Militare sentinella Hessa
제2차 세계대전이 끝나갈 무렵, 오합지졸 저항군 한 무리가 불가능에 도전한다. 바로, 밀라노의 파시스트 기지에 침입해 무솔리니의 보물을 훔치는 것!
Carlo Michelstaedter
A young Calabrian woman just back from Gorizia tells a friend about her trip: what prompted her to go to Friuli-Venezia Giulia was her discovery of the poems and novels by one Carlo Michelstaedter, an author and philosopher who had died young, in 1910. What was the reason for his tragic death? And that odd yet familiar figure glimpsed on the beach, at the end of the trip, as the woman told it: who did it belong to?