레오노르는 한때 여러 편의 액션영화로 성공을 거둔 적이 있는 필리핀 영화계의 주요 작가다. 하지만 현재 그의 가족은 집세와 생활비를 벌기 위해 고군분투하는 처지다. 어느 날 시나리오 모집 광고를 본 레오노르는 이전에 완성하지 못했던 시나리오를 손보기 시작한다. 깡패들의 손에 살해된 형제를 위해 복수를 결심한 청년 론왈도에 대한 이야기다. 어느 날 TV에 머리를 맞는 사고를 당한 뒤 레오노르는 혼수상태에 빠지고, 미완성 영화 속으로 들어간다. 이제 레오노르는 거친 꿈을 펼치며 이야기의 완벽한 결말을 찾을 수 있다.
A young police officer sets on a dangerous mission to unravel the mystery behind his brother’s disappearance.
Alma and Teresa Carrillo are illigitimate children of Basilio who belongs to a rich clan, but they were never accepted by his mother Josefa and his wife Doreen. The sisters never expected any help from their father despite all their suffering. They suffered more when Alma's husband Teddy was killed, leaving in their care her two sons Abet and Jun. When Alma died, only their half-brother Raffy helps Teresa. Teresa fights back and confronts the Carrillos.
Ben Guingona
Set during the terrifying reign of Filipino despot, Marcos, two upper caste but very different strangers team up to try and survive the physical and mental torture they undergo after they are suddenly jailed. Geny is the conservative businessman while Serge is more sensitive and outgoing. Both of the young men's parents give all of their money, but the government refuses to free them. Even a mutual hunger strike fails to move their jailers. In desperation, Geny and Serge begin plotting their escape.