Inspired by the incredible achievement of Hungarian shooting athlete Karoly Takacs, the story follows Anina, who gets selected in the Indian cricket team. However, an accident leaves her right hand amputated. Anina becomes a train wreck after losing her arm and all hope before an ex-cricketer turns up to mentor her way back to where she belongs in a story of the extraordinary human spirit.
Creative Director
Inspired by the incredible achievement of Hungarian shooting athlete Karoly Takacs, the story follows Anina, who gets selected in the Indian cricket team. However, an accident leaves her right hand amputated. Anina becomes a train wreck after losing her arm and all hope before an ex-cricketer turns up to mentor her way back to where she belongs in a story of the extraordinary human spirit.
Concept Artist
Inspired by the incredible achievement of Hungarian shooting athlete Karoly Takacs, the story follows Anina, who gets selected in the Indian cricket team. However, an accident leaves her right hand amputated. Anina becomes a train wreck after losing her arm and all hope before an ex-cricketer turns up to mentor her way back to where she belongs in a story of the extraordinary human spirit.
Sourav Ray
Makar Kanti Chatterjee is a semi-educated self-made businessman who tries hard but often fails to communicate in English. On the other hand, his brother-in-law, Suman, gets romantically involved with a woman married to a reticent forest officer, Ashoke Sanyal. The screenplay is based on the story, Baba Hoya and Swami Hoya, by Buddhadeb Guha.
방글라데시 체스 신동 파힘은 체스 챔피언이 되기 위해 아빠와 프랑스로 떠난다. 말도 통하지 않는 파리에서 괴짜 선생님 실뱅을 만나 제대로 된 체스를 배우기 시작하는 파힘. 그러나 대회 당일, 체류증을 구하지 못한 아빠에게 추방 통보가 떨어지면서 챔피언이 되어 가족과 함께 살겠다는 소년의 꿈은 점점 멀어지는데…