Production Assistant
Tis the season for the cheer and charm of the Peanuts kids - and this delight special offers five segments full of unforgettable moments. Snoopy works as a bell-ringer to raise money and tries making peace with the ferocious cat next door. Linus strives to strike the right tone in his letter to Santa - and his friendship with an indecisive girl at school. Sally's idea about gift giving and the identity of Santa may be unusual - but her strange notion about how to obtain a Christmas tree surprisingly does the job. Lucy tries awfully hard to be nice...and still coax everyone around her to buy her presents. Charlie Brown and Sally wait up for Santa (a surprisingly short man), who spreads Christmas gift cheer further than they had thought. Make merry!
Production Assistant
크리스마스를 앞두고, 피너츠 친구들이 들떠서 명절 준비를 한다. 찰리 브라운은 좋아하는 소녀에게 줄 선물을 사려고 돈을 모으고 페퍼민트 패티는 독후감 과제로 걱정이다. 그리고 샐리는 연극 데뷔 무대를 망치지 않으려고 애쓴다. 기존 제목 : 다시 크리스마스 시즌이야, 찰리 브라운
애플티비 제목 : 찰리 브라운의 크리마스 어게인!