A famous surgeon is beaten by drunken bullies, loses his memory and cannot recollect who he was before. He gets to a village, lives in a not so well to do family and becomes the Quack - he slowly regains his talent for medicine and saves the lives of several village patients.
1962’s SZPITAL (HOSPITAL) is set entirely in a claustrophobic hospital room where a male patient is confined. Throughout the film the room is invaded by a variety of strange people
The 1937 trial of communist journalists, working for the same student magazine in Vilnius, is shown through the tragic life of the paper's young collaborator Julek Szulc.
승객들을 태운 기차가 한밤중에 빠르게 달리고 있다. 그런데 선로 위에 한 남자가 서 있는 걸 발견하고 급하게 멈추려 하지만 결국 남자는 열차에 치어 사망하고 만다. 이 사고를 조사하던 관료들은 죽은 남자가 열차 운행을 고의로 방해하려 했다고 의심한다. 과연 이 사건 뒤에 숨은 진실은 무엇일까? 남자는 정말 사보타주를 계획했던 것일까?