Based on real-life events, Girl In the Closet tells the story of 10 year old Cameron, who, after her mother suffered an aneurysm, was adopted by her Aunt Mia, who already had a husband and daughter of her own. Soon after arriving in her new home, Cameron started hearing strange, ghostly voices at night coming from the basement's locked door. Little Cameron would soon discover what was actually behind that door, people chained to the wall, innocent victims of her Aunt's schemes to enrich herself by cashing their benefit checks. It wasn't long before Cameron was demoted down into the basement herself, where she would stay for the next ten years while police thought she was missing.
Director of Photography
Four sorority sisters reunite at a Black Greek Weekend celebration. But the past comes knocking on their door and strange and inexplicable things begin to happen, threatening to unearth the deadly secret that may tear them apart.
결혼 1주년을 맞아 캠핑을 떠난 하비에르와 로빈 부부가 캠핑장 근처에서 곤경에 처한 한 남자를 구해주면서 벌어지는 이야기
Madison lands her dream job at a publishing company. To her dismay, she must complete a probationary period and will not receive her full salary until the process is over, leaving her in a financial struggle. With a new career and struggling to make ends meet, she works under the demands of her new job while raising two teens on her own. Making matters even more complicated, she finds herself torn between an old flame and a new love interest.