Oliver Broumis

Oliver Broumis

출생 : 1965-07-31, Hannover, Germany

프로필 사진

Oliver Broumis
Oliver Broumis

참여 작품

What Doesn't Kill Us
As a divorced father of two teenage daughters, with a head-strong ex-wife for a best friend, too many peculiar patients to keep up with and a new dog, psychotherapist Max certainly doesn't need another challenge. But when Sophie, a compulsive gambler with a boyfriend problem, regularly shows up late for her appointments, she rocks his world in ways he's not ready for.
Chuzpe - Klops braucht der Mensch!
Galerist Lachner
A comedy directed by Isabel Kleefeld.
Unter den Händen
The City Below
Uwe Maas
A man and a woman at an art exhibition share a fleeting moment of attraction, which neither can act upon. Days later, a chance second meeting leads to an innocent coffee and the two strangers – both married - toy with their unexplainable fascination for each other. Svenja is curious and finds herself in a hotel room with Roland, but she does not consummate an affair. A powerful executive at the large bank where Svenja's husband works, Roland is used to getting what he wants. He manipulates the transfer of her husband to Indonesia to replace a recently murdered bank manager. Unaware of Roland’s actions, Svenja now ceases to resist...
Die Unbedingten
Franz Geyer
Frau Böhm sagt nein
Ron Rickman
German TV film about the innner workings of a takeover battle and its emotional consequences. Inspired by the events of the Vodafone Mannesmann takeover.
Tierisch verliebt
Lehrer Kohler
After the death of his wife, the veterinarian Sebastian Brunnen and his daughter Kira move from Berlin to a small Moselle town to try a new beginning there. Barely arrived, he is confronted with a dramatic case: Because Sebastian has been diagnosed with the pathogen of a dangerous disease in a broodmare on the equestrian farm of Katherina Mohr, the responsible medical officer will also take precaution to euthanize the healthy horses of the farm. While the two get closer to each other privately, Sebastian realizes almost too late how lonely and unhappy his daughter is.
Saturn Returns
Lucy, a privileged North American in contemporary Berlin, living a life of post Punk hedonism, roams the streets with her best friend, Derek. Together they use the city like a playground, a stage, and a never ending party. Into their lives enters Galia, a young Israeli woman carrying the promise of a better, cleaner way of living. A tribute to Punk underground films turns into a melodrama in "Saturn Returns", mirroring Lucy and Galia's modulating states of mind. Our and their look into each other's life and culture, becomes an investigation of empty facades. The film was constructed by both improvised and pre-scripted scenes, as required by the nature of each scene.
Immer Wirbel um Marie
Die großen und die kleinen Wünsche - David gegen Goliath
Mario Hauptmann
Die Gelegenheit
Short by Benjamin Heisenberg.
Durch dick und dünn
마사의 부엌
독일의 한 고급 프랑스 레스토랑에서 완벽주의자 셰프로 일하고 있는 마사. 언니의 사고로 그녀의 딸 리나와 지내게 되고, 엎친 데 덮친 격으로 직장에 들어온 새 동료마저 거슬리기만 한다. 인생의 전환점에 서 있는 그녀는 과연 완벽한 요리를 계속 만들 수 있을까?
All' Arrabbiata - Eine kochende Leidenschaft
Detto Nicolaisen
Schlaf mit meinem Mann
Die Stunde des Löwen
Julia - Kämpfe für deine Träume!
Bernhard Wolf
Die letzte Sekunde
Das Ende eines normalen Tages
Ein tödliches Vergehen
Psychotherapist Katharina welcomes a new patient, Alex Neumann. Soon she also learns to know him on a more private basis. But when two of her colleagues, who had love affairs with their patients, are killed, she fears that Alex might by the murderer. She's torn between love and fear.
Hasenjagd - Vor lauter Feigheit gibt es kein Erbarmen
This film is based on the actual events referred to as the "Mühlviertler Hasenjagd" (Hare-hunt in the Mühlviertel) which occurred in February 1945 around the Mauthausen concentration camp. 500 Soviet officers form death block 20 attempt to escape, but only 150 of them actually succeed. Following the tally-ho of the SS, a barbaric manhunt begins. Only very few fugitives survive. With a lot of good luck, the two young officers Michail and Nikolai reach the Karner family's farm. Frau Karner persuades her husband to hide the two escapees.
스탈린그라드: 최후의 전투
1942년 늦은 여름, 제2차 세계대전이 네 번째 해를 맞이했을 때, 히틀러의 군대는 유럽 대부분과 북 아프리카 일부를 점령했다. 그리고 그들은 두 번째 러시아 공격을 준비 중이었다. 목표는 카스피 해와 코카서스 유전. 이집트에서 큰 공을 세운 제6군은 이탈리아에서 짧은 휴가를 마치고 파울루스 장군의 지휘 아래 스탈린그라드로 진격한다. 스탈린그라드로 향하는 기차 안에서 젊은 중위 한스와 패기 넘치는 롤로는 누가 살아 돌아올지 내기를 한다. 하지만 전선에 도착하자마자 그들은 이제까지의 전투와는 다른 느낌을 받는다. 수많은 전우들이 눈앞에서 죽어나가고 러시아 포로들은 인간 이하의 대접을 받고 있었다. 그래도 조국을 위한 희생이라는 명분 아래 다들 최선을 다해 싸우지만 동료 부상병 에미콜즈를 치료하기 위해 프리츠가 위생병에게 총을 들이대는 바람에 한스와 그의 부하들은 지뢰 제거반에 보내진다. 러시아 포로들과 함께 생활하게 된 그들은 혹독한 추위와 비인간적 대우까지 견뎌야 했다. 패배가 뻔히 보이는 전투에 가차 없이 투입되고 무고한 러시아 시민까지 사살하게 되면서 병사들은 마지막 애국심마저 내려놓게 된다….