Noah Bernardo

참여 작품

Location Assistant
우주 비행 중 행성과의 치명적인 충돌이 일어난 후, 조종사 밀스와 유일한 탑승 생존자 코아는 6,500만 년 전 공룡의 시대 지구에 불시착한다. 모든 것이 위험과 죽음과 맞닿아 있는 상황, 그들은 거대한 행성과의 충돌 전, 반드시 지구를 탈출해야만 한다!
A lonely sound engineer decides to finally contact his crush and reconnect with his sister by pretending to use them both as lifelines on a game show.
Summer, unhappy with her boyfriend, receives a mysterious email inviting her out to a spiritual obstacle course. Summer gathers her four friends, each battling a dilemma of their own, to drive to the Sedona Desert, where they are promised this “vortex” will improve their lives. They embark on these courses with the help of their uncanny guide Hermes, who leads them into a series of unusual practices. Little do they know they are being monitored by mysterious hooded entities, eager to take over their bodies.