Anugrah Gege

참여 작품

슈퍼마켓 직원인 울란이 임신한 사실을 알게 되자 무책임한 남자친구는 그녀를 떠난다. 울란은 자기 자신과 아직 태어나지 않은 아기를 지켜야 한다. 절망에 빠진 울란은 낙태 반대 자원봉사자들의 온라인 모임에 참여하게 된다. 이 모임을 통해 부유한 산토소 가족을 알게 되고, 이 가족은 그들 집에서 울란을 돌보고 아직 태어나지 않은 아기를 입양하고 싶어 한다. 그 집에서 머무는 동안 울란은 오컬트 의식을 치르는 산토소 가족들의 이상하고 섬뜩한 행동을 목격한다. 그녀 모르게 산토소 가족들은 우란과 그녀의 뱃속 아기에 대한 사악한 계획을 세운다.
Udin's Inferno
Set in an Indonesian suburban Middle-Class neighborhood, Udin’s Inferno, tells a story about 12 years old kid named Udin, who got traumatized after reading a comic book about a depiction of hell torture. In the book, Udin sees a very graphic and disturbing violent depiction of tormented sinners that haunts him throughout the day. One of the sinners in the book is a person who got a tattoo in his life. One of his friends mocks Udin, a tattooed person in the book is Udin’s father, a guy who got tattoos all over his body. Udin thinks if he can manage to erase his father’s tattoo, he can save him and his father from getting to hell in the afterlife. Udin tries all efforts to erase his father’s tattoo which he obviously fails. Udin cannot deal with his obvious failure. He got even more haunted by his own depiction of hell not only when he was awake, but also in his sleep. In the end, his fears and trauma turn into a nightmare.
Udin's Inferno
Set in an Indonesian suburban Middle-Class neighborhood, Udin’s Inferno, tells a story about 12 years old kid named Udin, who got traumatized after reading a comic book about a depiction of hell torture. In the book, Udin sees a very graphic and disturbing violent depiction of tormented sinners that haunts him throughout the day. One of the sinners in the book is a person who got a tattoo in his life. One of his friends mocks Udin, a tattooed person in the book is Udin’s father, a guy who got tattoos all over his body. Udin thinks if he can manage to erase his father’s tattoo, he can save him and his father from getting to hell in the afterlife. Udin tries all efforts to erase his father’s tattoo which he obviously fails. Udin cannot deal with his obvious failure. He got even more haunted by his own depiction of hell not only when he was awake, but also in his sleep. In the end, his fears and trauma turn into a nightmare.
Udin's Inferno
Set in an Indonesian suburban Middle-Class neighborhood, Udin’s Inferno, tells a story about 12 years old kid named Udin, who got traumatized after reading a comic book about a depiction of hell torture. In the book, Udin sees a very graphic and disturbing violent depiction of tormented sinners that haunts him throughout the day. One of the sinners in the book is a person who got a tattoo in his life. One of his friends mocks Udin, a tattooed person in the book is Udin’s father, a guy who got tattoos all over his body. Udin thinks if he can manage to erase his father’s tattoo, he can save him and his father from getting to hell in the afterlife. Udin tries all efforts to erase his father’s tattoo which he obviously fails. Udin cannot deal with his obvious failure. He got even more haunted by his own depiction of hell not only when he was awake, but also in his sleep. In the end, his fears and trauma turn into a nightmare.