Annoying Guy at Town Hall
스펜서는 부인 린과 딸 조이를 데리고 몇십 년 만에 고향 오니온타로 돌아온다.
하지만 이사 온 첫날, 나사에서 오니온타로 소행성이 떨어진다는 충격적인 발표를 하고
얼마 지나지 않아, 소행성의 추락 지점이 스펜서의 집이라는 충격적인 소식이 들려온다.
자신이 모르는 음모가 있음을 직감한 스펜서는 옛 친구 케니, 윌슨과 함께 집을 구할 수 있는 방법을 모색하는데...
Line Producer
Robert Francis Garrow was a serial rapist and murderer whose reign of terror paralyzed the North Country between the years of 1960 and 1978. Born in Mineville, New York in 1936, Robert's childhood was an endless cycle of unimaginable horror. Beatings, sexual abuse, bestiality and bloodshed. As an adult, Robert would become a sadomasochist, rapist and serial killer. The exact number of his victims to this day remains uncertain. A knife wielding psychopath that could charm his victims before carving them to death. Robert was clever and cunning. He was able to manipulate the law, fake his own paralysis, escape from prison, and avoid capture for over a decade. —Lori Kelly - Bailey