Costume Designer
In 2038, Yuuma Sawatari is an elementary school kid who loves everything about space and astronomy. He was initially excited when his parents bought a robot called Nanako, but he was disappointed when he learned that she was basically just a boring housekeeping robot. However, when he does finally try to talk to her about space, something strange happens. Her system crashes and is taken over by what claims to be a marooned alien ship! The alien ship wants Yuuma's help to get back to space!
Prop Designer
In 2038, Yuuma Sawatari is an elementary school kid who loves everything about space and astronomy. He was initially excited when his parents bought a robot called Nanako, but he was disappointed when he learned that she was basically just a boring housekeeping robot. However, when he does finally try to talk to her about space, something strange happens. Her system crashes and is taken over by what claims to be a marooned alien ship! The alien ship wants Yuuma's help to get back to space!
Key Animation
할머니에게 물려받은 [우인장] 덕분에 인간과 요괴들 사이에서 바쁜 나날을 보내고 있는 나츠메. 어느 날 옆 마을에 수상한 요괴가 숨어들었다는 소식을 들은 나츠메는 야옹 선생과 함께 마을을 살펴보고 돌아온다. 하지만 그 틈을 타 따라온 수상한 요괴는 나츠메의 집 마당에서 하룻밤 사이에 나무가 되어 열매를 맺고, 자신을 닮은 열매를 먹어버린 야옹 선생은 무려 세 마리로 늘어나버리는데…!?