Arthur Space

Arthur Space

출생 : 1908-10-12, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA

사망 : 1983-01-13

프로필 사진

Arthur Space

참여 작품

Hot Rod
Norton Erdelatz
A freewheeling drag racer enters a local championship meet and finds himself head-to-head with the tyrannical town boss who has already arranged for his own son to win.
미이일 통신 센터의 직원들이 몰살당하는 사고가 발생하자 슬레이터 소장은 원인 규명을 위해 현장에 출동했다가 곤충학자인 크레인 박사(마이클 케인 분)와 의사인 헬레나 대위(캐서린 로스 분)를 만난다. 몰살 원인이 살인 벌떼의 습격으로 밝혀지자 크레인은 사태 수습의 총 책임자로 임명되고, 면역학자 크림 박사(헨리 폰다 분)를 모셔와 해독제 제작에 몰두하게 된다.
더 스트롱기스트 맨 인더 월드
Regent Shaw
Medfield College science major Dexter Riley and his classmates have been working on a new vitamin compound when a lab accident creates a supercharged mix that ends up in Dexter's cereal box, giving him superhuman strength. The powerful formula comes to the attention of the college dean and two rival cereal companies, touching off a hilarious chain of events.
허비: 돌아오다
Beach Caretaker
건설회사를 운영하는 호크 회장(Alonzo Hawk: 키난 윈 분)은 샌프란시스코에 세계 최고의 건물 호크플라자를 세우기로 한다. 그러나 신축부지에 있는 옛 소방서 건물에 사는 스타인메츠(Mrs. Steinmetz: 헬렌 헤이즈 분) 부인이 떠날 생각을 하지 않는다. 호크 회장은 순진한 변호사이며 조카인 윌로비(Willoughby Whitfield: 켄 베리 분)를 보내 계약서에 서명을 받도록 한다. 스타인메츠 부인은 마법의 자동차 허비와 니콜(Nicole Harris: 스테파니 파워즈 분)이라는 스튜어디스와 같이 살고 있는데, 소방서를 찾아간 윌로비는 니콜과 허비의 도움으로 호크의 본색을 알게 되고 함께 싸우기로 마음먹는다. 호크는 스타인메츠 부인을 쫓아내려고 허비를 훔치지만 실패하고 변호사들을 시켜 허비를 부수려하지만 또다시 실패한다. 화가 난 호크는 니콜과 윌로비가 외출한 틈을 타서 가구를 훔치지만 스타인메츠 부인은 보관 창고에 가서 다시 가구를 찾아온다. 계속 계획이 실패로 돌아가자 호크는 한밤중에 소방서를 부수게 하는데 이 계획을 알아챈 스타인메츠 부인은 철거업자에게 전화를 걸어 오히려 호크의 집을 부수게 만든다. 그러자 호크는 겉으로 호크플라자 건설을 포기하는 척하고 밤에 중장비를 몰고와서 소방서를 부수려고 한다. 허비는 저녁식사를 하고있던 니콜과 윌로비를 불러오고 다른 자동차들의 도움을 받아 호크 일당을 몰아낸다. 그리고 소방서를 구한 윌로비와 니콜은 허비를 타고 신혼여행을 떠난다.
The Bat People
Dr. John Beck, recently married, decides to take his wife, Cathy, spelunking in Carlsbad Cavern. While there, Dr. Beck, who specializes in bats, is bitten by a fruit bat. He is then, inexplicably, transformed into a vampire bat. While he escapes and seeks help from another doctor, it is clear the treatments are not working. In fact, they are aggravating his condition. Dr. Beck unwittingly goes on a killing spree, catching the attention of Sergeant Ward.
Terror at Red Wolf Inn
Henry Smith
College student Regina comes back to her room from class one day to discover she's won a getaway vacation at the quiet Red Wolf Inn. Before she can even call her parents to let them know where she'll be, the lodge owners arrange her transport and she soon finds herself with two other young women as guests of a kindly old couple. The place is beautiful and the food is fantastic, but something just doesn't seem right. One of the guests has suddenly vanished, and the hosts are certainly reluctant to have anyone poking around the meat locker. Still, the barbecued ribs are delicious, so what's there to complain about?
마법의 빗자루
Old Home Guardsman (uncredited)
  제2차 세계 대전 중 영국의 한적한 시골에서 혼자 사는 미스 프라이스(Eglantine Price: 안젤라 랜스베리 분)는 마술통신대학에서 마녀 수업을 한 올챙이 마녀인데, 런던 모습으로 전쟁 고아가 된 세 남매 찰리(Charlie: 이안 웨이힐 분)와 캐리(Carrie: 신디 오캘러헌 분), 폴(Paul: 로이 스마트 분)을 떠맡게 된다. 빗자루 타는 연습을 하다 아이들에게 들킨 프라이스는 입막음으로 여행 주문을 폴에게 가르쳐 주는데, 통신 대학이 폐교 됐다는 소식을 듣고 애들과 함께 여행 주문을 이용해 침대를 타고 런던으로 간다. 학장 브라운 교수에게 중요한 마술 주문을 배우기 위한 것이다. 브라운 교수는 그 주문이 적힌 책을 반쪽만 갖고 있는 다른 반쪽을 찾기 위해 시장 거리에 간 프라이스 일행은 헌책방 주인에게서 놀라운 이야기를 듣는다.
The Shakiest Gun in the West
Sheriff Tolliver
Jesse W. Haywood (Don Knotts) graduates from dental school in Philadelphia in 1870 and goes west to become a frontier dentist. Penelope "Bad Penny" Cushing (Barbara Rhoades) is offered a pardon if she will track down a ring of gun smugglers. She tricks Haywood into a sham marriage as a disguise. Haywood inadvertently becomes the legendary "Doc the Haywood" after he guns down "Arnold the Kid".
내 사랑 황혼에 지다
An alcoholic captain sails a two-master through danger with a call girl and others on board.
저것이 파리의 등불이다
Donald Hall, Chief Engineer Ryan Airlines
세인트 루이스에서 우편항공기를 조종하던 찰스는 대서양 횡단에 도전하기로 결심한다. 그의 무모한 도전은 재력가들을 사로잡고, 후원으로 마련한 비행기로 이륙에 성공한다. 그러나 기류 이상으로 방향을 잃고, 나침반도 고장 나 그는 오직 별에 의존할 수밖에 없다. 동 틀 무렵, 졸음 속에서 저 멀리 불빛이 보이기 시작한다. 찰스 린드버그가 1927년 대서양을 횡단한 실제 모험을 영화화했다. 개봉 시에는 크게 주목 받지 못했으나, 한 사나이의 고독한 도전 정신과 강인한 의지를 잘 표현한 명작으로 재평가 받고 있다. 원제는 린드버그가 조종했던 비행기의 이름이다.
지구에서 2천만 마일
Dr. Sharman
1950년대 말에 미국이 금성에 유인 우주선을 쏘아 올린다. 우주선은 지구로 돌아오다 유성에 맞아 시칠리아 섬 근방에 추락한다. 살아남은 건 로버트 콜더 대령과 그가 가지고 온 금성 생물의 견본 뿐. 지구 대기에 비정상적으로 반응해서 엄청난 크기로 성장한 금성 괴물은 로마 시내를 쑥대밭으로 만드는데.. ( 참고사항. 영화 전체를 통해 단 한 번도 이름이 언급되지 않는 금성 괴물. 그게 아쉬웠는지 나중에는 '이미르'라는 애칭이 붙었다.
Away All Boats
The story of USS 'Belinda', a U.S. naval ship, and its crew during the battle of the Pacific 1943-1945, as it prepares for action and landing troops on enemy beachheads.
킬러 풀려나다
Bill (uncredited)
레온의 일당들은 은행을 털고 잠적한다. 샘을 비롯한 경찰들은 집요한 추적 끝에 레온의 집을 급습하지만 그 과정에서 무고한 레온의 부인이 죽고 만다. 레온은 그 자리에서 체포 당해 감옥에 갇히지만 얼마 지나지 않아 다시 탈출에 성공하고, 아내의 복수를 위해 곧바로 샘의 집을 찾아간다. (2014년 한국시네마테크협의회 - 버드 보티커 특별전)
Boy with a Knife
Harold Phillips
A boy on the wrong path finds a trusted mentor and group of friends to guide back on his way.
The Spoilers
Bank Manager
In 1899 Alaska, miners have to protect themselves from a phony legal team trying to steal their gold claims.
A Man Alone
Dr. Mason
A gunfighter, stranded in the desert, comes across the aftermath of a stage robbery, in which all the passengers were killed. He takes one of the horses to ride to town to report the massacre, but finds himself accused of it. He also finds himself accused of the murder of the local banker, and winds up hiding in the basement of a house where the local sheriff, who is very sick, lives with his daughter.
A part-Indian mining engineer looks for gold in an Arizona ghost town with his socialite bride.
Rage at Dawn
In this film's version of the story, four of the Reno Brothers are corrupt robbers and killers while a fifth, Clint is a respected Indiana farmer. A sister, Laura, who has inherited the family home, serves the outlaw brothers as a housekeeper and cook. One brother is killed when they go after a bank, the men of the town appear to have been waiting for them…
Panther Girl of the Kongo
Dr. Morgan
Jean Evans of an international wildlife foundation, who is known to Africa as 'the Panther Girl' because of her bravery in jungle living, stumbles on a plot by a mad scientist to frighten the natives out of a diamond-laden district by chemically growing crayfish to giant size, and enlists the aid of a game hunter friend to prevent a monster rampage and bring the culprits to justice.
Target Earth
Lt. General Wood
Giant robots from Venus invade Chicago. Stranded in the deserted city are Frank and Nora (who has recently attempted suicide). They meet a celebrating couple at a café, Vicki Harris and Jim Wilson. The quartet escape the robot patrol and take refuge in a large hotel. There, they encounter a new danger in Davis, a psychopathic killer.
스타 탄생
Night Court Clerk (uncredited)
연예계의 숨겨진 일화를 그린 영화. 영화배우 겸 가수로 주가를 높이고 있는 노먼 메인은 부와 명예를 지니고 있지만 삶이 권태롭다. 그런 어느 날 친구들과 다운비트 클럽에 갔다가 무명 가수 에스터의 선천적인 재질을 발견, 자신의 상대역으로 발탁시킨다. 두 사람은 점차 사랑하는 사이로 발전하고 비키 에스터라는 이름으로 바꾼 노먼은 팬들의 야유를 무릅쓰고 그녀를 공연에 출연시켜 대성공을 거두어 에스터는 하루 아침에 스타가 된다. 노먼과 에스터는 비밀리에 결혼식을 올리고 네바다 주의 사막에다 그들만의 보금자리를 꾸민다. 하지만 에스터의 인기가 높아 갈수록 노먼은 슬럼프에 빠지게 되면서 두 사람의 행복은 금이 가기 시작하는데...
Yankee Pasha
U.S. Consul Richard O'Brien
Director Joseph Pevney's 1954 swashbuckling adventure saga stars Jeff Chandler as an adventurer trying to rescue a damsel kidnapped by pirates. The cast also includes Rhonda Fleming, Mamie Van Doren, Rex Reason, Lee J. Cobb, Hal March, Arthur Space, Benny Rubin, Harry Lauter and, as a promotional gimmick, Miss Universe 1953 (Christiane Martel of France) and a slew of other pageant contestants (Miss USA, Miss Japan, Miss Panama, Miss Norway, Miss Uruguay, Miss South Africa and Miss Australia).
Last of the Pony Riders
Jess Hogan
Ex-Pony Express rider Autry ties to protect his US mail franchise as the Pony Express gives way to stage coach mail and the telegraph. Gene's last film appearance as a singing cowboy.
Back to God's Country
In a small village in the icy wilderness of Alaska Captain Peter Keith has to defend himself against two especially mean villains, who are after his wife Dolores and a boatload of precious hides.
So This Is Love
Film biography of opera star Grace Moore, released in 1953.
Canadian Mounties vs. Atomic Invaders
A villain named Marlof attempts to set up secret missile bases inside Canada so he can launch missiles at the U.S. The Canadian Mounted Police dispatch agents to try to stop him.
Confidentially Connie
Prof. Archie Archibald
Texas cattleman Opie Bedloe comes to Maine to visit his son Joe, a college instructor, and his wife Connie in the hopes of persuading Joe to give up his teaching career and come back to Texas and take over the ranch. When Opie finds out that Connie, who is expecting a baby, can not afford the steaks she yearns for on Joe's salary, Opie, who believes that pregnant women gotta have meat, arranges for the local butcher, Spangenberg to cut his prices in half (with Opie paying the difference) so that Connie can have the meat she desires.
Feudin' Fools
Mr. Thompson
Sach discovers that he is heir to a farm in rural hillbilly country. He and the boys go to the farm to check it out, and find themselves mixed up with feuding hillbillies and a gang of bank robbers.
The brother (House Peters Jr.) of rancher Bill Martin (Bill Elliott) is killed in a stampede started by cattleman. Bill returns to the Fargo country to take his brother's place and is welcomed by law-abiding cattleman MacKenzie (Jack Ingram)) and his daughter Kathy (Phyllis Coates). The leader of the ruthless cattle interests are townsman Austin (Arthur Space) and his henchmen Red (Myron Healey), Link (Robert J. Wilke) and Albord (Terry Frost). Bill has the idea of putting up barbed wire to keep the herds from been driven over the land cultivated by the farmers. He, aided by Tad Sloan (Fuzzy Knight), produces the wire by make-shift methods, but it proves effective. The cattleman charge in court that the wire is dangerous to their herds but lose the case. Austin orders his men to seize Bill, bale him in strands of the wire, and throw him on the stage of the town hall during a fall festival. Bill doesn't take kindly to this and it precipitates open war.
Here Come the Marines
Captain Miller
After Slip is drafted into the Marines, the rest of the gang volunteers so they can be with him. Sach discovers that the colonel knew his father and he is promoted. During a drill that he is putting the rest of the gang through, they find a soldier left for dead on the side of the road. Slip discovers a playing card next to the marine and traces it to Jolly Joe Johnson's gambling house. They suspect that the gambling house is cheating and set out to uncover the proof.
Sound Off
Barney Fisher
An obnoxious nightclub comedian at Ciro's is drafted into the U.S. Army during the Korean War. At his arrival at his basic training he meets a WAC Lieutenant and romantically pursues her. His activities irritate his drill sergeant and the entire army when he goes Absent without Official Leave for her. He is imprisoned and sentenced to thirty days hard labour that turns him into a soldier. At the end of the film he is shipped overseas to join the Special Services.
African Treasure
Against stock footage of lions, elephants and wildebeasts, Bomba the Jungle Boy captures a pair of nefarious diamond smugglers.
Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder
Joe Brady
Two singers step in to help an aspiring actress whose grandmother opposes her bid to launch a show-business career
The Barefoot Mailman
Sylvanus Hurley is a swindler who's been swindled: he's been given a deed to a large plot of mangrove swamp in the out-of-the-way community. So he decides to con the locals, some of whom are not as honest as he....
Utah Wagon Train
Robert Hatfield
Rancher Rex Allen receives a summons from his uncle. an old time frontiersman, that he is in trouble. The uncle has been hired to lead a modern-day band of adventurers on a wagon train retracing the route taken by their ancestors 100 years ago. Before Rex can talk to his uncle, the uncle is murdered, and Rex sets out to find the killer and the motive by taking his uncle's place as the leader of the wagon train.
Government Agents vs Phantom Legion
Two federal agents battle a gang that hijacks trucks carrying materials vital for the security of the country and sells them to foreign powers.
Night Riders of Montana
Roger Brandon
After being hit by rustlers, a group of Montana ranchers asks the governor to send state rangers for protection. State Ranger Rocky Lane becomes involved in a mystery surrounding a gang of horse rustlers and a young rancher who is blamed falsely for a killing. Lane helps uncover the real killers and unmasks the ringleader of the rustlers.
Captain Fetterman
1866년, 금이 발견되자 미 육군은 이전 조약에 의해 수족에게 양도된 영토에 도로와 요새를 건설한다. 개척단원 짐 브리저(반 헤플린)는 블랙 케틀 추장의 딸이자 죽은 아내의 여동생인 수족 여인과 함께 일촉즉발 상태인 수족 추장 레드 클라우드와의 전면전을 막기 위해 애쓰는데...
The Killer That Stalked New York
Dr. Penner (uncredited)
In New York, Sheila Bennet and her spouse, Matt Krane, are trying to unload a trove of rare jewels they smuggled into America from Cuba, but the police are hot on the couple's trail. Meanwhile, government officials begin a desperate search for an unknown individual who is infecting the city with smallpox.
The Fuller Brush Girl
Insp. Rodgers
A daffy door-to-door saleswoman blunders into a murder investigation.
The Happy Years
Based on a collection of stories with the focus on young John Humperkink "Dink" Stover, a student at the Lawrenceville Prepatory School, in 1896, whose family, in Eastcester, New York, have just about given up on his education because he is an incorrigible student. He gets into one situation after another and incurs the dislike of his classmates, who think he is cowardly but he changes their opinion when he challenges several of them to a fight. When he returns home for the summer, he meets Miss Dolly Travers and increases his 'hatred of women' because she does not accept his schoolboy pranks. Back at school, in the fall, he is more difficult than ever until his philosophy is changed by a teacher.
The Vanishing Westerner
Sheriff John Fast / Sir Cedric Fast
Posing as wanted men, Chris and Waldorf get hired by Sanderson. He sends them to kill the Sheriff but puts blanks in their guns. When they arrive someone else shoots the Sheriff and Chris is blamed and jailed. The Sheriff's brother then incites the mob to hang Chris.
The Good Humor Man
Officer Daley
Biff Jones is a driver/salesman for the Good Humor ice-cream company. He hopes to marry his girl Margie, who works as a secretary for Stuart Nagel, an insurance investigator. Margie won't marry Biff, though, because she is the sole support of her kid brother, Johnny. Biff gets involved with Bonnie, a young woman he tries to rescue from gangsters. But Biff's attempts to help her only get him accused of murder. When the police refuse to believe his story, it's up to Biff and Johnny to prove Biff's innocence and solve the crime.
Father Is a Bachelor
Lucius Staley
Johnny Rutledge is a drifter who comes to and discovers a cabin in the forest where five kids: January, February, March, April, and May are living without parents. Their parents died a while ago, and they want to keep that secret from the townspeople, especially the young school teacher, Prudence Millett, to avoid being sent to a children's home and eventual separation. Johnny moves in with the kids and poses as their uncle to take care of them while romancing Prudence. But in order to keep the children, he has to get married.
Mary Ryan, Detective
Mike Faber
A female police detective (Marsha Hunt) enters jail to gain the confidence of a shoplifter and learn the identity of the leader of a stolen goods racket.
Sorrowful Jones
Plainclothes Policeman (uncredited)
A young girl is left with the notoriously cheap Sorrowful Jones as a marker for a bet. When her father doesn't return, he learns that taking care of a child interferes with his free-wheeling lifestyle. Sorrowful must also evade crooked gangsters and indulge in a bit of horse-thieving.
이방인의 집
자신의 아들들마저도 철저하게 자신의 사업 목적에 이용하는 냉혹하기 그지없는 한 사업가의 이야기를 그린 드라마. 원래 로빈슨은 서부 영화나 범죄 영화들에서 악당 역할들로 유명한 험악한(?) 인상의 배우이다.
El Paso
John Elkins
Ex-confederate officer Clay Fletcher jumps at the chance to reunite with his once lady-friend, Susan Jeffers, when his father, Judge Fletcher, sends him on an errand to El Paso, Texas to get the signature of Susan's father, Judge Jeffers, on a legal document. Once there he finds the judge has become a drunk and a laughing stock, doing the bidding of local magnate Bert Donner and his running dog, Sheriff La Farge. Just as Clay starts straightening out the town's problems, events occur which force him to abandon the legal system and instead adopt the murderous tactics of a vigilante.
Police Inspector (Uncredited)
제니 마쉬는 살인 혐의로 5년간을 복역한 후에 집행 유예로 풀러난다. 보호감찰관인 그리프 마라트는 그녀에게 자신의 눈먼 어머니를 돌보는 일자리를 준다. 그녀는 법원의 접근 금지명령에도 불구하고 옛 애인 헨리 웨슨과 계속해서 은밀히 만나고 있다. 하지만 그녀는 헌신적인 그리프와 사랑에 빠져 결혼에 이르게 된다. 사뮤엘 풀러의 통속적이지만 힘 있는 각본과 서크의 경제적인 연출이 잘 어우러진 숨겨진 걸작. 영화의 결말은 제작사인 콜럼비아의 강요로 인해 애초의 의도와는 달리 해피엔딩으로 끝낼 수밖에 없었다고 한다.
Fighter Squadron
Maj. Sanford
During World War II, an insubordinate fighter pilot finds the shoe on the other foot when he's promoted.
Walk a Crooked Mile
Mr. North
A security leak is found at a Southern California atomic plant. The authorities stand in fear that the information leaked would go to a hostile nation. To investigate the case more efficiently, Dan O'Hara, an FBI agent, and Philip Grayson, a Scotland Yard sleuth, join forces. Will they manage to stop the spy ring from achieving their aim?
Tap Roots
Caller (uncredited)
Set at the beginning of the Civil War, Tap Roots is all about a county in Mississippi which chooses to secede from the state rather than enter the conflict. The county is protected from the Confederacy by an abolitionist and a Native American gentleman. The abolitionist's daughter is courted by a powerful newspaper publisher when her fiance, a confederate officer, elopes with the girl's sister. The daughter at first resists the publisher's attentions, but turns to him for aid when her ex-fiance plans to capture the seceding county on behalf of the South.
A Southern Yankee
Hotel Desk Clerk
Red Skelton plays Aubrey Filmore, a feather-brained but lovable bellboy who dreams of becoming an agent for the Union's secret service during the Civil War.
The Fuller Brush Man
Police Lt. Quint
Poor Red Jones gets fired from every job he tries. His fiancée gives him one last chance to make good when he becomes a Fuller Brush man. His awkward attempts at sales are further complicated when one of his customers is murdered and he becomes the prime suspect.
Silver River
Major Ross
Unjustly booted out of the cavalry, Mike McComb strikes out for Nevada, and deciding never to be used again, ruthlessly works his way up to becoming one of the most powerful silver magnates in the west. His empire begins to fall apart as the other mining combines rise against him and his stubbornness loses him the support of his wife and old friends.
I Love Trouble
Sgt. Muller
A wealthy man hires a detective to investigate his wife's mysterious past.
The Invisible Wall
Roy Hanford
A former GI gets his old job back working for a bookie after returning from serving in the military. Unfortunately, he loses the $20,000 he was supposed to deliver to gambling and a con artist. His attempts to get the money back leads to bigger problems including a murder plot.
The Crimson Key
Det. Capt. Fitzroy
Larry Morgan, a private detective, is hired by a woman who wants Larry to trail her husband. The husband is murdered and, shortly afterwards, the wife is also killed. Larry shuffles through a long list of suspects before revealing the killer...
Rustlers of Devil's Canyon
Doc Cole
Red Ryder returns to Sioux City, Wyoming, at the close of the Spanish-American War, settling down at the ranch of his aunt, The Duchess, with his pals Little Beaver and "Blizzard". But Red soon discovers that the country is over-run by rustlers.
Millie's Daughter
An errant mother tries to teach her daughter to avoid the same errors she made by choosing a different lifestyle.
The Guilt of Janet Ames
A hard-drinking reporter tries to help the embittered widow of the soldier who had saved his life during the war.
레드 하우스
Sheriff Ray Helk
An old man and his sister are concealing a terrible secret from their adopted teen daughter, concerning a hidden abandoned farmhouse, located deep in the woods.
Magnificent Doll
Alexander Hamilton
While packing her belongings in preparation of evacuating the White House because of the impending British invasion of Washington D.C., Dolly Payne Madison thinks back on her childhood, her first marriage, and later romances with two very different politicians, Aaron Burr and his good friend James Madison. She plays each against the other, not only for romantic reasons, but also to influence the shaping of the young country. By manipulating Burr's affections, she helps Thomas Jefferson win the presidency, and eventually she becomes First Lady of the land herself.
The Cockeyed Miracle
Amos Spellman
A 60-ish Maine shipbuilder (Frank Morgan) and his 30-ish father (Keenan Wynn) provide for their family from the hereafter.
Home in Oklahoma
Coroner Jud Judnick
In this Roy Rogers entry, featuring a song written by Oklahoma Governor Roy J. Turner (making him and Lousiania's Jimmie Davis and Texas' W.E. "Pappy" O'Daniel possibly the only state governors to write songs used in a western), Flying U ranch owner Sam Talbot is killed by a fall from a horse. St. Louis reporter Connie Edwards comes to check a rumor that he might have been murdered. She goes to Roy Rogers, editor of the local newspaper, and he takes her to the reading of Talbot's will. The ranch is left to Talbot's 12-year-old ward, Duke Lowery, much to the dismay of Talbot's niece, Jan Holloway. After some attempts on Duke's life, Roy finally proves that Jan, Steve McClory and coroner Jim Judnick had Talbot killed and are conspiring to do the same for Duke, making Jan the last heir.
The Mysterious Mr. Valentine
County Coroner
Janet Spencer is driving down a country road when one of her tires blows out. This seemingly innocuous, everyday occurrence leads Linda into a labyrinth of murder, blackmail and intrigue.
Black Beauty
Based on Anna Sewell's novel. In rural England of the 1880's, widower Squire Wendon is rearing his young daughter Anne. Her father has forbidden her to be present when their mare, "Duchess," gives birth. Anne sneaks out to the stable, however, and is discovered by her father who forbids her ever to ride Duchess again. Despite this punishment, he gives Anne Duchess's colt because it is her birthday, and she names him "Black Beauty."
Boys' Ranch
Mr. O'Neill
A juvenile delinquent is sent to a rehabilitation ranch, but he immediately proves to be a troublemaker.
Our Old Car
Mr. Nesbitt (uncredited)
In this John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short, a man traces his history by the succession of cars his father owned. [This short appears in its entirety during MGM's short feature "The Great Morgan".]
Bad Bascomb
Sheriff (uncredited)
A western bandit is reformed by his love for a little girl.
Lost City of the Jungle
"System" Reeves
A movie serial in 13 chapters, and Lionel Atwill's final film: Following the end of WWII, war-monger Sir Eric Hazarias sets the wheel in motion for WWIII. His search for Meteorium 245, the only practical defence against the atomic bomb, leads him to mythical Pendrang. Obstructing his sinister plan to rule the world are Rod Stanton, United Peace Foundation investigator, Tal Shan , Pendrang native, and Marjorie Elmore, daughter of scientist Dr. Elmore, unwilling assistant to Sir Eric.
Mysterious Intruder
Davis (Uncredited)
A private detective is hired to find a young heiress but finds himself accused of murder.
The Crimson Canary
Detective Carlyle
Members of a Jazz Band come under suspicion when a beautiful nightclub singer is murdered.
The Great American Mug
Contemporary Barber at Middle Chair (uncredited)
This John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short takes a look at the typical American barbershop throughout the years.
Bud Abbott and Lou Costello in Hollywood
Director Lippen
When two bumbling barbers act as agents for a talented but unknown singer, they stage a phony murder in order to get him a plum role.
A Gun in His Hand
Calvin 'Whitey' Foster (uncredited)
In this MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short, a young man graduates from the police academy at the top of his class. He then teams up with some local thieves and uses his knowledge of police procedures to pursue a career of undetected crime.
Our Vines Have Tender Grapes
Pete Hanson
Welcome to Fuller Junction, Wisconsin, a friendly small town settled by Norwegian farmers. Here we see the exploits of two young cousins, Selma and Arnold, who learn about their world and experience the ups and downs of life as the season pass.
Leave It to Blondie
Mr. Fuddle (uncredited)
Older but no wiser, Blondie and Dagwood Bumstead enter a songwriting contest. It's all part of a plan to cover charity checks that they've signed separately but can't cover. Along the way, Blondie's blood boils when Dagwood gets innocently mixed up with beautiful music teacher Rita Rogers.
The Great Morgan
Father in Passing Parade (archive footage) (uncredited)
Frank Morgan is hired to put together a movie using odds and ends from the MGM vaults. He does so by splicing together a string of completely unrelated short subjects and musical numbers, interspersed with a repeated loop of a scene from some melodrama. (Contains in their entirety the shorts, "Musical Masterpieces," "Our Old Car," and "Badminton," as well as clips from other projects)
Dark Shadows
Burton Caighn Jr.
A police psychiatrist is enlisted to catch a killer.
창 속의 여인
Captain Kennedy (uncredited)
어느 저녁, 이름난 범죄심리학 교수 완리의 가족들은 잠시 여행을 떠나고, 교수는 친구들과 함께 클럽에서 중년의 허망함에 대해 애기한다. 클럽을 나서던 완리는 옆 가게의 쇼윈도에 걸려있는 한 여인의 초상화 앞에서 발길을 떼지 못한다. 어느 저녁, 클럽을 나서던 완리는 앨리스란 아가씨를 만나는데, 그녀는 쇼윈도에 걸려 있던 초상화와 너무나도 닮았다. 그녀의 초상에 반해있던 완리는 함께 그녀의 아파트에 가게되고, 불쑥 들이닥친 엘리스의 남자친구와 몸싸움 끝에 살인을 하게 이른다.
The Mark of the Whistler
Sellers, Bell Captain (uncredited)
A drifter claims the money in an old bank account. Soon he finds himself the target of two men who turn out to be the sons of the man's old partner, who is now in prison because of a conflict with him over the money in that account.
Strange Affair
Mac (Uncredited)
Eminent psychiatrist Dr. Brenner invites cartoonist Bill Harrison and his wife, Jack, to a banquet honoring war refugees. Bill volunteers to pick up fellow psychiatrist Dr. Baumler at the train station, but the man vanishes when he has Bill stop so he can use a pay phone. At the dinner, Bill and Jack are seated with Brenner's daughter, Freda, and, to Bill's surprise, another man is introduced as Baumler -- who dies moments later.
The Big Noise
Alva P. Hartley
During World War II Stan and Ollie find themselves as improbable bodyguards to an eccentric inventor and his strategically important new bomb.
The Ghost That Walks Alone
Cedric Jessup
Honeymooners find a dead radio producer in their suite.
조라는 이름의 사나이
San Francisco Airport Captain
A cocky Air Force pilot stationed in England during World War II falls for a daring female flier. After he's killed on a mission, he is sent back to Earth by heavenly General with a new assignment.
Whistling in Brooklyn
Detective MacKenzie
Radio crime show host "The Fox" finds himself on the trail of a serial killer while a suspect himself.
Swing Shift Maisie
Instructor (Uncredited)
Street-smart Maisie from Brooklyn lands a job at an airplane assembly plant during WWII and falls in love with handsome pilot "Breezy" McLaughlin. Breezy, however, falling in love with and getting engaged to Maisie's conniving roommate Iris, doesn't realize she's using him and it's up to Maisie to convince him.
Quiet Please, Murder
A forger steals and kills for a rare book from a library in order to make forgeries to sell to rich suckers.
Reunion in France
Henker - German Officer (uncredited)
Frenchwoman Michele de la Becque, an opponent of the Nazis in German-occupied Paris, hides a downed American flyer, Pat Talbot, and attempts to get him safely out of the country.
Tortilla Flat
Mr. Brown
Danny, a poor northern Californian Mexican-American, inherits two houses from his grandfather and is quickly taken advantage of by his vagabond friends.
Grand Central Murder
Detective with Doolin (uncredited)
Conniving Broadway starlet Mida King has plenty of enemies, so when she's found murdered at Grand Central Station, Inspector Gunther calls together a slew of suspects for questioning. Mida's shady ex-flame, Turk, seems the most likely culprit, but when smart-mouthed private eye Rocky Custer -- also a suspect himself -- begins to piece together the crime, a few clues that Gunther has overlooked come to light.
Rio Rita
Doc and Wishey run into some Nazi-agents, who want to smuggle bombs into the USA from a Mexican border hotel.
The Bugle Sounds
An old-time cavalry sergeant's resistance to change could cost him his post.
Riot Squad
Crime drama starring Richard Cromwell as a young medic who becomes the private physician to an underworld gang.