Anna Otin

Anna Otin

프로필 사진

Anna Otin

참여 작품

Letter to My Mother for My Son
Carla is pregnant and naked, imitating the poses her mother took when she was pregnant with her. Sunlight filters through the windows. You see pictures in Super-8 of mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, smiling, sewing, reciting poems. Then, a young girl travels from the Sixties to the Eighties, until today, crossing the thresholds of femininity and history, until the meeting with Carla by the Blue Sea of Catalonia and with Manel, Carla's newborn son.
알카라스의 여름
해가 내리쬐는 작은 마을, 알카라스 매 여름마다 복숭아를 수확하기 위해 3대째 모이는 솔레 가족은 찬란한 계절을 누린다. 탐스러운 복숭아처럼 영글어가는 가족의 이야기. 그 해 여름의 복숭아는 저마다의 기억으로 자란다.