A skilled killer named Shui is forced to retire after a failed mission. He moves into an apartment arranged by the organization. However, unexpected murders start happening in the community. Shui decides to investigate and discovers that the community is concealing a conspiracy — there are hidden killers carrying out missions. Trapped in a dangerous situation, Shui’s only recourse comes from his ordinary neighbors.
Du Sheng-Liang
범죄를 저지른 스포츠 스타에게 인질로 붙잡힌 뉴스 앵커 류리민. 어쩌면 유명세를 되찾을 기회가 될 거라고 생각했다. 그러나 사건을 파헤치기 시작하는 순간, 상상도 할 수 없던 진실이 펼쳐진다.
Mr. Wen
Mr. Lai, an extra in a film, wakes up coughing on the set and gets notified he is going to play a dead body lying in a coffin. Teased by other background actors and mistreated by the film crew, he finds a perfect way to lie in the coffin.