Victor Sansano

참여 작품

Gendarme 2
A seaside resort in the middle of winter, with its abandoned beach bars and rain-battered alleys, can easily flank the drone. Refugees on the top floor of a building in La Grande Motte, Carole and Richard Lazure have zero morale: swindled by their tax advisor and badly defended by an incompetent lawyer, they lost their business, their house and no longer even enough to buy the essentials. The eruption into their life of a childhood friend of Richard, a talkative talker with questionable dating, could be a game-changer - or make their situation worse.
철없는 녀석들
The tester
사업가인 아버지 밑에서 놀고먹을 생각뿐인 세 남매. 엇비슷한 예비 사위까지 여기에 가세하니 결국 바르테크 씨는 뒷목을 잡는데. 좋다, 이놈들아, 이 애비가 인생은 실전이란 걸 가르쳐 주마.
Skinny Worker
친구를 살해한 혐의로 감옥에 갇힌 딸의 무죄를 입증할 마지막 기회를 위해 나서는 아빠 '빌' 사건의 실체에 가까워질수록 예기치 못한 사실을 알게 되는데…
엄마없는 10일
Extra (uncredited)
Antoine is the Head of HR of a big company. Managing people is his thing, so when his overwhelmed wife suddenly decides to go on holiday and leave him with the responsibility of the house and their four kids, he knows it will be a piece of cake for him. But Antoine has drastically underestimated the mess that four mischievous kids can cause...