Pat Fraley

Pat Fraley

출생 : 1949-02-18, Los Angeles, California, USA


Pat Fraley is an American voice actor, character actor, retired stand up comedian and acting coach.

프로필 사진

Pat Fraley

참여 작품

If You Give a Mouse a Christmas Cookie
Santa / Guard
If it's holiday time in Mouse's house then, that means Christmas cookies (including a special one for Santa, of course), caroling...and one nearly-destroyed holiday pageant. Can Mouse and his animal friends save the show, without getting utterly distracted along the way? It's a wild ride as Mouse and his friends embody the friendship and caring at the heart of the holiday season.
Fragile / Sweets (voice)
치즈마을 지하, 마을 사람들은 상상도 못할 존재들이 살고 있다. 그들은 바로 네모 반듯한 박스를 입고 다니는 귀여운 몬스터 박스트롤들과 박스를 쓴 인간 소년 에그. 비록 서로 생김새는 다르지만 태어난 직후부터 박스트롤들과 함께 자라난 에그는 그들과친 가족처럼 지내며 진정한 우정을 나누고 살아가고 있다. 그러던 어느 날, 사람들에게 피해도 주지 않고 평화롭게만 지내던 박스트롤들에게 큰 위험이 닥치게 된다. 마을 사람들에게 가짜 영웅 행세를 하고 다니던 빨간 모자 일당의 공격을 받게 된 박스트롤들! 무시무시한 악당들의 음모로 인해 박스트롤은 목숨을 잃을 위험에 처하고, 에그는 박스트롤 가족들을 지키기 위해 용기 있는 모험을 시작하게 되는데…! 과연, 에그와 박스트롤들은 악당을 물리치고 다시 행복한 시간을 보낼 수 있을까?
아이 노우 댓 보이스
Filmmaker Lawrence Shapiro discusses voice-over acting with the talented people behind the characters.
Scooby-Doo: Mystery in Motion
Uncle Carl (voice) (archive footage)
Scooby-Doo and friends are off on another adventure in this collection of 3 episodes from the various eras of Scooby-Doo TV shows.
Scooby Doo and The Zombies
Uncle Karl (voice) (archive footage)
A DVD compilation of 3 zombie-themed episodes from What's New, Scooby-Doo?. Smile and say "ciao"! The phantom-busters travel to Italy in Pompeii and Circumstance. With a colossal mystery to solve, will our friends be ghoulish gladiator goners, or will their love for Italian art and Scooby Snax save them? Then it's off to the City by the Bay for the Grind Games in The San Franpsycho, where a seaweed-sprouting ghoul from Alcatraz prison cares competing skateboarders to the core. If they don't find the creep behind the Legend of the Creepy Keeper, it'll be lights out in Fright House of a Lighthouse. Who's scared of zombies? Not Scooby-Doo!
Additional Voices (voice)
장장 18년을 탑 안에서만 지낸 끈기 만점의 소녀 라푼젤. 어느 날 자신의 탑에 침입한 왕국 최고의 대도를 한 방에 때려잡고, 그를 협박해 꿈에도 그리던 집 밖으로의 모험을 단행한다. 과잉보호 모친의 영향으로 세상을 험난한 곳으로만 상상하던 라푼젤 앞에 왕실 경비마 맥시머스의 추격, 라이더에게 복수의 칼날을 가는 스태빙턴 형제의 위협, 라푼젤의 가짜 엄마 고델의 무서운 음모 등이 얽혀 점점 흥미진진한 사건들이 터지기 시작한다. 그러나 세상물정 모르는 라푼젤은 자신 앞에 펼쳐진 스릴 넘치는 세상을 맘껏 즐기는데...
Waking Sleeping Beauty
The Gwythaint (voice) (archive footage)
By the mid-1980s, the fabled animation studios of Walt Disney had fallen on hard times. The artists were polarized between newcomers hungry to innovate and old timers not yet ready to relinquish control. These conditions produced a series of box-office flops and pessimistic forecasts: maybe the best days of animation were over. Maybe the public didn't care. Only a miracle or a magic spell could produce a happy ending. Waking Sleeping Beauty is no fairy tale. It's the true story of how Disney regained its magic with a staggering output of hits - "Little Mermaid," "Beauty and the Beast ," "Aladdin," "The Lion King," and more - over a 10-year period.
나는 전설이다
President (voice)
바이러스 감염으로 전 인류가 사망하고 홀로 뉴욕에 살아 남은 과학자 로버트 네빌(윌 스미스). 혹시라도 있을 다른 생존자를 찾아 절박한 심정으로 네빌은 3년 동안 방송을 송신해 왔다. 마침내 그는 혼자가 아니라는 것을 알게 되는데...
가필드: 겟 리얼
Sid (voice)
Animated tale in which Garfield leaves the cartoon world for the real one but as the novelty wears off he begins looking for a way back before his cartoon strip is permanently cancelled.
Casper's Scare School
Scare Center Host 1 / Wolfie / Narrator / Werewolf / Additional Voices (voice)
When Casper's been being friendly lately even when playing with a boy named Jimmy, Kibosh: The King of the Underworld has Casper enrolled into a Scare School headed by the two-headed headmaster Alder and Dash. He befriends Ra, a mummy with unraveling issues and Mantha, a zombie girl who keeps falling apart. When Casper discovers the two-headed headmaster's plot to use a petrification potion to turn Kibosh into stone and take over the Underworld and Deedstown, he and his new friends must stop him.
앤트 불리
Ant Council #1 (voice)
당신 발 밑으로 펼쳐지는 미지의 세계 파괴자 루카스의 행동에 더 이상 참을 수 없던 개미들은 마법사 개미 조크(니콜라스 케이지)가 완성한 묘약을 가지고 루카스를 개미만큼 줄어들게 만든다. 개미왕국으로 끌려와 재판을 받게 된 루카스는 현명한 여왕 개미(메릴 스트립)의 명령에 따라 개미들의 생활방식을 배우게 된다. 이제 루카스는 예전에는 상상도 못했던 낯선 풍경 속에서 생사를 건 모험을 시작한다.
포효소리는 라이언킹~ 그런데 개한테 쫓기는 라이언킹 봤수? ‘묻지마 과거’의 사자 ‘샘슨’. 뉴요커답게 팝콘봉지 하나도 패션아이템으로 활용하는 센스~ 폼생폼사 코알라 ‘나이젤’. 오를 수 없는 기린은 쳐다보지도 말아라~ 동물원 최고 퀸카! 쭉쭉빵빵 기린 ‘브리짓’. 키는 숫자에 불과하다~ 열 번 찍어 안 넘어가는 기린은 없다! 통 큰 작업 다람쥐 ‘베니’. 아무 생각 없어도 쓸 데는 제법 많은 다용도 아나콘다 ‘래리’ 샘슨의 아들이 벌인 대책 없는 가출은 희대의 납치극으로 비화되고 샘슨과 동물원 정예부대(?)는 그를 구하기 위한 일생일대의 모험을 감행한다. 이 대목에서 잠깐! 어디서 본 듯 하다고요? 천만에, 뉴욕에 동물 나온다고 영화마다 같을까~ 사자를 우습게 아는 뉴욕 뒷골목의 개념 없는 강아지들과 잡아 먹히고 싶어 자기 육질을 광고하는 인생포기 너구리, 먹이사슬의 쿠데타를 꿈꾸는 혁명적 초식동물 영양떼까지! 털끝부터 다른 디즈니의 순도 100% 오리지널 야생코미디!
치킨 리틀
Additional Voices (voice)
갑자기 하늘에서 떨어진 무언가에 의해 머리를 강타당한 치킨 리틀은 하늘이 무너지고 있다고 확신하고, 고향 마을인 오우키 오크를 대혼란으로 몰고간다. 허나 그의 머리 위로 떨어진 것은 다름 아닌 도토리... 이로 인해 1년간 모든 이들의 놀림감이 된 치킨 리틀은 자신의 명예를 회복하기 위해 결심을 하지만, 마음먹기가 무섭게 또다시 치킨 리틀의 머리 위로 무언가가 떨어지는데... 이번에는 진짜 하늘이 무너져 내리고 있는 것일까?! 마른 하늘에 구멍이 뚫린 절대절명의 위기 속에서 세상을 구하기 위해 모험을 떠나는 치킨 리틀과 그의 절친한 친구인 런트, 애비 말라드, 피쉬의 깜짝 놀랄 이야기...
Here Comes Peter Cottontail: The Movie
Chipmunk / Dad Mouse /Hawk (voice)
Everybody loves the Easter Bunny. Everybody, that is, except the evil Irontail, who wanted the job of Easter Bunny for himself- but lost out to Peter Cottontail. A generation later, Irontail is back to take his revenge, teaming up with the ice-cold Jackie Frost in a devious plot to plunge the world into permanent winter.Now it's up to Peter Cottontail's son, Junior, to save the day. Away from home for the first time, Junior joins forces with Flutter, a "flight-challenged" bird, and Munch, a mouse who never met a meal she didn't like. Together, these three unlikely kid heroes set out on the adventure of a lifetime. Along the way, they'll test their friendship, travel to the edge of the Earth, and uncover the secret of the Clocks of the Seasons.
은하계 저편에서 거대한 행성 하나가 붉은선을 그으며 지구로 돌진한다. 지구 궤도를 순항하던 전함들이 미확인물체의 공격으로 파괴되면서 지구와 외계 행성과의 전쟁은 시작된다. 이제 지구인들은 생존을 위해 전설의 예언에 따라 하나로 뭉치는데...
몬스터 주식회사
Additional Voices (voice)
호탕한 설리와 재치만점 마이크는 몬스터 주식회사 겁주기 팀의 최우수 콤비다. 매일 밤 투철한 직업정신으로 인간 세계로 통하는 벽장 문을 열던 설리와 마이크 콤비는 어느 날 일생일대의 실수를 저지른다. 덜 닫힌 벽장 문 사이로 인간아이 부가 몬스터 세계에 침입한 것. 설리와 마이크는 부를 인간세계로 돌려보내고 사건을 조용히 수습하려 하지만 부는 설리를 무서워하기는커녕 애완 야옹이쯤으로 생각하고 쫄래쫄래 따라다닌다. 부의 침입이 발각되자 몬스터 주식회사는 발칵 뒤집히고 마는데...
토이 스토리 2
Toy Store Buzz Lightyears (voice)
앤디가 카우보이 캠프에 간 동안 앤디의 어머니는 벼룩 시장을 열고 앤디의 장난감 중 위지가 팔려가게 될 운명이 되자 우디가 위지를 구하러 간다. 그러나 우디는 토이 수집가 알에게 유괴당한다. 우디는 원래 제시와 스팅키와 한 세트로 셋이 모이면 일본의 토이 박물관에 갈 수 있다. 알은 우디를 새 것처럼 고쳐주고 제시와 스팅키는 우디와 함께 박물관으로 갈 것을 우디에게 요청한다. 앤디와 친구들을 생각하며 처음엔 거절했으나 우디는 그들과 함께 박물관으로 가기로 한다. 그러나 이 사실을 모르는 버즈와 토이 친구들은 구조대를 결성해 우디를 구하러 가는데...
Additional Voices (voice) (uncredited)
러시아의 짜르(황제)의 성에서 평화롭기만 하던 8세의 아나스타샤의 생활은 무엇 하나 부러울 것이 없는 행복한 낙원에서의 삶이었다. 그러나 행복한 순간은 사악한 마술사 라스푸틴의 저주가 온 황실 가족에게까지 뻗치면서 점차 사라져 가고, 결국 러시아 혁명으로 시작된 폭도들의 습격으로 황실이 공격을 받으며 라스푸틴의 저주는 성공을 거두게 된다. 폭동의 틈바구니에서 어린 아나스타샤와 그녀의 할머니 마리는 황실의 하인 드미트리의 도움을 받아 성을 빠져 나온다. 파리로 향하는 기차에 오르던 중 군중들 틈에 섞인 아나스타샤는 그만 할머니와 헤어져 혼자 남게 되는데...
Bad Baby
Approaching his second birthday, Baby is still quite a handful for his long-suffering sister and parents. He's very demanding, hard to put to sleep, and they can't take their eyes off him for a minute. Dad has as much trouble with his boss ignoring his ability in the supermarket where he's general manager, as with Baby creating a 99-cent sale for all stock. And Mum is trying to make a name for herself baking cakes, but Baby keeps adding "eccentric" ingredients to the mix! On top of all this, Baby's teddy-bear, Baba, goes missing, and everyone goes nuts trying to find it, then replace it, while not constantly reminding Baby of its absence...
Edith Ann's Christmas (Just Say Noël)
Dad (voice)
Drama engulfs the household of Edith Ann and her family during the holidays.
Tiny Toy Stories
Buzz Lightyear
A compilation of five early Pixar shorts.
Gargoyles: The Heroes Awaken
After a magic spell in 10th century Scotland turns them to stone, a group of gargoyles that turn to flesh and blood when the sun goes down are resurrected by an opportunistic billionaire with sinister intentions.
Bubsy: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Arnold Armadillo / Virgil Reality (voice)
Virgil Reality reveals his latest invention, and Ally plans to steal it.
The Moo Family Holiday Hoe-Down
The Moo Family, a musical family comprised of anthropomorphic cows, find themselves having to save Christmas when Santa Cow's top pilot, Chuck Steaker, crashes his turbo sleigh right on the stadium that they were performing on.
Ben Tucker wants to be a comic book artist, His father wants the young teenage to be a jock. Even his friends put him down. One late night a space ship crashes into the sea and Ben comes to the aid of an injured man on the beach. His unselfish concern for the dying stranger puts him in the position to obtain the magic “Circlet of Power” bracelet.
Defenders of Dynatron City
Jett Headstrong (voice)
Made-for-TV special about a delivery man, his friends, and a talking ape mutating into quirky superheroes and fighting a mad scientist who wants to conquer their futuristic atomic city. Based on the eponymous NES video game.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Planet of the Turtleoids
Krang / Dirtbag / Herman the Horrible - Left Head
The Ninja Turtles are going out of this world. Way out! Their arch villain Shredder has concocted two new mutants and a gigantic robot to destroy the turtles. But also, a mysterious, two foot fifth turtle is following the four around. His name is Kerma and he's from Shellrelah, a turtle world. Well while the turtles are called on to help the turtle world in distress, Shredder is left to do his worst on the city. Can the green teens help their fellow alien turtles and save the city?
Talespin: Plunder & Lightning
Wildcat (voice)
In the series premiere, Baloo, an air cargo pilot, meets Kit Cloudkicker, a 12-year-old orphan, and takes him on as his navigator. He also loses his business to Rebecca Cunningham, a business major who becomes his boss. Meanwhile, Don Karnage, a notorious air pirate, uses a special gem stolen from Shere Khan's company, Khan Industries, to power a lightning gun and threaten Cape Suzette.
Shadow Strikers
Chameleon Man (voice)
The Shadow Strikers use their top secret weapon Transparium, which makes them invisible, to stop Dr. Viper and his Evil Evaders in this action-packed cartoon.
Blondie & Dagwood: Second Wedding Workout
Daisy Bumstead (voice)
In this animated special featuring the characters from the "Blondie" comic strip, Dagwood decides to give Blondie something extra special to celebrate their wedding anniversary.
Vytor: The Starfire Champion
Windchaser / Air Mutoid Warrior / Land Mutoid Warrior (voice)
In a world where arcane magic and futuristic technology coexist, a brave tribal warrior with a mysterious ring and a brave female warrior from the futuristic city in the sky must battle an evil warlord who holds an orb of tremendous power.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Epic Begins
Krang / Baxter Stockman / Burne Thompson / Vernon Fenwick / Zak
The first TMNT direct-to-video movie! Meet Raphael, Michaelangelo, Donatello and Leonardo, the Renaissance turtles who are fighting evil for truth, justice and a larger slice of pizza. Heroes in a half shell... Turtle Power!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Heroes in a Halfshell
Krang / Baxter Stockman / Burne Thompson / Vernon Fenwick / Zak
TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLE fever has struck the nation! They're weird, they're wacky, and, man, are they ever hip! These HEROES IN A HALF SHELL are the latest rage among kids, teenagers, and ultra cool adults. Once common hosehold pets, they were transformed into mutants by radioactive green slime. Now, this noble foursome spreads their message of truth, justice, and a larger slice of pizza for all! Join Raphael, Donatello, Michaelangelo, and Leonardo in their very first video adventure filled with laughter, lunacy, and unbeatable fun for everyone.
BraveStarr: The Legend
Marshall Bravestarr / Thunder Stick (voice)
Marshall Bravestarr is the lawman of the wild-west planet "New Texas" with help from Thirty-Thirty, his cybernetic talking horse and Deputy Fuzz, his sidekick and Shaman, his mentor. Bravestarr with his special powers fights the outlaw Tex-Hex, the leader of the Carrion Bunch, who are after the mineral Kerium, Bravestarr sets out to set things right and enforce peace and justice on "New Texas".
Yogi's Great Escape
One spring, Yogi Bear and Boo Boo Bear awake from hibernation to discover three orphaned bear cubs left at the front door of their cave. Despite their initial reservations, Yogi and Boo Boo take the bear cubs into their home and take care of them. Meanwhile, Jellystone Park has gone over budget and the park commissioner orders Ranger Smith to close it down. This means that Yogi, along with the other bears at the park, must be sent to a zoo. Because Yogi can't stand the thought of being cooped up in a zoo for the rest of his life, he hatches an elaborate escape plan. Salvaging car parts from a failed fishing expedition, he constructs a getaway "Supercar," complete with a picnic basket rumble seat for the three orphaned cubs. Together they make their escape from the park to find a new home.
Blondie & Dagwood
Daisy (voice)
Exeter Galaxon / Nomu (voices)
As an Earthling crew of astronauts lose control, and crash land onto the warring planet of Skallor, housing alien races known as the "Protectons" and "Terracores." Huge war robots, the Robotix, are used to re-animate the souls of the deceased alien races. As several of the astronaut crew stray towards evil-doing, the good members use the help of the Robotix to help them get back to Earth.
Rainbow Brite: San Diego Zoo Adventure
Lurky (voice) (uncredited)
Pete & Tracy notice something strange is happening to all of the colors of the zoo animals; they try to enlist the help of Rainbow Brite, not knowing that it's all part of Murky Dismal's dastardly plot to lure and capture Rainbow Brite.
The Adventures of the American Rabbit
Rob's Father / Tini Meany (voice)
To fight evil, a young rabbit can transform into a star spangled superhero.
The GLO Friends Save Christmas
Glo Worm (voice)
Blanche, the Wicked Witch of the North Pole, is jealous of Santa Claus. She imprisons him and his reindeer in an icy cage on a raging river, so they can't deliver their presents on Christmas Eve. Her timid sidekick, Moose the unimaginatively-named moose, tries to stop her, but she zaps him far away with her magic. The Glo Friends find out what she's done, and they set out to try and save Santa. They rescue Moose from a tree along the way, and Blanche tries to imprison them in ice flowers. But her schemes fail, as they reach Santa anyway, and face her in a final showdown to rescue him.
Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer
Lurky / On-X / Buddy Blue / Dog / Guard / Spectran / Slurthie / Glitterbot (voice) (as Patrick Fraley)
Rainbow Brite, and her magical horse Starlite, must stop an evil princess and her underlings from taking over the planet Spectra. When they meet Orin, the wise Sprite tries to make the two children get along and work together to stop the evil Princess. Orin tells them that they can only destroy her by combining their own powers against her. Getting in the way of their mission is the sinister Murky Dismal and his bumbling assistant Lurky who, as usual, are lavishing in the new gloom created by the darkening of Spectra, as well as trying to steal Rainbow's magical color belt.
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero
Ace (voice)
A Real American Hero is the first G.I. Joe miniseries, in it the G.I. Joe Special Missions Force must contend with COBRA who, after the successful theft of a special broadcast satellite now threaten the world with a teleportation machine called the M.A.S.S. Device. G.I. Joe tracks down the original designer who advises that the only way to counter the weapon is to build a M.A.S.S. Device of their own. However to power the device properly three rare catalytic elements are needed. Now it's a race around the world and against the clock as G.I. Joe and COBRA go M.A.S.S. to M.A.S.S.
Scooby Goes Hollywood
Brother / Guard / Announcer (voice)
The gang goes to Hollywood as Scooby-Doo stars in his first film. When a creepy creature wants to put a stop to the film, Scooby-Doo must solve the mystery to ensure his star status remains intact.