Roger Trapp

Roger Trapp

출생 : 1932-09-18, Paris, France

사망 : 2017-04-01

프로필 사진

Roger Trapp

참여 작품

Pierre Étaix, un destin animé
A documentary on the career of famed French clown and filmmaker Pierre Étaix.
Remy, a 6-and-a-half-year old boy, is playing with his grandfather also named Remy. One can say that they are very noisy! But the trouble that worries the mum seems more serious than a mashed potatoes battle.
Comment devenir cinéaste sans se prendre la tête
Monsieur Lucien
Tout le monde peut se tromper
Le patron du bistrot
A young woman, employed in a jewelry store, decides to take advantage of the heist she witnesses. She shoots down one of the burglars; the other will pursue her.
바렌느의 밤
During the French Revolution, a surprising company shares a coach, trying to catch up something - the time itself, perhaps.
Secrets of the Satin Blues
Serveur vernissage
A tale of sexual encounters of one woman and several friends, family members and acquaintances, as seen (and told) from the perspective of a pair of satin blue panties.
Plein les poches pour pas un rond...
le boucher
Julien, a small thief on the run, to be housed and fed visually in prison, robbed a large jewelry store. Against all expectations, the coup succeeds. Julien finds himself in possession of high-value jewelry that is impossible to sell. Lolotte, his companion who had left him, returns opportunely for better or for worse. Julien, along with Steff, a taxi driver met by chance, Charlotte and Clotilde sets out to find a concealer.
The Beach Hotel
Monsieur télégramme
August in Brittany at a seaside hotel. Some guests are new, some come every year and are friends. The men nearing middle age fish and plan infidelities; their wives have surprises of their own in store. Teens fall in and out of love. Kids not yet teens have their own parties and friendships. In 11 months, most but not all will be back.
Crazy Hotel
the man who plays a gendarme
Barbara Moose and Carole Gire, hitch hiking to the south of France, seduce the motorist who picks them up (being scolded by a gendarme) and then stop off at a small hotel and create havoc among the staff, the guests and the villagers, especially the baker’s boy. They seduce everyone in sight - the maid, the owner/chef (Alban Ceray), a lone female guest (XNK2367), a guest couple (Charlie Schreiner and Myriam Watteau), but not (yet) the baker’s boy, and turn them all into sex maniacs, including the frustrated baker’s boy. This 'lad' (Vattier is a bit old for the part) spies an orgy going on inside the hotel and is driven to draw a female outline in the gravel of the drive and then make love to it. The hole he creates eventually becomes a fertility symbol site of scientific interest, attracting a couple of researchers to investigate it (Nadine Scant and a Charlie Schreiner near look-alike).
Les Cuisses en Chaleur
Gaëtan de Vibestu learns from his lawyer that he will inherit a castle and a very large fortune. However, there is one condition: Gaëtan must remain single and not come close to a woman. Very soon, he will have to show a great imagination to deceive lawyer"s surveillance...
Diary of a Suicide
Un flic
On a Mediterranean cruise, a young man hired as a tour guide is intrigued by the beauty of a female interpreter hiding behind her sunglasses. He makes advances to her by venturing into a series of strange stories.
The Insolent
Having escaped from prison Ristack contacts his partner, to organize an attack on a van full of gold. The heist goes well but each man is trying to keep all the loot for himself...
Le Cœur fou
Serge Menessier has been paid to shoot a reportage on his ex-wife's depression. Now remarried, he has accepted the job to pay his debts and maybe because he is still in love with her, a famous actress whose career he contributed to launch.
Un merveilleux parfum d'oseille
Le vendeur de petites voitrues
Les gros malins
M. Morel, un gendarme
도둑맞은 키스
Monsieur Shapiro (uncredited)
성인이 된 앙투안은 자원입대를 하지만 적응하지 못한다. 제대 후 방황하던 앙투안은 첫사랑 크리스틴과 재회하고, 그녀의 도움으로 호텔 야간경비원으로 취직한다. 그런데 본의 아니게 사설탐정을 돕게 되어 호텔에서 쫓겨나고 만다.
Young Wolves
Le passager du train (uncredited)
Alain, "a young wolf", elegant and racy, is maintained by the princess Linzani. At the same time, he goes out with a girl of his age, Sylvie, who despite her bold attitude has never had a lover.
Lamiel (Anna Karina) is a poor orphan girl who climbs her way to the social elite in this 19th-century costume drama. A doctor (Michel Bouquet) lives vicariously through Anna as he oversees the progress of his female protégé. Lamiel finds love with a young thief who steals into her bedroom after her marriage to a penniless count (Jean-Clause Brialy), and the two experience a romantic rendezvous of forbidden love after Lamiel goes from being a poor peasant woman to living a life of comparative luxury.
판토마 3: 스카치 판토마
L'interprète du maharadjah
프랑스가 낳은 악의 영웅·판토마의 암약을 그린 시리즈 제3탄. 인류를 위기에 빠뜨릴 비밀 병기를 입수한 판토마는 세계의 자산가들에게 "생명 보장 세금"을 요구한다. 이에 반기를 든 맥라쉴리 경은 예전의 비밀 조직 동료나 이탈리아의 마피아 그리고 쥬베 경감과 팬돌, 엘렌느 등과 합세해 판토마에 대항하는데...
Who Are You, Polly Maggoo?
Le monteur
In this excoriating satire of the fashion industry, Polly Maggoo is a 20-year-old Brooklyn-born fashion model in Paris, on the runway at the big shows where magazine editor Ms. Maxwell is the reigning opinion maker. The ridiculous passes for sublime. Polly becomes the subject of an episode of a vapid TV news documentary series called "Qui êtes-vous?" and is pursued by the filmmaker and by the prince of Borodine, a small country in the Soviet bloc.
The Gardener of Argenteuil
Tulipe, is an old man who lives alone in an old railway carriage in the Argentueil region of Paris. His main passions are gardening and oil painting, but he also has a secret source of income. His godson discovers that Tulipe is actually a master forger, producing perfect copies of 10 franc notes. His godson’s girlfriend sees this as an opportunity to get very rich – but she must persuade Tulipe to forge 500 franc notes. Assuming Tulipe’s agreement, his godson and his girlfriend buy an expensive new car and luxury villa in provincial France – but there is a cruel turn of fate in store for them when Tulipe strikes up a friendship with a millionaire playboy.
As Long as You've Got Your Health
An anthology film consisting of four stories. (1) A man reads a Dracula novel while in bed, but cannot seem to tell the novel from reality, causing sleep troubles. (2) A man cannot escape the absurd ads he saw at the movie theater that day. (3) A polluted and construction ridden town keeps everybody on edge, sending one man to the doctor. (4) A hunter, a farmer and a couple on a picnic unknowingly cause continuous trouble one another.
Feeling Good
Short film by Pierre Etaix, edited out from Tant qu'on a la santé
Lady L
L'inspecteur de police Dubaron
Lady L is an elegant 80-year-old woman who recalls her amorous life story, including past loves and lusty, scandalous adventures she has lived through.
The Double Bed
un scout (segment 3 "Le monsieur de passage")
Le représentant en farces et attrapes
The story follows the son of a millionaire from the 1920s to the 1960s. After losing his fortune in the stock-exchange crash, he teams up with an equestrienne and becomes a circus clown.
Les pieds nickelés
M. Rondeau
Strip-teaseuses ou ces femmes que l'on croit faciles
French comedy.
A Taste for Women
Un sbire de Larsen
A writer discovers a link between a vegetarian restaurant and a series of mysterious deaths.
Cherchez l'idole
After stealing a diamond from Mylène Demongeot, Richard hides it inside a guitar. But on returning to the music shop he discovers that the precious instrument has just been sold! The problem is complicated by the fact that five stars all bought the same model that morning...
Mortuary Employee (uncredited)
레지나의 남편이 어느 날 살해된다. 장례식이 있던 날 그녀는 경찰로부터 남편이 현금 도난 사건에 연루되었으며 함께 범죄에 참가했던 사람들이 그 돈을 찾고 있다는 말을 듣는다. 그녀는 곧 세 명의 남자들로부터 계속 추적을 받는다. 그리고 조슈아라는 남자가 그녀를 도와주겠다고 한다. 돈의 행방은 묘연하고, 조슈아는 자신의 신분과 이름을 계속 바꾸는데, 그 와중에서 추적자들은 하나씩 살해된다.
People in Luck
L'agent Trapin (« Une nuit avec la vedette »)
A light French comedy of 5 segments.
시벨의 일요일
전투기 조종사였던 피에르는 인도차이나 전쟁에서 비상 착륙하는 과정에 한 어린 소녀를 죽이게 되고, 그 충격으로 인해 기억을 상실한다. 프랑스로 귀국한 후 피에르는 자기만의 껍질 속에 갇혀 파리 교외에서 거의 세상과 격리된 생활을 한다. 애인 마들렌의 헌신적인 보살핌에도 불구하고 기억상실증과 가끔씩 떠오르는 단편적인 전쟁의 기억으로 여전히 고통 받던 피에르는 매주 일요일, 근처 고아원에 버려진 열 두 살짜리 소녀 시벨을 찾아가 아버지 노릇을 하면서 행복한 시간을 보낸다. 그런 시간 속에서 시벨은 외로움을 잊고 피에르는 시벨을 통해 무의식 속에 있는 죄책감과 고통을 극복하게 된다. 그러면서 둘은 서로의 상처에서 벗어나 평화롭고 아름다운 삶을 찾아간다. 하지만 피에르가 자신에게 관심을 보이지 않는 것에 대한 서운함과 주위 사람들의 충동에 부추겨진 마들렌이 피에르를 페도필리(pedophile, 나이 어린 이성을 성애의 대상으로 하는 성적 도착자)로 의심하고 경찰에 신고한다. 피에르와 시벨이 근처 숲에서 함께 시간을 보내기로 했던 크리스마스 날, 피에르는 시벨이 보는 앞에서 경찰의 총에 맞아 죽는다.
The Suitor
Absent-minded yet cultured, Pierre answers his parents demands to wed by ignoring both astronomy and the housemaid, instead falling head-over-heels for rich damsels.
Les Trois Chapeaux claques
le joli garçon
For 7 years Don Dionisio has been engaged to Marguerite, a young girl from a good family. Every year he comes from the distant village where he is a civil servant to spend a day with his beloved. But that evening is the last time he moves in with Don Rosario, the innkeeper: the next day he marries Marguerite. But the arrival of a troupe of music hall artists who settle in the neighboring rooms and the meeting with the pretty Paula, will disturb his projects ...
Un officier
18세기 프랑스 파리에서 소매치기로 활동하는 청년 도미니크는 훔친 재물을 일당의 두목인 말리쇼에게 대부분 상납해야 하는 현실에 회의를 느끼던 중, 군대에서는 의식주가 보장된다는 말에 솔깃해져 ‘카르투슈’라는 이름으로 자원입대한다. 그는 그곳에서 친구가 된 라토프, 라두쇠르와 의기투합하여 부대의 금화를 훔쳐 달아나지만 붙잡히고 만다. 그러나 재기를 발휘해 탈출에 성공하고 이때 알게 된 소매치기 아가씨 베뉘스와 연인이 된다. 소매치기 조직에 복귀한 카르투슈는 말리쇼와의 한판 대결을 통해 두목으로 추대되고 의적으로 활약하면서 주민들 사이에서 인기가 치솟는 한편, 치안당국으로부터 수배를 받는다. 그러던 중 파리 치안감독관 페뤼삭의 아내인 이자벨에게 반하게 된 그는 그녀의 마음을 사로잡고자 투르크 사절단을 습격해 빼앗은 다이아몬드를 그녀에게 선물하기도 한다. 그는 밀회를 갖기 위해 그녀에게 장소와 시간을 일러주나 약속 장소에 들이닥친 페뤼삭의 부하들에게 체포되고 만다. 잡혀가는 카르투슈를 그의 친구들과 베뉘스가 구출하는 데에 성공하지만 그 과정에서 베뉘스가 목숨을 잃는다. 그제야 자신이 진정으로 사랑했고 자신을 사랑해준 여인이 베뉘스였음을 깨달은 카르투슈는 이자벨을 찾아가 모욕을 주고는 베뉘스를 장신구로 치장한 뒤 화려한 마차에 태워 강물 속에 안장한다. 그리고 모험을 계속하기 위해 친구들과 다시 거리로 나선다. (EBS)
Des fleurs coupées