Elspeth Dudgeon
출생 : 1871-12-04, London, England, UK
사망 : 1955-12-11
Elspeth Dudgeon was an English stage actress who appeared in a number of uncredited and small supporting roles in Hollywood films beginning from 1932.
Martha Bannister
A man determined to track down the fabled Arizona gold mine known as The Lost Dutchman has an affair with a married treasure hunter, whose pursuit of the mine has lead her to double-cross her husband.
Old Woman (uncredited)
30년이나 은행원으로 성실하게 살아온 베르두는 불황으로 하루 아침에 실업자가 되자 새로운 사업을 시작한다. 그는 부유한 마담들이 놀고 먹는 것을 보고 그런 사회 기생충을 말살하는 것은 죄가 아니라고 생각하게 된다. 그 결과 돈있는 과부들을 설득해서 결혼한 뒤 신부를 죽임으로써 여자들의 재산을 빼앗는 것이다. 베르두는 사람을 죽여도 독이 검출되지 않는 동물 안락사용 독약의 처방을 알아낸다. 약을 실험하기 위해 거리에서 방황하는 젊은 여자를 집으로 데려오지만 그녀에게 감동해서 차마 독약을 먹이지 못하고 오히려 돈을 줘서 보낸다. 대신 그 약은 베르두를 수상히 여기고 추적하던 형사가 마시고 죽는데, 그는 심장마비로 판명된다. 베르두의 다음 계획은 그로스니 부인과의 결혼이었다. 끈질긴 구애작전 끝에 결혼식을 치루는 날, 리용에 있어야 할 몇 번째인가의 아내 보뇌 부인이 나타나서 베르두는 허둥지둥 달아나고 결혼식은 무산된다. 그로니스 부인은 그를 찾아달라고 신고하고, 경찰은 다시 수사에 착수한다. 마침내 배르두는 체포되어 길로틴의 이슬로 사라지는데, 그는 끝내 사회가 자신을 그렇게 만들었다고 믿는다.
Captain Hugh 'Bulldog' Drummond investigates the murder of the C.I.D. man who had been tracing validity of rival claims to a large estate.
A medicine show pitchman investigates a small town murder in Arizona.
Elderly Reader of "Jane Eyre" (uncredited)
In Victorian England, literary siblings Emily and Charlotte Brontë vie for the affection of the Rev. Arthur Nicholls. Along with their sister Anne, Emily and Charlotte also try to help their tormented brother Branwell, a gifted artist whose life is being destroyed by alcohol.
Miss Ferris
Linda Wadsworth rebels against her millionaire grandfather, J. H. Wadsworth, and runs away from home. Unknown to Mr. Wadsworth, she gets a job at one of his many five-and-ten-cents stores as a clerk.
Miss Travers (uncredited)
After breaking up with her fiancé, a gym teacher returns to work at a women's college, but a legal loophole allows him to enroll as one of her students.
Mr. Dithers is trying to encourage a businessman to build a war-time manufacturing plant on land he owns while Dagwood tries to prevent the businessman from learning his daughter is involved in a local theatre production.
Our Gang member Janet Burston believes that her family is neglecting her, so she decides to run away from home. The other gang members try to help Janet get adopted (or "adapted") by a more agreeable family, choosing a kindly elderly couple (Sarah Padden and Harry C. Bradley) for the honor.
Angus' wife
An ex-gambler helps a beautiful widow, and becomes involved with a murder, secret agents, and saboteurs.
Aunt Hester (uncredited)
샬롯은 보스턴의 상류집안 출신이지만, 폭군 같은 어머니에게 시달리느라 자존감이 바닥에 떨어진 상태다. 정신과 의사인 재퀴드 덕분에 요양병원으로 피신한 이후, 그녀는 서서히 자신감을 회복하고 독립적인 여성으로 거듭난다.
Woman (uncredited)
주인공 맥클란은 기자들과 함께 스파이 조직에 연루되면서 복잡한 암살을 비롯한 사건들이 벌어진다. 기자의 카메라에 숨겨진 총으로 벌어지는 암살 장면이나, 네덜란드의 풍물인 풍차가 등장하는 스펙타클한 장관, 그리고 전쟁이 시작되는 날 런던에서 출발하는 대서양 횡단 비행기 씬 등이 유명한 이 영화의 장면들이다. 초창기 영화에서 보여준 스토리 스텔링이라는 단순한 이야기 나열에 그치지 않고, 영화 본래의 기술인 볼거리 중심의 미장센 연출을, 완벽한 카메라와 편집, 계산된 연기 지도 등으로 보여준다. 이 영화가 헐리웃에서 대성공을 거두자 제작자들이 히치콕에게 찾아와 최고의 대우를 해 주겠다는 계약서가 줄을 이었다고 한다.
Mrs. King
적령기를 맞고 있다. 온순하고 마음이 착하며 만사에 내성적인 맏딸 제인에 비해, 둘째 딸 엘리자베스는 인습에 사로잡히지 않고 재치가 넘치는 발랄한 아가씨였다. 제인은 근처에 이사온 늠름한 청년 빙리를 사랑하게 되지만, 신중하게 자기 애정을 숨기고 있다. 빙리의 친구 다시는 겉치레를 우습게 알기 때문에, 성격 연구가임을 내세우는 엘리자베스에 대해서조차 신분을 내세우는 `오만`한 남자라는 인상을 주지만, 결국 자유롭고 활달한 엘리자베스를 사랑하게 된다. 그러나, 다시는 베네트 부인과 아래로 세 명의 딸들이 어리석게 행동하기 때문에 그 이상 더 엘리자베스와 관계가 깊어지는 것을 꺼려하였다.
빙리도 역시 제인을 사랑하고는 있었으나, 그녀의 사랑을 받을 수 있을 것인지 자신감을 상실하게 된다. 이리하여 결국 이들 두 청년은 그 땅에서 떠나간다. 다시는 그 뒤 신분의 격차가 있고, 저속한 중매인에 대한 혐오감도 있지만, 그 모든 장애를 뛰어넘어 엘리자베스에게 구혼한다. 그러나 그녀는 다시가 `오만`하다는 `편견`을 가지고 있었기 때문에 그 구애를 거부 한다. 그러나 경박하고 낯이 두터운 콜린스와 싹싹하기는 하지만 성실하지 못 한 위컴과의 교제를 통하여 첫인상이 중요하지 않다는 사실을 깨닫게 된다. 그 외에도 여러 가지 사건과 만남을 통하여 다시가 실은 너그럽고 생각이 깊은 인물이라는 사실을 알게 되어, 엘리자베스는 자기 `편견 `을 시정한다. 한편 다시는 빙리에 대한 제인의 사랑이 진실되다는 사실을 알고, 두 사람의 결혼을 주선한다. 그리고 다아시와 엘리자베스도 이해와 애정과 존경으로 맺어진다.
School Mistress
Man about town and First Class cricketer A.J. Raffles keeps himself solvent with daring robberies. Meeting Gwen from his schooldays and falling in love all over again, he spends the weekend with her parents, Lord and Lady Melrose. A necklace presents an irresistible temptation, but also in attendance is Scotland Yard's finest, finally on the trail.
Old Lady in Hall (uncredited)
Following an argument with his young protege, the curmudgeonly Dr. Gillespie dumps Jimmy Kildare in a street clinic, hoping to teach him a lesson. While working there Kildare meets pretty nurse Mary Lamont, and ends up treating a hoodlum with a gunshot wound. He purposely fails to write a report on it, and soon finds himself in a heap of trouble. Who else would come to his rescue but good old Dr. Gillespie?
Mrs. Thomas, Housekeeper
Captain Drummond and his girlfriend want to marry but a hidden treasure in the house in which they want to celebrate their marriage is complicating the situation involving a series of deaths and an elusive murderer.
Lady Bolton (uncredited)
In 1911, minor stage comic, Vernon Castle meets the stage-struck Irene Foote. A few misadventures later, they marry and then abandon comedy to attempt a dancing career together. While they're performing in Paris, an agent sees them rehearse and starts them on their brilliant career as the world's foremost ballroom dancers. However, at the height of their fame, World War I begins.
Stephanie's Party Guest with Dog (uncredited)
미국에서 온 쇼걸 이브는 빈털터리인 채로 파리를 헤맨다. 이브는 마음씨 좋은 택시 기사 티보르를 만나 도움을 청하지만, 일은 여의치 않다. 티보르와 헤어진 후 어느 파티에 숨어든 이브는 부유해 보이는 엘렌과 젊은 남자 피코를 만나게 된다. 얼마 후, 엘렌의 남편 조르주까지 합류하는데, 불청객인 이브를 알아본 조르주는 다음 날 이브에게 은밀한 제안을 한다. 아내와 피코의 사이를 눈치채고 있던 조르주는 이브에게 엘렌이 피코와 헤어질 수 있도록 자신을 도와 달라고 한다. 오랫동안 함께 작업했던 빌리 와일더와 찰스 브래킷이 쓴 시나리오를 바탕으로 한 스크루볼 코미디. ((재)영화의전당/필름제공: Library of Congress(USA))
Aunt Lucy Kingery
When a banker is found shot dead with a gun in his hand, his daughter refuses to believe it is a suicide. With the help of a detective, she hopes to get to the bottom of the case.
Comedy-mystery finds Detectives Kelly and Dempsey trapped in a deserted lighthouse with a group of strangers who are being terrorized by a killer octopus AND a mysterious crime figure named after the title sea creature.
Grandmother Canty
Two boys – the prince Edward and the pauper Tom – are born on the same day. Years later, when young teenage Tom sneaks into the palace garden, he meets the prince. They change clothes with one another before the guards discover them and throw out the prince thinking he's the urchin. No one believes them when they try to tell the truth about which is which. Soon after, the old king dies and the prince will inherit the throne.
Fireplace Attendant (uncredited)
Life in 1847 Paris is as spirited as champagne and as unforgiving as the gray morning after. In gambling dens and lavish soirees, men of means exert their wills and women turned courtesans exult in pleasure. One such woman is Marguerite Gautier, who begins a sumptuous romance with Armand Duval.
Lord Gaythorne's Maid (uncredited)
A Victorian-era woman struggles to break free of the moral codes established by society and enforced by her father.
Alice Dodd
An American lawyer's wife is reunited with her child and his father, an English nobleman.
Lady Disapproving of Florence #2 (uncredited)
In mid-nineteenth century England the medical establishment does not recognize the value of skilled nurses, cleanliness, nutrition and kindness. Florence Nightingale's heroic measures slowly changes all of this.
Lady Emily (uncredited)
Mary, a woman with good intentions, takes pity on Henry, an artist with no home. What begins as a simple offer to come inside from the cold for tea gradually turns into more. Before the unsuspecting woman knows it, Henry, his family, and his friends con their way into her home. Eventually, Mary creates a ruse to rid herself of the parasites, but they have a different plan.
Head Nurse (uncredited)
During WW1, the destinies of British officers Michael Andrews and John Stevenson seem intertwined on the battle front as much as on a more personal level.
Miss Pinkerton
The first feature length film to use three-strip Technicolor film. Adapted from a play that was adapted from William Makepeace Thackeray's book "Vanity Fair", the film looks at the English class system during the Napoleonic Wars era.
Gypsy's Mother (uncredited)
프랑켄슈타인 박사는 오랜 시간의 연구 끝에 그의 두번째 창조물로 아름다운 여인을 만들어 낸다. 첫번째 창조물인 빅터와, 두번째 창조물인 젊고 아름다운 에바는 모두 인간 신체의 각 부분들을 프랑켄슈타인 박사가 조합해 새로운 생명체로 만드는 과정을 거쳐 탄생했다.어느날, 프랑켄슈타인 박사의 집과 연구실에 불이 나고 폭풍우가 치면서 그들의 거처가 파괴되는 사건이 발생한다. 빅터는 혼자 힘으로 트랜실베니아로 가서 살기 시작하고, 에바는 프랑켄슈타인 박사의 인도 아래 그와 함께 살게 된다. 프랑켄슈타인은 세상에 대해 아무것도 모르는 에바를 교육시키면서 마치 상류계급의 젊고 매력적인 숙녀처럼 만들어 나가는데...
Vera Trent
The Victorian wife of a mad baron waits years for a British soldier sent to Egypt.
Duchess of Reidheim (uncredited)
Young Austrian Archduke Paul "Gustl" Gustave is in an arranged engagement but his uncle, the emperor, decides to let Gustl carry on a fling with ballet dancer Lisl Gluck.
A valuable gem from India is stolen in an old dark mansion and it is up to Scotland Yard inspector Charles Irwin to find out who did it among all the suspects who were in the house.
Music Store Customer
Kitty Lorraine has one purpose in life: turning her daughter Shirley into a star. Kitty controls every aspect of the girl's nascent career -- even blackmailing a stage manager so that Shirley can take a more prestigious gig. But Kitty goes too far when she breaks up her daughter's budding relationship with sweet artist Warren Foster. Heartbroken, Shirley sets off on a series of disastrous but profitable relationships.
Sir Roderick Femm (as John Dudgeon)
Seeking shelter from a relentless rainstorm and landslides in a remote region of Wales, five travelers are admitted to a large foreboding old house that belongs to the extremely strange Femm family. Sepulchral Horace Femm and his obsessive, inhospitable sister Rebecca are the group's peculiar hosts. The house also holds surprises - and a brutish mute manservant named Morgan.
Solitaire Player
Linda Gault is a luxury loving wife who casually seduces other men while getting investment tips from one of her lovers.
Musicale Guest (uncredited)
Henry Wilton is an elderly millionaire saddled with his selfish young second wife Emmy 'Sweetie' Wilton and a pair of spoiled grown children, Peggy and Eddie. To test his family's mettle, Henry pretends to have gone broke. Just as he suspected they would, his children rally to their father's side and change their ways: Peggy forsakes the fortune hunter George Struthers for the nice young man she's really in love with, the polo coach Larry Rivers, while Eddie applies for a demanding job and performs admirably. Only Sweetie seems to desert Henry.
Sir Pitt's Housekeeper
An ambitious and ruthless young woman advances from the position of governess to the heights of British society.
Neighbor (uncredited)
A maid's dream comes true but are not quite what she expected.
Elegant Dowager (uncredited)
In World War I London, Myra is an American out-of-work chorus girl making ends meet by picking up men on Waterloo Bridge. During a Zeppelin air raid she meets Roy, a naive young American who enlisted in the Canadian army. After they fall for each other, Roy tricks Myra into visiting his family, who live in a country estate outside London, his mother having remarried to a retired British Major. Myra is reluctant to continue the relationship with Roy, he not aware of her past.