Josh Murray

참여 작품

Young Archer
갑작스런 아버지의 죽음 뒤, ‘로렌’(릴리 콜린스)은 자신에게만 남긴 유산이 있음을 알게 된다. 아버지의 유언대로 찾아간 지하벙커, 그 안에서 ‘로렌’은 쇠사슬에 묶여있는 한 남자를 발견하고, 충격에 휩싸인다. 하지만 그를 통해 듣게 된 진실은 자신뿐 아니라 가족을 위험에 빠트리기에 충분하다.
Modern Prodigal
Det. Vegara
A hot tip on the deadly drug Fentanyl that's burning through the streets of Atlanta, catapults burned-out reporter Brian Sanderson into the dim, dank underbelly of Atlanta. Estranged from his family, and in the midst of his investigation, Brian learns of his son's murder. As he searches for answers and the son he never knew, questions tear at the fabric of his life, revealing a story of soul-shaking proportions. From the elite power personalities, to the forgotten street people, Brian is led deeper and deeper into a story that will shake the city to its core. Ultimately, Brian makes a decision with eternal consequences as he comes face to face with two men he never knew: himself, and the man who was his child.