Nguyễn Lê Hoàng Phúc

Nguyễn Lê Hoàng Phúc

출생 : 1994-05-17, Saigon, Vietnam


Born in 1994 in Saigon, Vietnam, Nguyen Le Hoang Phuc is a film director and editor. After his first year as an undergraduate at Van Lang University in the Faculty of English, Phuc fell in love with filmmaking and quit college to pursue the art of cinema. Starting as a video and film editor, for the past five years, Phuc has taken different roles for various projects, ranging from TVCs to feature films. In 2020, Phuc made his debut short film ‘No Country for Smokers’, which took inspirations from the new regulations on films showing smoking scenes, and reflected the inner life of Vietnamese youths. He is now finishing his second film "LIttle Tomb On The Prairie", a continuation in his pursuit of the dark comedy genre. The project has been developed with the support of UNESCO's On The Reel program. The release is set for late 2022.

프로필 사진

Nguyễn Lê Hoàng Phúc

참여 작품

Saigon Kiss
Mo navigates rush hour traffic to dodge an unwanted call. When she meets Vicky by the side of the street with her broken motorbike, a visceral chance encounter unfolds between the two young queer women on the loud streets of Saigon.
메멘토 모리: 어스
베트남 중부고원의 커피 농장을 배경으로 한다. 번은 일을 마치고 집에 와서 그녀를 위해 죽을 끓이는 남편을 애틋하게 바라본다. 친아버지를 두고 일찍 떠나는 불효도 힘들지만 무엇보다 아직 한참 어린 두 딸에게 애틋함을 느낀다. 건강했을 때는 정원에서 꽃을 가꾸고 행복한 삶을 꾸려갔으나 이제는 살 날이 몇 달 남지 않았다. 펜을 들 힘도 남아있지 않아서 휴대전화에 음성 메시지로 딸들에게 남길 마지막 말들을 녹음한다. 그런 가운데 병원비에 생활비로 빌린 돈이 늘어나자 남편은 신장을 팔아서 빚을 청산을 하려하고 이것을 알게 된 번의 마음은 더욱 비참해진다.
Slowly and Painfully
A Vietnamese filmmaker contemplates ways to surpass new regulations that prohibit scenes of smoking cigarettes. Meanwhile, his best friend tries to quit smoking. A tale of tender brotherhood against baffling ironies of life that keep those cigs burning.
Slowly and Painfully
A Vietnamese filmmaker contemplates ways to surpass new regulations that prohibit scenes of smoking cigarettes. Meanwhile, his best friend tries to quit smoking. A tale of tender brotherhood against baffling ironies of life that keep those cigs burning.
Slowly and Painfully
A Vietnamese filmmaker contemplates ways to surpass new regulations that prohibit scenes of smoking cigarettes. Meanwhile, his best friend tries to quit smoking. A tale of tender brotherhood against baffling ironies of life that keep those cigs burning.
The Cowboy & The Thief
The story begins with a thief trying to sneak into an expensive-looking urban house to steal valuables. As he is about to leave, he is caught by an old man. The old man offers the thief his freedom for an exchange: He has to help the man die and be buried with his wife, who had passed away years ago. The old man is so deeply in love with his wife that he had put her remains in a plaster statue and has been sleeping with the statue ever since. The thief refuses at once, but as he witnesses the old man’s love for his wife, he starts to change his mind.
The Cowboy & The Thief
The story begins with a thief trying to sneak into an expensive-looking urban house to steal valuables. As he is about to leave, he is caught by an old man. The old man offers the thief his freedom for an exchange: He has to help the man die and be buried with his wife, who had passed away years ago. The old man is so deeply in love with his wife that he had put her remains in a plaster statue and has been sleeping with the statue ever since. The thief refuses at once, but as he witnesses the old man’s love for his wife, he starts to change his mind.