Femke Bennink

참여 작품

크립토 보이
아버지와 갈등을 겪은 청년이 경제적 자유를 장담하는 어느 사업가의 거창한 약속에 속아, 암호화폐라는 매혹적인 함정에 빠진다.
개인정보 탈취 음모를 발견한 뒤 살인 누명을 쓰게 된 화이트 해커. 경찰로부터 도주 중인 그녀가 자신을 협박하는 범죄자들의 정체를 밝히기 위해 싸운다.
Feuten: Het Feestje
Executive Producer
Het zwijgen
Production Manager
Executive Producer
For all Frits, a farmer's son, knows, his mother died when giving birth to him. He and his father make up a strong team. In the literal and figurative sense, because his father not only teaches him to milk the cows and hunt, he is also the coach of his soccer team. The happy tide turns when the boy turns eighteen and is scouted as a promising soccer talent. Suddenly, Frits's future is no longer with his father on the farm, but on the green grass of the Nijmegen soccer club NEC. His son's splendid soccer career may be the crowning glory of the farmer's hard work, but he is afraid he will also lose his only child. Desperate, he reveals the lie with which he raised his son. Frits is bewildered and makes a dramatic decision.