Ahmet is married to Sevgi who runs a hair salon in town and their marriage has not been on track for some time. Ahmet suspects his wife has been cheating on him. Ahmet’s in secure and anxious state reaches its peak when he notices a foreigner in town. One midnight, at an old gas station out of town… Mehmet’s phone rings. Ahmet is at the end of the line, panicked and in fear. Mehmet realizes that he has no choice to help his brother. In this long and dark night, the two siblings unexpectedly find themselves in the middle of a homicide they have committed.
전쟁의 아픔을 숨긴 채 살아온 아마추어 오페라 가수 ‘일리야스’ 아름다운 목소리로 인해 영국 대사관 집사로 발탁된 그는 제2차 세계대전의 결과를 뒤바꿀 일급 기밀 정보를 입수한 후 위험한 거래를 시작하는 비밀 스파이가 되기로 하는데… 역사를 뒤바꾼 첩보 작전! 전 세계의 운명이 그에게 달렸다!
Four 40-something friends are haunted by the violent past of a divided Cyprus. Temel wants desperately to speak about the crimes of vengeance he committed as a teenager. He would like to confess about the bodies buried in the muddy patch of a dried-up salt lake, but fear holds him back from even going there. Ali participates in Temel's UN projects aimed at defusing tension between Cyprus' Greek and Turkish communities....