Assistant Location Manager
Becca is always a bridesmaid, but at her cousin's wedding she bonds with Kyle, the videographer covering every stage of the planning. Perhaps she won't be the last woman standing for long.
Assistant Location Manager
Rival house flippers, Jules Briggs and Lance Waddell, renovate dual sides of a duplex and rekindle an old romance.
Assistant Location Manager
Hope is tasked with teaching Manhattan's former "Most Eligible Bachelor" how to dance for his extravagant, society wedding. But as the dance lessons progress, complications ensue when feelings begin to develop between student and instructor.
Production Assistant
When Santa sets off on his Christmas duties a day early, crashes into the Fox family's house, ends up with amnesia and loses his magic sack of presents, he needs help! But the Fox family are a modern and broken family. Can they help him? The parents are preoccupied with work and the kids aren't very festive. But it's up to them to help Santa find his magical bag of toys and the clock is ticking or Christmas will be ruined. Forced to set their own problems aside and work together the Fox family rediscover how much they enjoy being together and realise that maybe they need to reprioritise their lives. The Night Before The Night Before Christmas is a crazy Christmas fantasy for all the family, brimming with festive spirit.
Location Production Assistant
에른스트 해켈은 병든 아버지를 찾아가던 중, 뉴잉글랜드의 어느 시골 외딴 오두막에 은신처를 마련하면서 무슨 소리를 듣던 간에 밖에 나오면 안 된다는 한 가지 조건을 듣게 된다. 목구멍에서 차오르는 끔찍한 울부짖음과 아기의 울음소리가 혼합된 이상한 비명을 들은 그는 주인의 말을 어기게 되고, 좀비들의 혐오스런 향연에 휩쓸리게 된다. 클라이브 바커의 단편을 바탕으로 한 영화는 소름 끼치는 반전과 성적 긴장감으로 관객들을 사로잡는다.