Jeremy Xido

참여 작품

The Bones
Following the journey of fossils from their discovery in remote corners of the earth to laboratories, museums, auction houses and collectors’ living rooms, the film weaves together interlocking stories of eccentric characters caught between the demands of commerce and the basic human drive to unlock the most profound mysteries of life. THE BONES takes us deep into the Gobi, Sahara, and North American badlands, and through laboratories, museums, high-end auction houses, and grungy hotel rooms at the Tucson gem show. Wrapped in elusive questions about the origins of life on earth, and its potential future demise, THE BONES unearths the deep passions at the heart of the dinosaur world.
The Bones
Following the journey of fossils from their discovery in remote corners of the earth to laboratories, museums, auction houses and collectors’ living rooms, the film weaves together interlocking stories of eccentric characters caught between the demands of commerce and the basic human drive to unlock the most profound mysteries of life. THE BONES takes us deep into the Gobi, Sahara, and North American badlands, and through laboratories, museums, high-end auction houses, and grungy hotel rooms at the Tucson gem show. Wrapped in elusive questions about the origins of life on earth, and its potential future demise, THE BONES unearths the deep passions at the heart of the dinosaur world.
기계공 트레버 레즈닉은 자신을 괴롭히는 악몽으로 1년째 잠을 자지 못해 날로 야위어 가고 있다.주위 사람들은 트레버를 걱정하지만 해결책은 찾을 수가 없다. 트레버가 휴식을 취할 수 있는 유일한 순간은 가끔씩 찾아가는 창녀 스티비의 품 속뿐. 어느 날 트레버가 일하고 있는 공장에 아이반이라는 사내가 나타나 동료의 팔을 기계에 끼게 만드는 사고를 저지른다. 하지만 곳곳에서 아이반의 흔적이 발견됨에도 불구하고 사람들은 한결같이 이반이라는 사람은 존재하지 않는다고만 말한다. 만인이 공모해 자기를 해치려 한다고 판단한 트레버는 범인과 동기를 찾아 질주하는데...