Costume Designer
It is 2020. Findings by environmental scientist Professor Thom Archer suggest that Halo, the corporate energy company drilling on the Greenland Glacier are causing it to melt. Archer's warnings are ignored, so he heads to the Arctic to find indisputable evidence. Upon arrival, he realizes humankind is under immediate threat, and races home to save his family. The glacier collapses, with devastating consequences. Astonishing weather patterns emerge and plunge the world's temperatures into steep decline.
Assistant Costume Designer
2차세계대전 시기 스코틀랜드.. 호기심 많은 소년 앵거스는 네스 호 주변에서 신비로운 알을 발견한다. 무언가에 이끌리듯 그 신비의 알을 집으로 가져오게된 앵거스. 밤사이 알이 부화하여 전설속의 괴물이 태어나고 앵거스는 "크루소"라고 이름을 지어부르며 몰래 키우기 시작한다. 앵거스와 크루소는 둘도 없는 친구가 되어가지만 놀라운 속도로 성장하는 크루소를 더이상 집에서 키울수 없게 된다. 앵거스는 어쩔수 없이 크루소를 네스 호로 보내고 사람들로부터 크루소를 지키기위해 노력하지만 결국 앵거스와 크루소는 서로의 우정 뿐만 아니라 생명까지 위협당하는 위험한 상황에 빠지게되는데...
Costume Design
양을 두려워하는 헨리는 형 앵거스에게 가족농장을 팔기 위해 돌아온다. 앵거스의 무모한 유전공학 프로그램에 대해선 알지 못한 채. 한 쌍의 바보 같은 환경운동가들이 앵거스의 실험실에서 돌연변이 양을 풀어주자, 몇 천 마리의 양들이 피에 굶주린 얼굴로 변하고 헨리는 살아남기 위해 버둥대지만, 더 가혹한 현실이 그를 기다린다.
Costume Design
A former firefighter and Special Forces officer takes on a team of murderous terrorists when the oceanliner he's working on is hijacked shortly after leaving port. Hired to evaluate security on a luxury cruise ship, blaze battler and former military man Kyle Considine (Casper Van Dien) brings his young son Zach along for a week of fun at sea. The fun stops, however, when the ship sets sail and a highly organized team of terrorists threaten the lives of everyone onboard.
Costume Design
When Kirk, a top roller-blader, discovers that he has bone cancer in his leg, his pleasant affluent life is shattered. Even though amputation provides the best chance for survival; to him, losing skating means the end of life. His friends cannot cope with his condition, but his hospital isolation is relieved by Marty - a street kid survivor who was found dying of leukemia. Marty bullies, taunts, and challenges Kirk, until he begins to climb out of his depression. Marty seems afraid of nothing and, knowing she will die, wants to experience everything.
Costume Design
Timothy and his family is expecting a French-Canadian male exchange student, that turns out to be an attractive girl, to which Timothy proceeds to make a fool of himself, trying to impress. When Michelle becomes ill from drinking spiked punch at a party, Timothy notices a tattoo while helping her to bed. He foolishly tells a friend about the tattoo, who proceeds to tell the whole school, which does not go down well with Michelle.