Cheng Thim Kiam

참여 작품

말레이시아의 외딴섬. 자하라는 거북알을 몰래 팔아 생계를 유지하며 조카를 돌본다. 어느 날 섬에 나타난 낯선 남성 사마드. 그는 장수거북을 연구하기 위해 섬을 방문했다고 소개하며 자하라에게 안내를 부탁한다.
Return to Nostalgia
Location Manager
Local filmmaker Woo Ming Jin and his crew traversed across Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore to find 'Seruan Merdeka' (1947) - the first film made in Malaya post-WWII, and also the first film in the history of Malaysian cinema to feature a biracial cast of Malays and Chinese. While tracking the film's whereabouts, Woo met many locals along the way, whom he interviewed in an effort to find out more about the country's history.