Directed by award winning filmmaker Ben Masters, Deep in the Heart is a visually stunning celebration of Texas’ diverse landscapes and remarkable wildlife found nowhere else. Told through the eyes of wildlife species ranging from the mysterious blind catfish to the elusive mountain lion, the film follows our ever-changing relationship with the natural world and how we affect it. Narrated by beloved Texan, Matthew McConaughey, the film aims to safeguard our remaining wild places and to recognize the importance of Texas’ conservation on a continental scale.
Yukon vet, Michelle Oakley and wildlife filmmaker, Filipe DeAndrade draw on their own knowledge and personal anecdotes to teach the viewer a thing or two about critters that will kill you.
미국과 멕시코의 접경에 있는 리오 그란데 강을 따라 감독과 네 명의 친구들이 12,000마일의 여행을 시작한다. 트럼프 시대에 국경 장벽 건설이 현실적 문제로 대두되면서, 환경운동가들에게도 이 장벽이 생태계에 미치는 영향에 대한 문제는 피할 수 없는 질문이 되었다. 5명의 일행은 자전거와 무스탕, 카누를 타고 국경을 여행한다.
Wildlife filmmaker Filipe Deandrade hosts a journey into one of the most biologically diverse countries in the world, Costa Rica.
Narrator (voice)
There is a beach in Costa Rica that challenges what we think we know about big cats. Americas largest cat, the jaguar, is hunting an unusual prey; sea turtles.