Transportation Coordinator
<오즈의 마법사>의 영원한 ‘도로시’ 시대를 초월한 히트송 ‘오버 더 레인보우’의 주인공. 20세기 최고의 여배우 주디 갈랜드! 그녀는 자신의 모든 것을 담은 생애 마지막 무대를 런던에서 준비하는데… 모두가 숨죽인 가운데 막이 오르고 레전드 쇼가 시작된다.
Transportation Captain
There’s a sense that time is running out. Our narrator, Simon, is like a man sinking in quicksand. He’s a man of routine. Rising, dressing, travelling to work on the DLR. Every day is the same. His sense of self is slipping away as he becomes (perhaps literally) someone else. It’s a similar story for Dr Benham, stuck in his STD clinic watching a parade of patients come and go. In his parallel story of metamorphosis he’s being spat out by his own life. He too is becoming a different person, from the feet up.