Veronica Segura

Veronica Segura

출생 : 1973-12-26, Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico


Verónica Segura is a Mexican actress. She is best known for playing Cordé in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Segura was born in Mexico City, but she later moved to first Texas, graduating from Southwest Texas State University in 1997, and then moving to New York, where she studied in the Atlantic Theatre Company. She has participated in such films as Star Wars Episode II, Club Dread, Dame tu Cuerpo, and A Proposito de Alexa. She currently lives in Mexico City.

프로필 사진

Veronica Segura

참여 작품

When legendary thief Max Cruz is framed by the CIA, he has no choice but to help them with a top-secret mission in the Yucatan.
7 Mujeres, 1 Homosexual y Carlos
Carlos (Mauricio Ochmann), 21 years old, decides to get married to Camila (Adriana Fonseca), his 18-year-old girlfriend, when he finds out that she was pregnant while he was away for five years.
클럽 드레드
평화로운 섬 '코코넛 피트의 보물섬'은 팝스타 출신의 코코넛 피트가 운영하는 해변 휴양지이다. 어느날 나타난 연쇄살인범이 손님들을 하나 둘 살해하기 시작하면서 휴양지는 공포의 도가니에 빠진다. 매니아들의 사랑을 받았던 포복절도 경찰 코미디 '슈퍼 트루퍼스(Broken Lizard's Super Troopers)'의 멤버들이 재결합해서 만든 뒤죽박죽 호러 코미디물.
Dame Tu Cuerpo
German is a successful advertising exec who is about to marry beautiful ex-model, Jacqueline. However, Jacqueline can't stand German's best friend, Alex - a college football coach - on account of his gross behavior and adolescent attitudes towards women. But an atmospheric disturbance switches bodies on Alex and Jacqueline. Now, together with German, Alex and Jacqueline have to find a way to return to their original bodies before time runs out and they're trapped in that switch forever.
Without Rhyme or Reason
Orlando (Juan Manuel Bernal) is a neurotic dubbing director of series B that desqui-ta of all your frustrations and anger with their coworkers. Orlando lives with Sonia (Mariana Gaja), a woman "new age" in quest for inner peace. He, in crisis, stifled by the love of So-nia and tempted by the novelty of another woman, can not desci-FRAR the complicated language of life as a couple of young people, and going from flower to flower revealing its inability of being alone. On the other hand we have to Mauritius (José María Yazpik), a young and awkward to relate hermit who loves and despises while René (Cecilia Suárez), a beautiful woman "postmodern"
스타워즈 에피소드 2: 클론의 습격
공화국으로부터 분리하려는 수백개의 행성연합은 은하계의 거대하고 새로운 위험으로 등장한다. 생명의 위협을 느끼는 아미달라 여왕의 신변 보호를 위해 아나킨과 오비완에게 경호 임무가 부여여된다. 공화국 수상 팰퍼틴의 야욕은 어마어마한 클론 군대를 비밀리에 양성하고, 오비완 케노비는 암살 의혹을 파헤치던 임무 중에 클론의 존재를 감지한다. 분리주의 세력과 공화국과의 걷잡을 수 없는 갈등은 마침내 거대한 전쟁을 불러오게 된다. 아나킨은 최고의 제다이 기사가 되고 싶은 욕망과 스승인 오비완과의 우정과 갈등, 여왕과의 사랑으로 갈등하는데...