult apprenticeship, a slow awakening to sensuality for her, a long return to life for him. Or how love is but one with experience and transformation.
It is the end of the judicial control of Thierry Chartier, 18 years old. He was a virgin in Heuzecourt, a small village in the north of France populated by farmers and retired miners, where his paternal grandmother lived. He earns his living by helping out in the fields, he helps his grandmother, and would like to take over the farm. But, following an incident, he is condemned to seven years of criminal imprisonment, for complicity of murder, Thierry leaves on parole with an English diploma and a tattoo. But above all a guilt forever anchored. It is now up to him to rebuild his life.
Shortly before her wedding, art gallery director Nora travels from Paris to Grenoble to visit her preteen son, Elias, who is spending time with her aging professor father, Louis, recently diagnosed with terminal cancer. During her stay, she reaches out to her former lover, Ismael, a viola player and father figure to Elias who has been committed against his will to a mental hospital. Ismael, however, has his own problems to sort out.
A humble copy editor becomes a personal assistant to her favorite actress and eventually loses herself both in the actress' demands and her own ego.
The one joy in the lives of a mother and daughter comes from the regular letters sent to them from Paris from the family's adored son, Otar. When the daughter finds out that Otar has died suddenly, she tries to conceal the truth from her mother, changing the course of their lives forever.
The psychiatry department of a young doctor Cora has just admitted a young lady who refuses to speak and whose identity remains unknown. Cora becomes fond of her patient and establishes a relationship which goes beyond the usual course of treatment. She feels a kind of "call" from this woman as a strange and strong tie grows between them. One day, Cora learns that the identity of her patient has been discovered. Her name is Loa, she is a stranger, she has been sent back home…to Iceland. Cora, who had no idea of this woman's life outside their relationship, is deeply moved : she decides to meet up with her in order to finish the treatment.
이자는 스물 한 살. 커다란 배낭을 짊어지고 도시에서 도시로 떠돌아 다니며 틈틈이 자신이 만든 카드를 팔아 생계비를 번다. 낯선 도시 릴르로 친구를 찾아왔지만 친구는 벨기에로 이미 떠난 뒤 갈 곳 없는 그녀는 공장에 취직하고 그 곳에서 동갑내기 마리를 만난다. 그늘진 얼굴에 말이 없는 마리는 이자가 자신의 아파트에서 지내는 것을 허락하지만 사실 그 아파트는 교통사고로 중태에 빠진 어느 모녀의 것. 혼수상태에 놓인 모녀가 죽기라도 하면 금방 다른 사람의 손에 넘어갈 상황이다. 외향적이고 남을 보살피기 좋아하는 이자와 예민하고 연약한 마리. 외모도 성격도 정반대이지만 둘은 금세 친구가 된다. 일이 서툰 이자가 해고당하자 마리도 함께 직장을 그만 둔다. 일자리를 찾아 거리를 배회하던 둘은 나이트 클럽 기도인 샤리와 후레도를 만나 함께 어울려 다니고 돈이 필요한 마리는 사랑하지도 않는 샤리와 함께 관계를 가진다. 이자는 다른 일을 찾아서 열심히 살아가지만 마리는 세상과 단절된 채 오직 자기 자신에게만 빠져든다. 어느날 마리는 나이트 클럽 주인인 크리스를 만난다. 매력적인 외모와 부를 겸비한 그에게 매료된 마리는 사랑해서는 안될 사람인 걸 알면서도 점점 집착하게 되고 그런 마리를 사랑하는 샤리는 묵묵히 옆에서 지켜만 볼 뿐이다. 이자는 안타까움과 걱정어린 마음으로 마리에게 충고하지만 오히려 둘은 크게 다투고 급기야는 이자가 집을 나가게 되는데.