Christian Tafdrup

Christian Tafdrup

출생 : 1978-04-08, Copenhagen, Denmark

프로필 사진

Christian Tafdrup
Christian Tafdrup

참여 작품

Meter i sekundet
It follows a Copenhagen couple's new life at a West Jutland folk high school.
스픽 노 이블
이탈리아 토스카나에서 휴가를 보내던 덴마크에서 온 ‘비외른’과 아내 ‘루이세’, 딸 ‘아그네스’ 가족은 우연히 네덜란드에서 온 ‘패트릭’과 그의 아내 ‘카린’, 아들 ‘아벨’ 가족을 만나 함께 휴가를 즐기게 된다. 일상으로 돌아간 몇 달 후, 아벨 가족이 사는 네덜란드로 초대 받는다. 그러나 재회의 기쁨이 오해로 변하는 데는 그리 오랜 시간이 걸리지 않는다. 비외른과 루이세는 패트릭과 카린이 만든 불쾌한 상황들 앞에서 초대해 준 가족에 대한 예의를 지키려고 노력하지만 점점 통제할 수 없는 상황으로 빠지게 되는데...
스픽 노 이블
이탈리아 토스카나에서 휴가를 보내던 덴마크에서 온 ‘비외른’과 아내 ‘루이세’, 딸 ‘아그네스’ 가족은 우연히 네덜란드에서 온 ‘패트릭’과 그의 아내 ‘카린’, 아들 ‘아벨’ 가족을 만나 함께 휴가를 즐기게 된다. 일상으로 돌아간 몇 달 후, 아벨 가족이 사는 네덜란드로 초대 받는다. 그러나 재회의 기쁨이 오해로 변하는 데는 그리 오랜 시간이 걸리지 않는다. 비외른과 루이세는 패트릭과 카린이 만든 불쾌한 상황들 앞에서 초대해 준 가족에 대한 예의를 지키려고 노력하지만 점점 통제할 수 없는 상황으로 빠지게 되는데...
A Horrible Woman
When Rasmus meets Marie, he is certain that she is the love of his life. However, it doesn't take long before it turns out she is a possessive and manipulative being, that cunningly dissects Rasmus to pieces.
A Horrible Woman
When Rasmus meets Marie, he is certain that she is the love of his life. However, it doesn't take long before it turns out she is a possessive and manipulative being, that cunningly dissects Rasmus to pieces.
A Horrible Woman
When Rasmus meets Marie, he is certain that she is the love of his life. However, it doesn't take long before it turns out she is a possessive and manipulative being, that cunningly dissects Rasmus to pieces.
Parents tell the story of two parents who attempt to fill the void in their lives after their child moves out. Left with a feeling of needlessness, they try to rekindle the magic sparks from their younger days, returning to their old student apartment where they first fell in love. When one morning they wake up feeling thirty years younger, they are forced to come to terms with the fact that the past they once knew might no longer exist.
Real Estate Agent
Parents tell the story of two parents who attempt to fill the void in their lives after their child moves out. Left with a feeling of needlessness, they try to rekindle the magic sparks from their younger days, returning to their old student apartment where they first fell in love. When one morning they wake up feeling thirty years younger, they are forced to come to terms with the fact that the past they once knew might no longer exist.
Parents tell the story of two parents who attempt to fill the void in their lives after their child moves out. Left with a feeling of needlessness, they try to rekindle the magic sparks from their younger days, returning to their old student apartment where they first fell in love. When one morning they wake up feeling thirty years younger, they are forced to come to terms with the fact that the past they once knew might no longer exist.
Park Road - the Movie
Sune Holm
When Elisabeth dramatically collapses at her own party, secrets are revealed and new desires spring to life for the residents of Park Road. The signal has been given for anything from swinger sex to family rows to organ theft. "Park Road – The Movie" is a comedy that celebrates life and reveals till now unknown sides of the residents on the popular road.
Crying for Love
Three girls meet by chance in a hospital. Struggling to come to terms with their fate, they all look back on a decisive moment in their life: Sara, a professional swimmer relentlessly urged on by her ambitious father, was deprived of her only real chance of happiness. Mette has left her deeply religious family, finding it too hard to bear that they have accepted her fate while she hasn't. And Stephanie has brutally rejected her boyfriend in fear of being rejected herself. Although their stories are very different, the three girls are brought together in their search for love and companionship. Based on the Oscar nominated short fiction »At Night«
Carsten is dating Melissa, who introduces him to her parents. On a camping trip with Melissa's family, Carsten finds that he shares a secret with Melissa's father.
Carsten is dating Melissa, who introduces him to her parents. On a camping trip with Melissa's family, Carsten finds that he shares a secret with Melissa's father.
I'll Come Running
A young Danish man traveling through Texas hooks up with an Austin girl, and even though they're not planning to see each other again, tragic circumstances lead her to his doorstep in Denmark.
I'll Come Running
A young Danish man traveling through Texas hooks up with an Austin girl, and even though they're not planning to see each other again, tragic circumstances lead her to his doorstep in Denmark.
Daisy Diamond
Thomas Lund
A tragic story about Anna who dreams of one thing only: making it as an actress. She moves from Sweden to Copenhagen to pursue her dream. But fate has something else in store for her. Though she struggles to give her 4-month-old daughter a good start in life, she ultimately fails to unite her dream of acting with a safe and loving environment for her child, culminating in a desperate act that has fatal consequences for Anna and her daughter.
The story of August who loses his beloved sister Christina, a former porn star known as The Princess. He adopts Christina's five-year-old daughter Mia. Weighed down by grief and guilt, August breaks down and with Mia in tow, he embarks on a mission of vengeance to erase Christina's pornographic legacy.
A Soap
Kunde 1
32-year-old Charlotte could have it all, but she doesn't want any of it. When she moves away from her boyfriend, she happens to become the upstairs neighbour of a trans woman Veronica. Veronica prefers to keep to herself with her little dog and a romantic soap show on TV, while Charlotte gets through the nights with one-night stands. An assault, a new bed and some white curtains bring the two of them together.
Gustne Gensyn
Forskellige roller
애프터 웨딩
야콥은 자신의 일생을 인도 부랑 아동들을 돕는 데에 헌신한다. 그가 경영을 하는 고아원이 문을 닫을 순간에 처해져 있을 때, 그에게 이례적인 제안이 제시된다. 덴마크 회사의 최고 경영자인 욜젠이 야콥에게 400만불을 기부하겠다는 제안이다. 그러나 거기에는 조건이 있다. 야콥이 덴마크에 반드시 와야 한다는 것이다. 덴마크에 도착한 야콥은 욜젠의 딸 결혼식에 참석하게 되고 그 결혼식은 야콥으로 하여금 그의 인생에서 있어서 가장 심각한 딜레마와 과거와 현재가 만나는 중요한 시점이 되는데...
Savage guy at restaurant who Nynne attacks
The life of Nynne is based on GUCCI bags and Chanel products, carpaccio and countless visits to cafés, loose relationships with men who screams 'good luck!' when they cum, unused memberships to the local gym and a lenient relationship with mixing champagne, white wine, red wine, cognac, gin, tequila and beer. It goes with out saying: Nynne has yet to experience her Kodak moment.
The Big Day
Anne has started a wedding planning biz with happily flaming designer Lars and grumpy accountant Jesper. Hoping to make a big public splash, they land upcoming event that will marry TV chat hosts Anders and Signe. Instant attraction between Anne and Anders is complicated even further by her planned nuptials with boring b.f. Simon.
Sex, drugs and money are the cornerstones in the lives of these rootles young people living in a big city. Leni and Nova are sisters and they both long to find and understand love. But it is not easy when you're impulsive and irrational and don't fit in to the established society. Nova is a bit more boundary pushing than her sister and one day she takes it a step too far.
Pretty Boy
Nick is a handsome 13-year-old runaway whose search for a family leads him into the arms of male prostitution. While Nick's sexual exploits with strange men keep his pockets lined with cash, the experience does nothing to preserve his waning innocence. Soon enough, he's as hardened as a man three times his age.