Jaina Liu

참여 작품

암흑가 클럽: 베조니언
Art Direction
런던 북부의 사교 클럽, ‘베조니언’ 회원들의 이야기. 어린 시절부터 절친한 친구로 지내오며 함께 살고 함께 죽는, 사회 부적응자 베조니언 회원들. 음산하고 궁핍하며 단조로운 삶에서 벗어나고자 몸부림치는 이들의 이야기가 펼쳐진다.
Anarchy Relaxy
Clara and Jake have their own band and their own way of life. Everything changes when they find a strange vinyl record at a nursing home. It's up to them to find the origins of the music, no matter the consequences.
Production Design
A normal day at school. Nina and Ruby have an argument in the bathroom. Fed up with Ruby, Nina enters a cubicle to be alone. Moments later, Nina hears a shot being fired. Whilst hiding, she becomes witness to an unfolding school shooting and soon needs to fight for her and her friend's survival.